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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Posts posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Captain Spike ...hmmm ...have you another name than Spike? ...surely you do. I know of a Captain John Sterling, Captain Jamws Warren, Captain William Brand, Captain Duncan McGuyver, Captain Edward Teach, etc. Captain Spike Wotehver?

    So very happy to see you no matter your lack of name. Can't wait to see you, Nigel, Nell, Chrispy etc. at Hampton! Please be sure to visit "The Sealkies Hide" when at Hampton.

  2. Murin McDonough sat on deck in the shade of the longboat where she hopped she was unnoticed. Since her release she had managed to avoid conversation. When she emerged from her "prison" the crew was above board setting sail. The few men below deck were Spaniards who were just as surprised to see the disheveled woman in the berth digging for her belongings, as she was to see so many new, and injured, men. She kept her eyes diverted and took great care to not expose herself to the strangers that she felt starring as she dressed. When she headed to the galley she kept her eyes covered against the brightness of the day as an excuse to avoid any eye contact. Only Nathan Bly seemed to take note of her passing through the ranks. What he said was lost in the wind but his tone dripped venom. In the galley, surprised to see Treasure serving, she feared that she would have to speak to the ladies but the Spanish kept them busy. She smiled as they served her then scurried to the far side of the room to eat quickly. When she had returned her dish the ladies were not to be seen. Now she sat pretending to snooze. Her mind would not let her sleep, she thought of her unfinished work left in the surgery, and Luigi in that same room who had lost a finger defending her. The officers did not leave her behind, would she be the better for it? She adjusted her position once more ...no one would believe that she was asleep. In her mind she ran through the happenings and friendships from the past week, Miss Genevieve Ashcomb, Alder Wenge, Captain John Sterling ...none of them on this ship. She felt very alone amongst so many people.

  3. TC: "You're cute (cool; look really good in that; are the man of my dreams...OK, not the last one.) Can I buy you a drink?"
    Jamie, you may nil be the man of my dreams (he would be unmarried) but you sure do have his eyes! <_<
  4. Silkie, could you watch the kids and the pups next weekend so me and the Missus can go to the beach? Or is that offer only good if I'm getting my butt kicked?
    It was meant for the butt kicking but if I were closer I would be willing to watch them ...however, since I am several states and hundreds of miles away AND I will be at Fells Point pirate event ...can't manage next weekend. :lol:
  5. Jamie! How dare ya just off an visit d'chirurgeon widout so much as a whisper t'any uv us!

    Thank heavens you are recuperating. Glad to hear Patti was there for you and if she needs assistance kicking your butt I ...well I won't help but I would be willing to watch the kids and the pups while she attended to the needed butt kicking.

  6. Aboard the Lucy

    “Avast below! Shut yer gobs til we hear the truth of it! No sense in getting’ all worked up like a pen fulla sheep who thinks th’ wolf is hidin’ in th’ barn! Cap’n will tell us th’ right of it soon enough so just hold yer tongues!”

    Benjamine smiled in the silence. Sailors were sailors. He had no fight with any man ...unless crossed. He began to wonder what sort of men were being brought aboard. Were they sailors or fighting men? He had no reason to doubt captain Brand's decision in the matter. Still an uneasyness washed over him. He turned in his hammock to lay on his side, he would choose to ignore the feeling for now ...if he could. Within moments he was rolling to his other side trying to relax his mind.

  7. Below Decks The Lucy

    Had he not been recently released from the dark of a prison cell but two days ago Benjamin Quigley would have been unable to relax in his hammock enjoying the light of day as it filtered in through the open hatch. Luck had been with him when he came below to rest and his hammock hung near the hatch. He was not sleeping, as perhaps he should be. He lay there on his back, his hands tucked behind his head, his eyes closed, enjoying the fresh air and sunlight. He knew that they would soon set sail, this time to places beyond this French island, beyond the horizon. Mister Quigley was not a dreamer, he did not dream of places far away and thus far he had not been disappointed in what had greeted him beyond the horizon. Nor did he aspire to monetary rewards beyond his own practicality; however, tales of what fortune had befallen the crew of the Watch Dog before their arrival at this port gave him additional hope. If luck, or skill, were with him he would have some coin by the next port and might be afforded the opportunity to indulge himself there.

  8. Ummmm ....there seems to be a problem here. No matter what link I click upon I am directed to the main page here at the pub. :rolleyes: This is a great index but ...it doesn't seem to be working. :rolleyes:

  9. Forgetin' what I just walked out to the shop to measure an' only 'memberin half o' it a minute or so later!
    I to spend more time thinking of the here after these days. Walk into the room and wonder "What am I here after"

    I find infomercials annoying. Even if I like what they are selling ...I hate the format ...what am I stupid? ...don't tell me that the "interview" is not scripted. I don't believe that I will become a size 6 when I weare that and I dont' clean with what I have what makes you think I will clean with that new product? :(

  10. G'day t'ya Mester Michaels, tis a grand place yev'ound ere. Welcome!

    I would gladly take you up on your offer for drinik if I could make a decision on what to drink! <_< It is "one of those days". ;)

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