Hey all this is great news. Due to some reschedualing on managments part at work I find out that I get to go this weekend. I know that this is very last min so I plan on bringing my camera and getting photos of you all. I think that it would be great to get some pics of you all. So look for the half dressed sailor with a camera and smile. The only way to stop me from this is to lone me a set of clothes and pull me in.
Yea ya all. I think I just spotted someone from the pub. My wife bought me a book called "Piratepedia". On page 94 they talk about "Talk like a pirate day" and "Pirates in Paradise". I belive that the picture on that page is someone from the Pub here. If that is true you have been spotted so please step forward and introduce your self. I have my own guess but don't want to spoil it.
There already is one....
Key West..... Black powder.... Pyrates..... what more could ye ask for ?
but that is only for a few days. I was thinking about months.
We have all seen the multitude of Ren Fairs right? I was thinking of a pirate fair. What would you all like to see at one? What do you think would work best. Do you think that a Carrabiean theam would be better or a general theam. Of course there would have to be water involved but how much and to what end? How long should it be open. Sorry about the spelling.
That is the info that I was looking for. The review from Crowsnest Kate had me worried. I would like to learn about the days not just see artifacts from them.
Oh yea the boat is a real possibility. It will just take time and alot of money but the nice thing is I can stretch the money out over the time of builing.
The boat is one I plan to build. I have the plans for a 17" sloop. That is a replica of a royal navy sloop of the 18th century. Plans are made by Walter Reid. It looks great on paper so far. If you are interested in following my path on this look into An adventure in shipbuilding on Beyond Plunder.
As for the continued money investment of a boat. My wife has horses so I figure this makes us even
Ok I have a choice on spending my money. I don't have the money to spend on everything at once. I can either spend money on items(like wepons), clothes, or my pirate sailboat. I would like your help in making this decision.
Well it looks like I will not have to steam anything. It all looks shaped or cut to shape.
So far it doesn't look like a cabin up front but the plans are in metric and as I am not used to that it is hard to tell the room I will have. I think I will be able to put a focsal in. But it will take a little time to tell. Give me the weekend, but I am very busy this weekend so we will see.
Oh I was being serious. I would love to be able to join your crew. I really do wish that I could just pack up and go. It's just not my ability right now.
You know you really shouldn't tempt me in this way. If I wasn't married with kids I would have joined you long ago. Of course if I wasn't maried and had kids I would have my own boat and would take you by force of arms
I will keep every one posted as to how things are going. I hope to get the money and send off for the plans in a few weeks. And I am sorry but she only has two married brothers.
I learned about a game from this group and I started playing it. I guess that I liked it a little too much I just can't stop playing. I have fallen behind on all my reading and wood working. Not to mention the house chores. I have been playing Voyage Century. So if you have an extra 12 hours a day go a head and try it out. But don't say that I didn't warn you.
Ok update time. I have been setting things up for the construction and paying of materials. I was talking to my wife and the conversation went something like this
ME "And after I get a bit of practice on this one I will build the other one I was looking at."
WIFE"What are you going to do with the first one?"
ME"Hopfuly sell it and use the money for the other one."
WIFE"Why don't you just build the other one then."
ME"Well the blueprints cost $100."
WIFE"Well just figure that into your cost if that is the one you want."
Me"Are you sure?"
WIFE"If that is the one you really want just take you time. Your not in a hurry are you."
So I am going to order the plans that Michael showed me and go from there. I am so happy and I am not in a hurry."