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Cheeky Actress

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Posts posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. Gas hit $2.79 this afternoon (11:30 AM)...just in time for the weekend. I knew I should have got it yesterday – it was $2.72. In the last two (2) weeks, gas has gone from $2.52 to $2.79. In one month it has increased $.75.

  2. Thank you for the kind words BlackJohn and Kenneth.

    I needed to do a few ‘test runs’ before Blackbeard’s regarding the new do. Shame I didn’t have the purple court gown (Captain Sterling has it in his possession as of the moment)…just had to pull out my little old red number… (ya….sad…sad…sad) :D

  3. Great find Graydog!

    Though I do have some questions regarding this article.

    Massey believes witch bottles "emphasize just how frightened people were of the 'black arts' — the early settlers even took their superstitions to the New World with them as excavated witch bottles demonstrate."

    The general time period of the bottle coincides with the Salem Witch Trials, which happened in late 1600's America.

    I wonder if Puritans based in Danvers and Salem MA would have used such things to ward off the black arts. Massey states the early settlers even took their superstitions to the New World with them as excavated witch bottles demonstrate." Yet, Massey does not state where in the New World where these other bottles may have been found. I wonder if there is any proof of any of these items (open or not) were found in the Massachusetts Bay Colony during the time of the Witch Hunts?

  4. Really? And what event are you going to?

    That was Lilly talking Captain. She doesn't do 'work'....remember?<br /><br />Your Bess on the other hand will be busy as busy can be...(Living History, Help serving/cooking with Lily Alexander, doing the main skit...(if needed)...and so on.

  5. I am sure that there will be a ton of people taking photos...(professional ones or not).

    I am sure between tasks, we'll be able to pose for a few.

  6. BlackJohn...you need to make sure you don't do 'whatever' your doing before bed ...I would call that a Nightmare! :lol::lol: - Just joking.

    Been awaking up to the same dream these last few nights. Same strange man in black knocking at my door and when I open it...No one is there.

  7. Well, the second lass from the left is striking a rather dramatic pose...

    That would be my older sister Paula..."The Golden Child" as the rest of the siblings like to refer to her. We love to tease her when we talk about her career. "What does Paula do for a living? Someone may ask. We love to say..."Oh, she's a professional drug dealer." In truth...she works for a major pharmaceutical company on the East Coast.

    I didn't do the pixie cut in the 60's, but I did have a mini skirt and go-go boots. B)

    Really!? I wore those in the 80s?!

  8. I've never worn a corset such as those shown on that site. What kind of 'support' does this type give you if you're ...'excuse the expression'...hangning out there? Just curious.

    I can tell you... they are FABULOS! She will custom fit it to your measurements and they supports from under your bust, not squashing it down. Stiff, but easy on the rib cage as well.

    Pricey and make no mistake… but worth every penny!.

    I have three of her pieces and one on the way. Below is a pix of one I have that my Dr will no longer let me wear… collar is removable and it also laced in the back.


    She uses top quality fabrics and custom's her own boning!


    They are beautiful!

  9. Saw this movie last weekend with some friends. I truly enjoyed it!

    Dug the Dog Rocks!

    He's got to be my fav character. How can you not love this lab? Hit it right on the head with this character.


  10. B) Do we really want to go there?!

    Sorry...don't have a teenager shot as of the moment...but...

    Okay...Here is a 1968 photo of my family. It was a Airforce requested photo from the Base Commander at the time. My father was up for transfer abroad (Europe) and we were told we had to take a family PassPort photo.

    It was the 60's people...and the pixie cut was big! Can you guess which one is me?



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