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Silkie McDonough

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Posts posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. I do not ware these things but the captain of the Marines on the Crew of the Archangel wears one like a baldric, he doesn't seem to catch anything he doesn't want to catch. lol

    As to her reaction, please don't let her behavior keep you from trying to stop the next lass ...she may not want her coins and garb torn.

  2. Silkie looks around for Nell ...seeing the coast is clear she takes Crispy in her arms, dips him and plants a passionate kiss on the man. "Happy Belated Birthday Chrispy!" She stands him up again, he staggers a bit and smiles, "Oh ...I see you ARE very happy." Silkie looks around for Nell again. "What she doesn't know won't hurt me."

  3. Sjöröveren, I confess, I have had lesson in Gaelic, however I retained very little. LOL I use an online translator. What I said is loosely translated to "good food, good health, good friends"

    Silkie holds out a pouch that the Frenchman recognizes as his own. "You will be needing this my good man." ;) "You best keep guard of your coin good man, there be pirates about." She winks at the man and curtsies hands his purse back hoping he knows it is all in good fun. "Pleased to make your acquaintance Monsieur LeGrand,

  4. Dia dhuit laad. I nil speak er understand a lick er'French nor m'I fond uv pollin oop an online translator eavery toime I reads, so tis likely det I'll nay bae joinin ya on dis ere tred auffen. Owever I wonted t'give ya a true Pub welcome.

    Bia maith, sláinte mhaith, cairde maithe!

    *She raises her tankard*

  5. Nice thing about this bread pudding ...no calories.

    Now, those of you who are craving bread pudding but fear the overindulgence I have a few suggestions that may help:

    1) If you are like me, tell yourself that you will not have bread pudding until you make your own. It will never happen.

    2) If you are the sort that actually uses your kitchen then tell yourself that you will not have bread pudding until you are at a resteraunt that has tableclothes.

    3) If one or two do not work tell yourself that you will not have bread pudding unless someone who's bank balance is big enough to pay for your personal trainer pays for it.

    If one, or any combination, of the above works for you ...conratulations you are likely having a great time and you will enjoy the evening, bread pudding and all! As to the person with the bank balance ...do they have a brother?

  6. I wish I could answer that one myself. In the past, I enjoyed the colder weather better. ...

    ...The one thing that I hate very much is getting those allergies everytime there is a dramatic weather change. The sneezes that kind of "hang" there make me go mad!

    Aye lad, I agree completly. I don't dislike the cooler weather but when the days begin to grow longer and temperatures rise (and my allergies cling to my throat and sinus passages) I feel much better, brighter ...like the day.
  7. What about th sound? For a bar room brawl close up the sound needs to be there. On a stage it isn't so hard becausel the sound all comes from the same direction. If we have spectators on 2 or 3 sides and there is no back stage it won't be believable. Only experience I have is with the sugar & on a stage so it may not be a concern.

  8. ECW? SYW? ...
    ECW = English Civil War

    SYW = Seven Years War (also known as the "French & Indian War" in the colonies which is often abreviated to F&IW)

    ...Thanks Michael, I knew some of these but forget them more often than not ...F&I I am more familiar with than SYW, thanks again, I will likely ask a few mor times over the years. :rolleyes:
  9. ECW? SYW? For those of who are acronym and historically challenged, could you please define these?

    Wait! W stands for War. lol

  10. Not liking photos of ourselves has much to do with symmetry and the fact that we are all (some more than others) asymmetrical. I look in the mirror and the blemish appears on the right side of my forehead, I look at a photo it is on the left ...it is "uncomfortable" to me. You look at me and you look at a photo of me it is the same. Try it, take a digital photo of yourself, flip it, it will look like what you see in the mirror. Supposedly the less asymmetry the better looking the individual

    Additionally most people are our their own worse critic. We know what we CAN look like. We see ourselves only a few times a day. Those we are with see us all day long, not just as we are looking in the mirror. As someone who is not just a few pounds over weight it is a reminder of what I perceive as my short comings or inadequacies.

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