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Everything posted by JohnnyTarr

  1. Ok, so we have an extra bedroom and live literally at the edge of a Florida swamp (back yard slopes down right into it) so we have rainforest humidity as well as bananas, mangoes, coconuts, sugar cane and such in the yard... can't get much closer than that without being on an Bahamian island... :) We're 12 minutes from the beach as well.... My house could help your bronchitis and you could help my sewing skills :) How much would you rent your extra room for?
  2. Can I write a check? Sounds like a great idea. Maybe we should just take a island of a good size. How is Cuba's army these days?
  3. What else are friends for?

  4. smart dog. Lets see if it becomes a repeat offender.
  5. Today I got rain and lots of it. Now lets see how long it take to freeze this sh**.
  6. and only the bodice
  7. may you all get much booty today. Merry Christmas.
  8. Merry Christmas!!!!!

  9. Thx Mary. So they are are basically the same thing just different time periods.
  10. If all of this is childish then I am one of Peter Pan's Lost Boys. Now I think that this person thinks that we portray a criminal sector of history. The real pirates were not good people, I mean let's admit that. What we do is selectively recreate them! We leave out the slaughtering and raping and stealing. He seems to be upset about the historical image that pirates were without taking in account how we look at what we do.
  11. Why thank you, sir! That's a mighty kind thing to say. Perhaps we'll cross paths at an event or somesuch ere long. :)

  12. What is the difference between a corset and a bodice? Also for you women out their which would you rather wear?
  13. Welcome ashore mate. Toss ye coin on the bar and buy us a drink. What is the weather there today?
  14. How many of you are on myspace or facebook? I am not on either right now. So I am just wondering
  15. Well I a little bit under the weather today. So my father-in-law made what he called a hot tottie, coffee and alcohol and honey.
  16. 45 below wind chills right now. The light snow that fell yesterday is blowing like crazy here. It is too darn cold to even start to get the driveway open. I hate winter. I hate it. Did I say that I hate winter. In Key West it is 74 right now.
  17. I love to learn new things. Just another reason I love this site.
  18. I don't even have a driveway anymore. I have an ice ring. Now what the **** am I supposed to do with it?
  19. I have green patches for the next 24 hrs. Tommorow I should get 3-5 inches of snow again. I too hate this white fluff.
  20. Bravo for you. So what does the therapist have to say about a bunch of grown ups playing dress up? :angry:
  21. I was thinking about making a canvas deck bucket.
  22. Man I love this group. I love the world wide opinions that their are here.
  23. I have always like the southern bell accent from LA or AL area. Lately I have been leaning to the French accent. What about the rest of you all?
  24. If I was single I would either fight or join them. It would really depend on which way my government would go.
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