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Everything posted by JohnnyTarr

  1. Does that mean giving up any friendship with the other one?
  2. Well that is very close to what happened. I have been reaquainted with an old flame. Things happened and we got sepperated. Time past and I never forgot about her but could never find her. Now I am married with two great girls and I find that my love for her is still as strong as it ever was. I am tring to come to terms with this while still remaining friends with her.
  3. with the past
  4. It would be mine that I need to heal.
  5. is but an illusion
  6. What do you do with the ghosts from your past? I seem to be oppsessed by one of mine and I can't seem to let it rest. I need to sooth a wounded soul.
  7. Thank you for your wishes. I hope that you find your day well and happy and if any of my old spirts find their way to you just shoo them back please.
  8. Now that is rare.
  9. I don't know how a wire wraped handle would do at sea.
  10. I'm going to, respectfully of course, disagree on part of this. "Running away to sea" was the best way to change one's position in life, especially for those sons not born first. Women, too, disguised as men, also took advantage of this avenue to a lesser degree of course. Not having the data at my fingertips I would still venture that the majority of the sailors of the era were the sons of tinkers, tailors, farmers and shopkeepers. The lesser sons of nobles also took this route, but as junior officers and midshipmen. But at what age would this be done. I doubt that many of us would be welcomed on a ship without extensive knowledge of how to handle one. I say this because I believe that most of us are over the age of 21 with no sailing knowledge.
  11. That is exactly how it would be. The main reason was lack of schooling. What your father did would be the only schooling that most would recive. Now for me I would like to try for a ships carpenter. I think that I could make that.
  12. Ok I know that most of us would like to be pirates. What I am asking if you went back to the GAoP today ,what do you think you would end up doing?
  13. Oh come now, what woud you suspect? Turn him into a Man. Would you rather have a lad to turn into a man or one that is already a man?
  14. And just what would you like to do with a worthy lad?
  15. Can I just get the girl that is in white?
  16. You get the offer to go back to the GAoP and you take it. What would you miss most from you life now?
  17. Ok try this blend. I use 50/50 Altera French Roast and Chickory. I also was wondering what all you tea drinkers use, bulk or bags?
  18. I need something to help me wake up today. I need sugjestions?
  19. I really wasn't planning on anything that big. I just thought that some people would like to get together and work on projects, compare notes, you know things like that.
  20. Ok the winter is approching us and we will soon be iced in the harbor. Now is the time to get together.
  21. Well done and think 25 hours is nothing to a sailor.
  22. Ok give me a few more days to find out what is going to happen in my life and I will get back to you all.
  23. I got to go out sailing this past weekend. I was on a crew of three on a 27'er. I am new to sailing these bigger boats and it was a lot of fun. I got to hoist the main and work the helm. When it came time to tack the Captain let me steer. I ran the turn and he and the other crew worked the jib. When we finished the Captain said that that was done so well that I must be Blackbeard reborn. I have to say that I loved that.
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