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Cheeky Actress

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Posts posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. A memorable moment: When Rusty Nell and Bess the indentured servant were about the harbor marketplace on Saturday morning and they befriended a British Marine. Bess made inquiries about his rank and position…and I could have made this up…

    "I am just a lowly Pirate…" (Ooops, I think he meant to say "Private" but he seemed to have been distracted by Nell for some reason

    Nell and Bess just looked at each other and ran with the moment. They quickly alerted the Sergeant about there being dissention in the ranks….It was very interesting to see a British Marine back-peddle so quickly to save his hide!

    Okay you lot....Let's hear your memorable moments.....Tell 'em here if you got them!

  2. For the sake of argument, and poetic license, how would one address a female steward aboard a privateering ship? A young, unmarried steward with a mean left hook.

    William, it she be a young unmarried woman with a mean left hook...she is by no means a lady?!

  3. Just a few for now...

    Lord of the Rings Trilogy

    Raiders of the Lost Ark (Trilogy)

    Pirates of the Caribbean #1 & 2


    Tom Jones

    The Dark Crystal



    The Last King

    Brotherhood of the Wolf


    The Illusionist...

    There are a ton more...

  4. 2) First Crescent: As a First Crescent individual, you are assertive, adventurous, and filled with joyous curiousity about life.

    This I have to agree with...I'm curious by nature....

    Your creative disposition means that you have a need to expand your understanding, and it also helps you to look at problems from a fresh perspective. Because of this, you may often feel torn between the conventional approach and the desire to break new ground ~ a conflict between established and unorthodox approaches.


    You may also come up against restrictions to your plans and will need to find ways of

    overcoming these obstacles in order to achieve your aims in life.

    Yup...sound right.

    Your twenties and early thirties are likely to be especially productive and successful.

    This is right on!

  5. looks like an awful lot of new green coats runnin abowt.....noone was wearrin MINE were they!?!?!? B)

    Not that we know of Maddogge. Green is in this year...haven't you heard?~ B)

  6. B) ...all ya have to do is ask, Jib!

    I found a few 'surf'n the web. A special thank you to Celticman for his wonderful work!


    Matty Bottles, Smelly Bob, and Cap'n Pete Straw make nice with the other pirates.


    Nice to see our very own Bilgemunky hanging with several members of the Crewe of the Archangel (Standing Smelly Bob, Matty Bottles, and Rats).


    "And I know a Pirate when I see one..." Says Cap'n Pete to Bilgemunky as they work the photo booth.


    Looking their best; "or their worst" Bilge and Cap'n Pete mug the camera.


    This is our 'Pyrate Dancer'...he dances for money.


  7. Here is a bad cell phone picture of me without my new coat on in Hampton this past weekend.

    I will try to find on of me in the the new coat. If not I will take one tonight at some point. Im getting there.

    Still need some nice PC shoes. I just cant seem to find a pair that I love. I may have to buy/trade a pair and do some upgrades. I really want them in brown and all I see is black.

    Good to see the before shots, 1stMate Matt. It give more to the "Ooo Ahhh" moment.

  8. YES! It was nice meeting you (briefly) I was a bit impaled by the pale ale. Hope to have more time in the future to get to know all of you. Everyone seemed very nice!

    Oh, that's okay Mooseworth. It's all part of being at an event. Here's to seeing you again...and hopefully quite soon!

  9. Good to hear that you, the snotties, O'Keefe and Lily Alexander got back to your dwelling safe and sound...minus the soaking.

    Big hugs to you all around. Pet Sophie, Willie and Getty for me! Sleep tight!

  10. Once again, Kate, Mickey, Trish, Shannon, Mark G. and his lovely wife (whose name I escapes me now) - please forgive me - though she came to my aid soothing my sunburn upon the Kalmar Nyckel Sunday morning.

    Great fun and never enough time to spend and chat, laugh, plot, scheme, and lick windows (I am truly sorry Kate that we were not able to do this with you this year). Next year, you will have to pull me by the hand and make sure we do this!

    Mooseworth - I think I met you briefly at the ball...was this you?


  11. Hey Dutch!

    Got home safely last night around 11:30 pm. Left Virginia with it's sunny skies and warm temps to come home to rain..rain...rain and 45 degree weather! :blink:

    Blackbeard's Pirate Festival was grand! Putting on an event this size is not an easy thing to do - we applaud the Blackbeard Crew's efforts for doing so much for the visiting crews. The only thing I wished I could have done is spend a little more time visiting with the other crews as well.

    Personally, I did not want to leave early yesterday. I know that there were several of us that missed the slide show event last night (how was it by the way)... and there wasn't enough time to say 'hello' or 'good-bye' to those I've befriended over the last several years. And, of course, after four years of being at the festival.... I finally got to see the fireworks on Saturday night! Well worth the wait.

    Hats off to you all for a splendid event.

    P.S. Bess says 'Hello' to Robbie.

  12. Yes! Nell's Clandestine operation was successful. She managed to seek out her target early and note his weaknesses with the assistance of one Bess Hagardy, indentured servant. Nell did the basic S&D moves to obtain her goal. By the middle of the day on Saturday, she had it.

    Though, Lily Alexander took the 'sweet and innocent' approach. But I'll let her tell that tale. :lol:

  13. This year we event had a group of Marines from the 18th century help with running the pirates out of Hampton. These gents are real marines whom some are stationed over at Norfolk's naval base.

    The Marines put forth a challenge to any woman who could take a rifle from one of them.

    If the woman was successfull, they would be able to take a picture of with the said 'idiot marine' who let his weapon be caught up in the woman's possession and have him kneel upon a barrel with a sign hung about his neck saying, "I sold my King's musket for Puffy" - (note: during this time period "F" was used for "S"). They said that they would post them upon their webpage, which I need to find the link.

    No, I was not one of the lucky women to put these men in their place, but our very own Lily Alexander - Mistress of the Games won it. She not only got the Lt.'s musket but also got the Sgt.'s as well! The Crewe is so pround of her! Rusty Nell from The Bone Island Bucceneers, also grabbed one...

    You go Girls!


  14. What a great event! Lots of friendly familiar faces and a few new ones to boot!

    Nothing could have dampened the spirits of this event – even though a deluge on Friday may have hindered setting up camp, yet…we all continued to pray for better weather and come Sunday we had sun and warmer temps!

    Both Pirate and Pirate Hunter showed the crowds our best this past weekend. The crowds were good and even the one of the Event Coordinator for Downtown Hampton stopped by to give praises to our Pirate Hunter’s camp!

    A big thank you to Blackbeard’s crew, the Bone Island Buccaneers for coming so far to ‘play’ to Gentleman Scotty and his lovely wife Kate who stopped by the pirate hunter’s encampment and kept us company, to Salty, whom I only got to see a glimpse of this past weekend, and to SutlerJon who somehow managed to pull himself away from his booth to say hello! And my regrets to those I was unable to meet up with or mention thus far in my posting.

    Keep your eyes upon this thread…photos will be coming shortly…

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