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Everything posted by JohnnyTarr

  1. Ok I could do the math, but I am wondering how much it would cost for one person to go. Now let's say that the flight is NOT in the math. What all would I have to figure in?
  2. all it is, is sandstone? I thought that it might be a specific type. "Holystone is a soft and brittle sandstone that was formerly used for scouring and whitening the wooden decks of ships." This I got from Wikipedia and what started me on this idea of a specific type.
  3. Well the topics are telling you what I am looking for. Can you help me?
  4. Tags! I made the first comment..don't you feel lucky? *Grins*

  5. I am doing well considering I know that I am in complete denile over it. I really keep thinking that I will get to see her again. I can't explain it anyway else.
  6. Sorry but I am on the Great Lakes, But you sure are pretty lass.
  7. Captain, is this the only place that you advertise for crew. I have been trying to keep up with you on the Royaliste website but not with too much luck.
  8. Well I got an update for you all. I now know why I have been so oppsessed with my old flame. She has died in a car crash earlyer this year. With out mutual friends to contact me I didn't know but my conection with her did.
  9. That sounds like so much fun Mate. I would so like to go but I am landlocked while my ship gets repaired. I will have to keep an eye out for more of these.
  10. Sorry to hear that you have been run up on the reef. I is wondering if you have male attire in you collection or if it is all wench clothing?
  11. Ok I was wondering just who where the best shipbuilder and who were the best sailors? They don't have to be the same. my vote for best sailors would have to be the Vikings. Just for pure courage, and distance traveled.
  12. thx finally. I even asked my local Coast Guard friends and nobody knew the answer.
  13. Where are you restoring her? I would love to work on a project like this.
  14. I don't know about the rest of you but I would like to hear more of this offer. Just what are you looking for in an able body for your crew?
  15. Well the first thing I got was a MP3 player. So i downloaded 4 cds to it and I still got room. This is so cool. Now today I got two of my books. 1)Legends of Pirate Gold 2)Buehler's Backyard Boatbuilding. Now to sit down and read a little. I'll let you all know how they are.
  16. Well I am a little shorter on rum supplies today. Anyone want to come aboard and help with the rest? Thx all for the wishes
  17. I was hopeing to figure out how much it costed to go from Lake Michigan to the Atlantic. I have never found out a price for going thru any of the locks. I guess I could ask the people at the locks?
  18. Is there anyone out there that can tell me the cost of going thru the locks?
  19. Hey great pics there man. I get to move to the county this fall. It is in the middle of farmland so all I get are phesents.
  20. I can't use glass. The horses just push their noses against it till it breaks.
  21. Ok I see what you are saying. I was trying to come up with a cool cover for the stable windows. Gun ports just won't work unless I put them on a angle. I might be able to think of a way.
  22. See there is what I am talking about. It looks like the gunports would be straight up and down.
  23. Well then this won't work for what I wanted. crap back to the drawing board.
  24. Ok here is a question on those HMS Victory pics. When the gun ports are closed are they straight up and down or on an angle?
  25. Well I have been doing some research from my desktop again. This is when I hate being in WI. I have been trying to figure out how gun ports worked and what kept them shut in bad weather. Can anyone out there help me?
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