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Cheeky Actress

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Posts posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. Patrick's link to, "How to "cock" a hat" was a life saver for me. I had a hat, but it never looked quiet right for our time period. I did it in several hours the night BEFORE an event. Note, I did not lacquer the hat (weather proofing), but seeing that it was for a lady's attire along with an indoor event, I did not see the need at the time.

  2. 'Joe Pyrat' date='Apr 22 2009, 03:54 PM'

    3. On foot: People who use baby buggies as battering rams in crowded places.

    Perhaps they should put 'cow catchers' on the front of those damn things...it would be great for State Fairs and crowd control.

  3. The Sugarloaf is early 1600s. It was worn during the time of Queen Eilzabeth I.

    There are several "Puritan" hats that Dirty Billy offers. Some have a high crown and there is the one the Captain has...which is a low crown.

    If you click on the pictures, you'll see the dates/and cost for each. Yes, $250. Gee, his prices did go up too.

  4. Oh yes...the "Puritan" hat.

    Our good Captain Sterling own's one from Dirty Billy's Hats

    17th Century Hats from Dirty Billy's

    C29 1640's Men's Hat (Crucible) is as close to the picture of the hat the captain has.

    The one the good Captain owns is Beaver and has been through Hell 'n Back! As still wears wonderfully.

    Dirty Billy does a wonderful job...he's not cheep, but worth every penny!

  5. 1. Manage to fire a gun (cannon)…perhaps this year…that’s when the restraint is lifted in at least three states!

    2. Being able to stay up longer than 11 pm to enjoy everyone’s company. I kept running out of steam last year and found myself conking out about then. There were some great gatherings too!

    3. Sing with the Bone Island crew. Yet, I may have my chance at Blackbeard’s this year.

    4. Speak with our hosts, that and so many great people I didn’t have a chance to be social with. Damn! I need to arrive a day earlier just to say, ‘hi’!

    5. I volunteer to keep Mae awake for 8 consecutive hours. This would involve large wadges of cash, a sharp stick and MP3 play….

  6. Here's a bit of interesting information, from the book, “Mourning Dress”

    In the chapter called, Mourning Jewelry; it states the follow about 'superstitions' and may be the basis of why sailors were hesitant of dying at sea.

    The ruling on matt finishes for both jewelry and mourning fabrics alike – was a survival of the most ancient superstitions concerning ‘reflected images’ of the dead. The Narcissus legend of the Ancient Greeks was based on the fear of looking at one’s reflection in water, lest the water spirits would drag under one’s reflection, or soul, and that soul-less one would die, leaving one’s soul wandering the earth forever, escaping its’ Heaven and its final resting spot.

    With this in mind, it may be one of the reasons why many sailors feared dying at sea. If one could be buried upon land (any land), it would make sure their soul would ascend to heaven. A burial at sea was not a good thing.

  7. Don't judge me...Flo Rida's 'Low'

    Now I can't get the damn song out of my head...or the image of a 40-something Tom Cruise (aka Les Grossman) dancing at the end of the movie from Tropic Thunder.

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