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Everything posted by JohnnyTarr

  1. No time now but keep in touch please. I am builing my own boat and learning to be self-sufficent.
  2. Has anyone out there ever researched distilling? I know that it is no longer legal in the U.S. so I ask in theory only. What would be the old method of making rum?
  3. Why can I not search for rum? I get an error message. Somthing about it being less than 4 letters. What else would I search for?
  4. JohnnyTarr


    Ok as you all know I am tring to become a self-sufficent sailor. I am making my own boat and I will make my own sail. I doubt that I will make my own line as their is much better out there than I could make. I know that a man can only live so long on saltwater alone. So as I am in drydock now I would like to know about your tastes in Rum. I have tried Captain Morgan's, and Pyrat both straight. Now in one of my magazines I find Pusser's Rum and this past weekend I went to the store and found a sea of rum for sale. I know that this has been talked about before and I will set out for those waters soon, but I would like an updated opinion on rums. So there you go.
  5. Hey your living what I wish to do. Your also a good mate and great to talk to. So of course I am concerned. I am reading up on anything that can help me be a self reliant sailor so maybe some day I can join you for a time. We will see though. Keep in touch.
  6. How is the knee doing by the way? Got you springing up the rigging yet, or you still laid up in your cabin with all those good looking women you got?
  7. Love that pistol. It is a real antique then? Hope you have some time to relax.
  8. How is the new knee anyway?
  9. I would question that gift
  10. I like those. Too bad on the non referencing. What are they tring to do to that persons leg? It looks like they are putting in a screw. Of course everyone sits nice and still to have their arm cut off.
  11. I will take my hat off, fire the guns, and drink myself silly in his memory. You have my prayers mamm.
  12. Oh yes that counts.
  13. I got a great collection of books for my libary for Christmas. The Art of Rigging by Biddlecombe, The Greatest Sailing Stories Ever Told by Caswell, The Pirate Dictionary by Breverton, The Sailmaker's Apprentice by Marino, The Aurbry Series 2-5 7 & 8, Cider by Proulx & Nichols. How about you all? What did you get?
  14. Naughty as in throwing tantrums and refusing to cook? By naughty I mean, enjoys sex, being kinky and trying new things.
  15. I like the company of smart attractive women, peferably a little naughty.
  16. I'm in. Are we all going to invade on opening day?
  17. What is a rope bound block? I am tring to learn as much as I can, this question stumped me as to what you were even talking about. So here is a chance to learn even more.
  18. my first thought on this is "you got to be kidding"
  19. Being former Search and Rescue Swimmer for the Navy this kind of thing always hits me hard. I can say this much, and I am not trying to be heartless, I hope that if they don't find her alive that they at least are able to recover a body. Not finding anything hits us the hardest. May They find her safe.
  20. We should all meet up and make a day of it. I think that it could be a lot of fun. What do you all think?
  21. I saw my first night launch while I lived in Daytona Beach. Drove down to see it. That was the night my camera got stolen from a guy on a bike.
  22. Looking at things another way allways helps. I guess it is just a case of what ifs. The wife and I have been argueing about a few things and I guess that it bothered my enough that it invaded my sleep. I have also been working 58 hrs a week on third shift. The lack of sleep their doesn't help things either. I am just glad that their are people out there that care enough to help a stranger. Thanks for the help.
  23. Sound like fun. How about if your crew and I go out for a drink after the show?
  24. I have been pondering about the past. The kind of ponderings that can only come from the emptiness of the open sea. I am wondering just how many times one can give away his heart. I have been having disturbing dreams that have been reminding me of someone of my past. I has gotten to the point of interfering with my present. What is one to do? I am seeking the wisdom of the ages. Any out there that is willing and able to help?
  25. I love to swim and I am learning to sail. I love being on the water so the monsters don't scare me. I know it is unreasonable but I can't help that.
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