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Silkie McDonough

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Posts posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Mornin. :)

    Having the powder near the hide will eliminate smoking in the Hide. The cooking area should be easy access to the Hide (hoping to have a table or two in there).

    3.2 is looking better.

  2. I like the second. keeps the crowds of the camping with only a few places blocked. However it does make it easy for someone to sneak in behind the tents.

    I know we are making shade & keeping us all together so this maximizes the shade. However is it the best for living history? We will need shade for the living history things My thought is that the Hide is a business and the tents are ...well residences. The Hide can be used for Lilly to display & work with her games, for pirates to relax, smoke pipes only, (maybe we can add a smoking fly?), Drink, eat, etc. and a close place for fighters to rest between bouts. I am thinking the Hide should be against the Hedge where the wedge tent is indicated. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of having the hide with the other tents but I don't know how practical it is.

    Any one else have input?

  3. Agreed Callenish, and I think Silkie may have offered to stow drinking vessels at the Hide for Blackbeard's... we will have water for folks as well... water is free...after all I am a bastard and a cheap one at that, I still have a daughter to marry off so ye know where all my coin ends up... :blink:
    Aye, the problem is the pegs ...I have no walls ...hmmmm ...maybe some sort of line with hooks or just lash them up ...but then the weight pulls on the tent poles and makes the fly sag between the poles ...any suggestions PM me.
  4. ..and she makes up er own language too gG!!!

    :)GS. .. Love u too!

    Nay, Sealchie is the Gaelic spelling lad.

    N'ya best leave Fionn out of this ...as always things are best if the lad is left out of them.

  5. I think you are looking at the "low-fi" version. go to the bottom of the page and find this sentence "This is a "lo-fi" version of our main content. To view the full version with more information, formatting and images, please click here." and click there. should take care of it for you.

  6. Pittsburgh is 5 to 6 hours west of where I am, that makes it an 8 hour drive. After driving 8 hours & back regularly a few years ago I have no taste for that long of a drive alone. I seldom go to Pittsburgh now that my folks have passed. Maybe once I find someone to travel with. It also gets expensive for one person. Like I said, maybe next year.

  7. Hmmm, it is due west ...how did I manage to place it north. Always have had an issue with geography. Well, the 8 hour drive is an issue. Of course I drive to Key West yearly. Well, maybe next year. This year I am keeping to either closer events or bi-monthly or close this year. Finances being what they are.

  8. I'm with William ....but then it wouldn't be PoTC.
    A good story teller cheats less and less in the progression of a tale. Not more and more.

    Aye, point made. The second movie pushed it a bit, I can't stand the scene with the water wheel, but I believe they still had gravity.
  9. ...and ive afew tales ta be tellin ye about

    our silkie and er hyde too mate!

    ..stow the dirk lass!!..jist be a funnin ya!

    :rolleyes: Ya best be lad. I knows yer lady, one word frum mae n'she'll keep ya in yer place!

    N'its spelled "Hide". "The Sealkies Hide" ...I wanted to spell it the correct way Sealchies but I knew how that would be butchered so I made it easy fer d'likes uv you. :P

  10. Also how much reed boning have you gals needed to do one set of stays? I need to order some for my lady.

    I bought Flat Oval Reed 1/4" 1 Pound Coil Approx 275' from joann.com ($11.72 including S&H) and I believe that I will get two sets from it ...although one may have to be half boned. :rolleyes:

  11. I had training on the Kalamar Nykel and did some sailing last year but I would never call myself a sailor now that I know how little I have learned and how much I have yet to learn. Additionally, I will not be sailing this summer. There are other pressing maters this summer.

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