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Everything posted by JohnnyTarr

  1. Very nice. I am getting to set up a wood shop this winter after a move so watch out for me next spring. I would love to compete with your skill.
  2. I have a lot of experience in making wine and my friends brew beer. So I have even more experience in consumption. The best think I can suggest is make sure your equipment is clean, very clean. The alcohol content will only reach about 12% then the yeast will die off. Any left over sugar will just make your wine sweeter not sparkle. The sparkling wine is make with a specific yeast. I have a few books that I will dig out if you would like. Anything else you would like to know just drop a line.
  3. coffee black and strong
  4. The place sounds great. I really like to plan a trip now more than ever. thx
  5. apples (anyone want to help shovel stalls today?)
  6. I was looking up Mystic Seaport the other day. I got to wondering if any of you ever went there? How was the whole experience? From what is says it look like the perfect museum. We have been talking about what we would like to see in a pirate fair. This is what I mostly had in mind, just add sailors/pirates. Of course those sailors/pirates would have to know what they were all about. Just wondering what the rest of you all think?
  7. 5 right I thought I would do better than that.
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