Hey all I just got two new books. "The Marlinspike Sailor" by Herver Garrett Smith and "Seafaring Lore and Legend" by Peter Jeans. I will let you know how they are.
How can one help you all? I am a landbound want-to-be sailor. I saw you all in Green Bay and was very impressed with you and while in my heart of hearts I wish that I could somehow join with you I must be practical. Being a husband and father of two wonderfull girls I need to stay here no matter what my other self says. So instead of comming with you I have been looking forward to any of your posts. Now I would like to know how I can help you all? What are your needs and wants? How can I get those to you? Of course I hope you understand that my own family comes first but I want to help?
Ok here is what I am trying to do. I am looking at writting a fantasy book and I would like some character devolopment. I am looking for people or information on traveling entertainer. People like accrobats or circus performers. Any body out there that can help or point me in a direction?