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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Posts posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. I am with Dorian on the smell. If you can't stand the smell of your clothing the perhaps it is a good time for a hand wash or Fabreez. However perfume STINKS! 2 or 3 days of smell is not going to make you or anyone sick. I enjoy a good shower as much as the next person but I am not opposed to not doing so for a few days. If you must clean then use something without scent.

    I find that the natural way of aging is sufficient for most needs. Just don't try to stay clean. It is easy to get dirty.

    Now, say your character has seen action, battle etc. There is a bullet shot in your shirt sleeve. You are dead from infection but your shirt lives on. The hole would be patched so you don't even have to damage the fabric. Neatly stitch a patch in that spot (everyone knew how to sew a patch on). In this case you are artificially aging the clothes. However not everyone does living history so you may not need the patch to lead into the lesson that you wish to share.

    "M'mate Michael Smith died after the bullet lodged in his arm. Surgeon dug out the bullet, wearin it as a pendant I am." (show what a shot looks like after it has hit bone) "Surgeon even tried amputating his arm, fever got him anyway." (look of sorrow passes over your face) "I was his closest mate and was given his shirt as is custom. E'won't be needin it no more, "(remove hat and hold it over your heart) "God rest his soul. Was a new one afore he was shot. "

    Again, it all depends on what your goal is.

  2. I think suspenders might be what you need. problem is attaching them. If the clip won't work with the vinyl lining (are you sure it is vinyl?) then sew it to the boot and clip it to the pants somehow ...or your underwear ...if you go PC then you will have to clip it to your shirt tails.

  3. GAH! Stage makeup for three days straight ...I would be one big zit! I'll just settle for rubbing mud on myself and hope it reads well from 10 feet away. Otherwise I am the owner of a fine ordinary and most of my time outdoors is spent under the brim of a large straw hat with naught but my forearms exposed to the sun.

  4. Yard work, change a tire, be a klutz while disembarking ...okay the chlorine in the swimming pool probably didn't help keep the whites grimy it did lighten the blue in the waistcoat. lol Using ones apron as a cloth to wipe ones hands or a spill works wonders ...just don't use it on Gatorade ...hard to explain a neon green stain in 1720! LOL

    I am with you all on the natural aging, dirt etc. for clothing but dirt on the body becomes itchy after a few days and as a human in 2009 I just don't tolerate it well. So, sometimes I just find it necessary to mimic black powder on my face and hands. Dirt and mud is easy to find and reapply daily. My question is how does one mimic an aged sun tanned hide when one spends most of his time indoors? It took my aunt over 30 years of sunbathing in Florida to achieve that! Me, I burn, turn pink and then fade. I got a tan on my forearms in Hampton this year, dry and itchy and wrinkly and all I can't imagine allowing that to happen to my face. No, I am all for reality but I am also all for avoiding skin cancer.

  5. I vote for dirt ...straight from the ground or gun. I did try to use waterproof mascara for facial hair but it wasn't sweat proof. :rolleyes: Falling backwards into lake/river water then falling forward into the beach then jumping into a swimming pool seemed to work to both make the garb look worn, dirty and clean all at the same time. lol

  6. Reggie ...love the waistcoat and the shoes make it! As to the short coat I told you why I like it, why I like the fact that you skimped on the fabric. I think it makes it look like someone who is new to this freedom and perhaps doesn't have the money to pay a tailor of buy new coat or yardage so he took something used and adjusted it to himself. (I do love the fabric in the short coat ...so sooooooft!) I agree that another coat would be nice but, the one you have can be used for one character and the new for a character who has had his freedom for a longer time.

  7. I believe that it's traditional for new crew members to buy the drinks....

    A philosophical difference of opnion. I think it be the other way around. For without sin you would not have the fallen. Which came first the sin or the sinner? But this is not the thread for that discussion. Here is a place to welcome new friends!

  8. Also since so many people could at least sew some what, I truly wonder how many folks actually walked around all the time with raggy hems and torn items....
    I would say the poorest of the poor that had no needle or thread.
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