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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Posts posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Talk about dropping a bomb...

    Silkie stands dumbfounded looking at the crater that will be left in your wake. ...Yes I know that is a mixed metaphor it is the message not the words that matter.


    Thank you. Thank you for your work and having so much playing at work! Thank your lady for her sharing with this family. We shall miss you. I know that being with your biological families will bring you joy, perhaps even as much as your pyrate family. :unsure: I look forward to seeing you at the Blackbeard Festival and am grateful at the chance to say so-long ...not goodbye, for once you have become one of the brotherhood there is no severing the ties ...we know where to find you. :unsure:

  2. Problem with free fonts is that not everyone has the same fonts loaded on their systems. Even my signature does not look like I want it to when I am at home as it does at the office.

    Is there any way to embed the font in a signature other than importing an image?

  3. I use fonts that are in microsoft office products. I choose them because I believe there are many people who have that software. Then to use it you simply replace the font name from the font list here by typing the name of the one you want to use.

    McDonough, becomes McDonough, which in turn becomes McDonough. (Read the script that shows when you view the quote ...that should explain it.)

    The draw back is that if someone does not have the font you have chosen loaded on their machine they don't see a default font rather than what you specify. I see what looks like Times New Roman rather than Papyrus that I specified. (I still have to reload office again ...since the crash)

  4. Hahahaha ...no William ...I understand the false teeth thing. My niece took my mom's last pony tail. She had it cut before locks of love was taking gray & white hair. Yea, my niece likes weird things also.

  5. Oh trust me..If he finds out you have an indoor cat he will claim the cat was out and in his yard and either you pay the fine if you can afford it or you get rid of your pet.
    I still don't know how someone can get a fine for a cat that is indoor. If the cat is not on his property how can they fine the owner?

    Now in defense of the psycho ...my father use to have all sorts of trouble with cats using the front flower bed and under the front porch as a litter box. The neighbor across the street claimed that it was never her cats but there were always cat prints in the snow directly from her front door to under his porch. :( Finally he planted field stone in the back of the bed where the rain never reached. After that they could use the porch again. lol

    Later the neighborhood was having an issue with raccoons so my father bought a trap for the critters and set it near the garbage cans near the back door. When he would catch one of the pesky beasts he would drive it up to the federal game lands, about an hour away from where they lived, and release it into the wild. This went on for over a month. One night a neighbors cat got caught in it and before my father checked the trap that day the hotheaded late 20 year old husband in the neighbors household let out the cat and spend a great deal of effort to damage the trap and beyond functioning. The fool couldn't just let the cat out and tell my father later ...he didn't even offer to pay for the damaged trap. I can understand thee cat owner being upset. I can understand him thinking that my father, who had complaints against the neighborhood cats, may have gotten some smug satisfaction in the capture. But to be so angry as to damage the trap? Dad had no proof that the neighbor had done the damage so he couldn't complain about damaged property.

  6. ...The engraving is a problem because it's from some conference in 1982, with a huge corporate logo. I get so fumed when I see this kind of thing. Why take a fine piece of pewter, worth $75-$100 new, and ruin it with some ugly engraving to commemorate a conference that the honoree probably didn't want to go to in the first place? If this was a cherished memento, then why did it end up in a thrift store? Geez, just buy one of the much cheaper and crappier cast aluminum tankards from "Things Remembered" like everyone else! Leave the good stuff alone!

    (end of rant)...

    Because if they do not put a logo or an emblem on it and it is from a place of work the receiver has to pay taxes on it. Well that is the most common reason ...you should see my lovely luggage with the BIG red C logo on the front. lol
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