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Everything posted by JohnnyTarr

  1. Fallen Star empty wishes
  2. OK I am jealous. I can't wait till we get to hear more.
  3. the other alternative
  4. Well I will keep you all posted as to how I do.
  5. What would you recommend as a good place to look for those books? Amazon?
  6. I would love to see that plate.
  7. it be men who be playin those characters! Ok that is just wrong.
  8. What in the world would be wrong with half naked women? What is the monthly fee for playing?
  9. Ok, I am wondering about a normal 24 hr day for a sailor. I know that they were kept busy with the rigging of the ship. Also there was always cleaning to do. So given no storms and no battles what would be a normal day. All hands would be pipped on deck and the daily scrubbing would start. All hands would be pipped to breakfast. How long did they get to eat? All hands would be pipped back to work. Working cordage, polishing brass, rigging the ship, ect. All hands would be pipped to the next meal. When would that be? Back to work. Then one set of men would be pipped to rest for some hours or sleep form 8 till Midnight? The dog watches from the midnight till 4. Sleep from 4 till 8 and the day would start again. Does this sound like a normal day?
  10. What genres are you using?
  11. I am getting a sitter for the kids and will be there if I get one. My wife is even thinking on comming. Wow that is somthing different.
  12. Besides dovetails what did they use to fasten the sides?
  13. I am a bit confused. Don't gaiters live in swamps in states like Florida. Sorry I just had to say that.
  14. And just what is in your background that makes you say that? I'm a quiver with anticipation.
  15. I have to say that I like that idea too.
  16. Well I don't know but I wouldn't mind help you try for those 20 kids
  17. OK all I am just curious as to what you would like to do in the GAoP? Let's say that you get a chance to go back would you go? Let's say that now you get to go back in good health? What do you think that you would really do or try to do? How would you go about it? What are your chance of succeeding?
  18. a neddle pulling thread
  19. knots. oh yea
  20. That sounds like an invatation and a very pleasent one at that.
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