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Cheeky Actress

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Posts posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. Very Nicely done, Lily! I haven't been on the board much this week (trying to finish up a few things before Blackbeard), but I happy to see that you are almost done with it! I cannot wait to see it on you!

  2. Thank you Lady B!

    Oi Mission...is that Lob you're keeping company? Wait until Lob meets his distant, but more hip cousin, Leeway. Perhaps they can pal around at Blackbeard's....he has to buy the first round though...

  3. Wow...Great Shots everyone. I am sorry that I had to miss it...but seeing that this was my annivsary weekend...I could not abandon my hubby...(but it's not like I didn't think of bringing him with me).

    I am glad that all you have fun...Keep the photos coming!

  4. I agree with Mickey on this one...fabrics (normally wool and linen) have some give to them and adjusting to fit could be a problem. Remember, stays (and corsets) are courture, therefore, everyone would have to be measured for a perfect fit.

    As for how much cane/reed (1/4" half rounded Reed)....Depending on the person, I can get two (2) sets of stays from them.

  5. Well...I can't say that I've done Stays of silk...but I did try my hand on a mid-1880's corset.

    It wasn't pretty either. I really had to pin the heck out of it, but in doing so...managed to be bloodied in the process! I cannot tell you the amount how frustrated it was to remove the blood only to leave behind water stains.

    Haunting Lily, you managed wonderfully on my silk stays...thank you.

  6. ^ I would love to stand upon the globe theater stage...at night, by candle light...and do scene from , The Country Wife.

    < Wow Ransom...a dream come true! Nice.

    V What would make your dreams come true? ...(and that star wishing stuff doesn't count).

  7. Good call...i believe we (Half Moon Marauders) are planning on taking over some random local restaurant, then maybe a bar?!?! We shall see

    There's a great idea! Remember...have fun...have rum!

  8. The placard said "Brocaded Silk - English (Spitalfields): 1720 -25."

    Jack, was this example white silk with blue embroidery or did the colors change over time?

  9. The placard said "Brocaded Silk - English (Spitalfields): 1720 -25."

    Man...you must have loved going over to London, didn't you?! :P ...I wish I could have gone with you.

    Anyway...Yes, that's what I saw too...Spitalfield fabric made by the Huguenots...or perhaps a Jacobean print, just about the time 1714 or so...during the time of the Rebellion.

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