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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Raphael offered t' send a carriage back t' the dock at seven, but I declined his offer.

    He was 'bout t' leave, when I asked, "Raphael, may I bring some other guests t' dinner this evenin'?" He glanced at Dillard, an whispered, "See that they dress better." We both chuckled.

    I watched Raphael return t' his carriage.

  2. Raphael was a handsome man, wit' a broad face an broad middle t' match. He approached me wit' open arms an we exchanged greetings.

    I looked behind him an saw a line o' soldiers, lead by Diego. "I see ye brought company!" Raphael's mood changed as quickly as he turned. He towered over Diego.

  3. I looked at Dillard an smiled, "Let's hav us some fun." I pulled the tiller, an we began t' travese the dock. Diego started cursin' an shoutin' orders. The soldiers ran down the dock t' intercept us at our new landin' spot.

    I changed course again, an headed back up along the dock. The soldiers rushed t' where they believed we were headin' now.

    A large stately lookin' carriage was now runnin' up the dock, as well. The driver pressed the horses through the soldiers flank, an a couple soldiers fell off the dock. The crest on the carriage door was familiar. It was time t' dock.

  4. ^ Me dad loved sauerkraut. Thank goodness me mom always served mashed potatoes when she served this rottin' form o' cabbage. I'd mix it in the potatoes, so I could swallow the stuff.

    < Funny I love kimchi, but the German equivalent never did tempt me palate.

    V Hate one thing, but love somethin' else which is almost the same?

  5. ^ I like most fruit. Least favorite gooseberries, need too much sugar t' make 'em eatable.

    < Spinach... Serve it wit' a little feta cheese. Sprouts need t' finish growin'. I've just never had eggplant prepared well (mayhaps, 'cause there is no good eggplant dish!)

    V Have a vegetable childhood horror story?

  6. ^ I guess if I had t' eat eggplant as often as Red CAt, it would be me sense o' taste, too (I'm not very fond o' the taste o' eggplant).

    < The last sense I'd give up is me sight. It would be the hardest t' do wit' out, in my opinion.

    V Pass on the question.

  7. Dillard looked anxiously at me pistol an I said, "I don't intend t' shoot ye, yet." The look on his face turned t' one o' dismay.

    "Dillard trust me, if ye ever challenge my command again, know that I will do worse than demote ye."

    "I give ye a choice here an now, we can part company in Havana, or ye can serve as a crew member aboard the Relentless."

    Dillard stared out across the water, back at the Relentless an replied, "I wish to remain with the crew of the Relentless, Mister Tar." I nodded, "Done!"

  8. I looked at Silkie an huffed, "If yer done playin' queen o' the castle, ye can remove yer spell." Course I thought they do look content. I'd heard the song o' the siren me self, course me siren had red hair an she weren't a sealkie.

    "Belay that last request Silkie, the lads will sleep t'night. Sing on." I thought, if fer no other reason than her singin' seemed t' delight the crew an annoy Dillard!

    Roberts seemed t' be immune t' this charm o' the lass. Dillard looked like a dog that heard wot' no one else could hear.

    I turned t' Roberts, "Don't let Silkie take our ship. I need t' get permission t' dock an unload our cargo. I'll take Dillard wit' me. Then we need t' go back t' the Rakehell an meet wit' Ransom."

    I motioned t' Dillard, "Care t' join me in the jolly boat, I need t' return t' the Rakehell." The singin' must o' been worse than the thought o' boardin' the Rakehell, fer I didn't hav t' repeat me self. The lad almost leap overboard an in t' that little boat.

    "First t' port an get permission t' dock."

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