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Everything posted by JohnnyTarr

  1. Just what would constitute a historian?
  2. Now now if you all are going to fight keep it to cutlasses and take it to shore. Really though I think that my wife just likes let me go have fun once in a while. Just as long as it doesn't get too often. She enjoyed the SCA and once we get to know a few pirates I am shure that she will like this to and my two girls just love anything that I do. So I guess that I have it very lucky.
  3. My plans got Broadsidded today. I have run aground on a reef and we are throwing out the anchor to try to pull ourselves off at high tide. I hope to be there on Sun now.
  4. If there is any way that I can help next year I would like to offer my services.
  5. I have looked on the seas for a discription or rather a sample of the writting used at the time of the GAoP. I have come up with two name Copperround or English round, but I can not seem to come up with an full example. I am looking to work on my writting and would like to use quills. So to that end I would like to find just how they wrote. I seem to be finding that the Google searches might not be the best.
  6. I will be there on Fri one way or the other. Are you all planing on going in costume?
  7. Ok that starts me out. I think that I might have a good personality for myself.
  8. Now I have been reading about Press Gangs. I can guess that the gangs just grabed some available guys. My question is what ages would they go for? Also I read that they were determened fit for service. Just how would they decide that? What would be your job on board for such a service? I mean what would you even wear? You would just have the clothes on your back.
  9. It seems to me that one of the most important items on a ship was charts. Of course a few people sailed into the unknown without them. My question is what was the accuracy of the maps of the GAoP and what tools did a cartographer need to make a map? This goes with the Navigation thread that I have seen and I am keeping a good eye on that one too.
  10. And here I thought you were calling for me.
  11. Now that is a great video. Legends come to life.
  12. Ok now if this is what was expected what about those that were pressed into service. Did they just go on account or was there stuff givven to them?
  13. It is too bad that I know of no one recently that has ever seen a live one. I hear that once in a while fishing vessels will pull up a good sized squid. But the only Giant Squids to date that I know of are ones that have died and been washed up on shore. Just my two pence worth.
  14. That is the site I found ONCE before. I had it bookmarked and everything. Then I got broadsidded with a virus and I had to reformat. Now between that and the probates I can start on my history. Man this is fun.
  15. I never even knew about probates. That is alot of good information. I have no idea what I am going to do with the information but I know that I wanted just that. Thx you all for your time and knowledge.
  16. Ok Now this is going to get fun. Thx for the info I am going to be spending alot of time on those probate sites. I have no idea what I am going to use it for yet but I just needed to know. :)
  17. I see that you and I are looking for the same thing, kind of. I was looking for what you could get for those coins. I have not had much luck as of yet. Hope you do better.
  18. Well let's stay within the GAoP, so let's say 1699.
  19. Ok my share of the loot come to 100 pieces of eight, one thumnail sized gem, and a cutlass. Now we have come into port. What can I expect to get for how much? Interested in anything from rum to the price of a woman. Unless there is a good looking pirate lass that wants to join with me for a few hours .
  20. Now I am guessing that most sailors started in Europe. If you signed up to be a sailor, what would you be expected to bring?
  21. Vodka on the rocks, Guiness, Strongbow, Woodchuck, Anything anyone else buys.
  22. Thx for the post. I will have to keep my eye on this. I live just a few hours north so I would hate to miss this.
  23. The woman that you have been looking at down the bar walks up to you and says, " I would like to by you a drink then take you back to my place."
  24. When I say re-enatcting I am thinking research dedication and education. If I can do that while being an entertainer great. The problem with entertaining is I never seem to have time to find such entertainers nor do I know of any entertainers in my area that would be willing to take a 35 yr old newbie. Thx for the start on the sites. I will check them out promptly.
  25. Just wondering, if you wanted to start plans on a real pirate bar what would you name it? I was thinking A Pyrat Pairadice. And no those aren't spelling mistakes.
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