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Everything posted by JohnnyTarr

  1. Ok I am looking at this as a lot to drink on a daily basis. Even when I was a heavy drinker I did not do it every day. To drink that much and still be able to run up the riggin or run a cannon in and out is quite a feet. This might explan some of the problems of the life expectency of a sailor. But on the other hand free booze and I get paid, sounds like the life for me.
  2. I like the books on tape idea. It's got my vote.
  3. So then there really is nothing special about them?
  4. Ok What is the definition of a Fop? I know that the definition of gentlemen would very from person to person. Would the definition of Fop very as much?
  5. Thank you so very much that is the information I was looking for. I just had no idea where to start looking. Is is just me or is a half pint of rum a lot to drink at one time? I mean that is 8 oz right?
  6. Do you think that they will be selling those coins?
  7. Nobody here knows how much a navy sailor was given to drink in a day?
  8. Anybody know the score here? I mean who has how much?
  9. Things like this. http://www.marlinespike.com/ They don't have to be old just made with the pride that seems to be missing nowdays.
  10. Oh what I am talking about "old" is somthing an Amish would be proud of. You know the kind of something that we say "man they just don't make them like that anymore."
  11. That is a tough on Jill. How long till the big day?
  12. My dear JohnnyTar...it is not a fashion statement, but a state of mind! Well then I am afraid that I will always remain a hand befor the mast. Sigh
  13. Ok I would love to get my hands on tools like this. I have been watching the farm auctions in my area but no luck there. I am not going to an antique dealer. I have had to many bad run ins there. (Seem to be snobs to a one) Any other ideas on how I can get some good old tools? I would love to build my boat with hand tools.
  14. I looked at some of those sites you gave. Maybe after a few prizes, and a few officers loseing thier lives. I can afford a set of those clothes at a mast auction.
  15. Two comments. Just who is the evil bastard that put a "s" in lisp? Second I will keep an eye on this thread. While I plan on being a hand before the mast for some time yet. You never know when you might get promoted. The knowledge can come in handy.
  16. OK I am wondering here if this is correct. Before Lord Nelson the sailors on board an English vessle were given a pint of rum twice a day? Or was it a half pint served twice a day to equal a pint? After Lord Nelson they started to water it down as rum? It was watered down to 50%? So as you can see my question comes down to this. Just how much and how often was a sailor expected to drink and be able to do his job?
  17. I todays day and age I think we should be lucky if people know thier own father.
  18. JohnnyTarr


    When would you like me to come over?
  19. Hell I would scare those fools. I would also be looking for a way into the captains cabin and grabin that loot. And yes I could do it. That lock didn't look that hard.
  20. Wouldn't we qualify as crazies?
  21. If I didn't think that the filming was already done I would be glad to join you. They look like a bunch of slackers. The only one I have any respect for it the dock worker. I would really like to see how he would handle being captain.
  22. Now that the event is done will we ever see Scuttle Sally here again?
  23. Check out a few of my pics here. Hope they are to your liking. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?...&albumId=998960
  24. I can see clearly now the rain has gone. It's going be a bright, bright sun shinny day.
  25. Today is the day. Think about me for I will be at work on 2nd shift.
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