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Everything posted by JohnnyTarr

  1. Besides t' pirate interests, ye mean... or includin' those? Oh include those of course.
  2. Ah so there is. So just what do ye like to explore? Are there any special interests that ye like to indulge in?
  3. climb the mountain
  4. you lucky girl you. "full handed"
  5. come on people you have got to try this.
  6. "So what brings ya ashore, instead of on the sea where we belong?"
  7. I have got to lift my hat off my eyes and see what all the commotion is about. "Welcome ashore lass. If your board come on over and we'll talk for awhile. The booze is starting to taste sour anyway. Maybe I should change rums?"
  8. Man that is a fun little game. I have just lost a fun hour playing it. My word that went by fast.
  9. pain is so close to pleasure
  10. not on topic but man Christine you sure look good.
  11. Sick of all the D*** snow and ice here two. Oh and don't forget the cold temps. I'm sick of them two.
  12. I promise not to tell anyone you are older. You still look great. Happy birthday captain.
  13. I hope to have a decent costume for this year. I would really like to go of course.
  14. a few grenades, a few pistols, a boarding ax, a extra sword. Who needs cannons? They just chip the wood any way right?
  15. The problems I thought of with a bigger and "real" boat is that I would either need a slip or a trailer. With the slip it is a cost that right now I am not able to swing. On the trailer I figure all my play time would be taken up with rigging the boat. This thing can be set up in 15 from the car and can be carried on top because the main part is only 62 lbs.
  16. Hey all take a look at this. I found a great little sailboat that starts at 3.1k$ new. This thing is great. Check it out and let me know what you think. http://www.hobiecat.com/adventure-island/m...ure_island.html
  17. cannon fire by moonlight
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