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Cheeky Actress

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Posts posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. Feel better, drink nice relaxing tea and have long bubblebaths!


    After the 'hair' episode in St. Augustine, FL I wonder if the ‘bubble bath’ would be a reach or not?

  2. Hey Maddogge....

    We have enough maids here in the group that would be happy to take the baby 'fur awhile' while you do some dastardly, ruthless, coldblooded pirate butt kicking!

    Then you can come back to camp to a happy, well fed, well attended baby boy…

    Best of all...we can watch you turn from a down and dirty pirate hunter...to a babbling, loveable fool; all because of your cute baby boy.

    Repeat after me M.A.d'Dogge.... “Gitchie…Gitchie..Goo!“

  3. ... but the lead choices (should we have a choice) are another minivan (I do so love me my minivans, although we are considering a Honda Odyssey over a Dodge Caravan this time) or perhaps a smaller SUV (like a Honda CRV)....

    Again, thanks to everyone for the advise and well wishes.

    Well....Captain Sterling had a Honda...enjoyed it very much - especially when it came to space.

    I LOVE my Dodge caravan...it's come in handy ...and now can tow the smaller flat bed my husband purchased this past fall. Though, I have yet to tow ANYTHING with any van/car/truck we have owned.

    Both are good...but consider the American car manufacturing climate....this can/will help you decide.

    Glad you're not in too much pain...pop a few Advil.

  4. Whoa Mickey...I am glad to hear you're okay. What a horrible thing to happen. I had a nasty accident with my mini van back in 2007, so I know what it's like. At first it's very surreal...until you see the damage up close.

    Though I do not make it a habit, I can tell you if your 'frame' is bent...it is likely they will total the car. But more important...you are okay...your wife has you at home tonight...safe and sound.

    It really didn't hit me (what could have truly happened to me) until I went to clean out my car at the impound lot. I stood looking at what was left of my Dodge mini-van and broke down and cried for about 1/2 hour. I walked away with a bruised elbow and knee. VERY blessed indeed.

    Oh, and if you're wondering what I hit...I hit a BMW convertible. Yes, if you're going to do it...DO IT BIG!

    I'm Happy that you doing okay.

  5. I'm inclined to buy you a pink plastic basket with daisies on it for the front, Patrick....you know...to carry your weapons in.

    Now there's a thought! I'll pitch in and purchase those shiney streamers for the handles and a horn to boot!

  6. I wanted t o post somethng to Cheeky... then I saw the penny fackthing again, and kind forgot wot I wannted to post.... oh well....

    Gee Patrick,

    Just like a guy...you wave something mechanically cool in front of them and they forget what they were doing.

    Was it something to do with PVC material? If it's about my age...never mind.

  7. Where did they start and why do we do the things we do for the passing of a love one? Most of our modern day practices started at the end of the 17th Century. First, there is the "Undertaker". The name itself pretty much says it all. This man would 'under take' all tasks associated with preparing the dearly departed for his final send off. Everything from working with the parish to making sure the family and servants were dressed properly. Items such as mourning rings were worn to remember one's own mortality, not just for remembering the loss of a loved one.

  8. Relieved.

    I now know why I was having back problems…I left work yesterday and went to my GP. She informed me that I have a pinched nerve in my lower back not only causing a constant dull pain, but it is also the cause of why the top of my left leg was going numb. She has now instructed me to visit a physical fitness expert to help resolve this problem. Great! I can lose weight at the same time.

  9. yep...thats right...M.A.d'Dogge's PuP is a L.A.B.!?!

    Oh how sweet, M.A.d'Dogge. He's sooo cute.

    L.A.B....so, has his eyes open yet? B)

    Congrats and the new addition to your loving family!

  10. Great Find Mickey!

    From the description, these gowns would have been worn for distant relatives....such as a cousin or Uncle...and would be considered half mourning (morning) out of respect of their relations.

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