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Everything posted by JohnnyTarr

  1. Sorry but there is only one kind of diving I will do. I seem to not really care for being under water.
  2. Three quarters of our world is covered by water. Yet we know so little about it. Seems wrong some how.
  3. Now there is a chest that needs plundering.
  4. Hey all I just got two new books. "The Marlinspike Sailor" by Herver Garrett Smith and "Seafaring Lore and Legend" by Peter Jeans. I will let you know how they are.
  5. Well if you need a tounge lashing I am THE BEST.
  6. Where did you get them and how much did they set you back?
  7. And for only 20k. Just who is the pirate here. Don't jump at me I would still do it if I didn't have a family.
  8. I am still looking for these. So I thought I would bump the topic and try again.
  9. Fall back on your piratness and give a false oath. Or given a promise under duress is expected to be broken. It is up to you define duress.
  10. I found this book on Amazon.com. While I have not bought it this close to Christmas I plan to get it. Sailmaker Apprentice
  11. Man that sounds like fun. It has been years since I have been to LA. I could finnaly get some great cajun food again.
  12. I had found this book on Amazon. I can not buy books this close to Christmas, but if I don't get it I plan on buying it. Sailmaker book
  13. done and done. I would do that. I just hope that it is just not a political thing like Survivor. It sounds very interesting though.
  14. Wonder if I could get on the show?
  15. How can one help you all? I am a landbound want-to-be sailor. I saw you all in Green Bay and was very impressed with you and while in my heart of hearts I wish that I could somehow join with you I must be practical. Being a husband and father of two wonderfull girls I need to stay here no matter what my other self says. So instead of comming with you I have been looking forward to any of your posts. Now I would like to know how I can help you all? What are your needs and wants? How can I get those to you? Of course I hope you understand that my own family comes first but I want to help?
  16. Thank you for these. I love reading stuff like this. :)
  17. Ok here is what I am trying to do. I am looking at writting a fantasy book and I would like some character devolopment. I am looking for people or information on traveling entertainer. People like accrobats or circus performers. Any body out there that can help or point me in a direction?
  18. I'll only think bad if you didn't perform well. So how was it? Interesting, boring, comical, do again in a heartbeat or never again?
  19. Found this while searching on the net. Just had to share it. Marlinspike
  20. I just don't know, but something about that statment is just naughty.
  21. there you go. Too bad our goverment won't allow it.
  22. Well let's see if these look familar? What do you think Caraccioli? This is Radar and Prince.
  23. I have been on that base and been to the SAR school there. Man I wish that I was back to see this.
  24. :angry: Oh goodness capn' I am laughing so hard at this one.
  25. I like number two. Can't wait to check out the store.
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