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Silkie McDonough

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Posts posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. For the most part I am finding that the system works better but like anything new the glitches still have to be worked out. I also have to get use to the changes ...can't find anything. It is like the day after someone else has rearranged your desk ...can't find a darn thing!

    I like hearing from ghosts. ;) Well from this ghost.

  2. tiny little mailboxes. I can't seem to save PM's up like I use to which isn't so bad but I also can't archive said messages.

  3. I agree Patrick.

    Here I am on the crew of the Archangel (you know the good ...errr, bad ...errr, good guys). But the hide is most definitely open to anyone ...especially if he has coin to spend! :ph34r:

    Correction. The Sealkies Hide is not an actual place of business. It is a place for reenactors to rest, talk politics of the day, play games, enjoy a drink or two perhaps smoke a pipe. There is no cover charge and the bouncer is piratically correct.

  4. A member of the pirate communities mother is ill and suffering. I don't know this person well so I don't wish to use names. However please pray that she suffers little. Pray that she gets past this illness and can go home quickly.

    Thank you all.

  5. People who are dissatisfied with your behavior or how you are treating them and they don't tell you or make suggestions on what they want because clearly, since you have made no changes, you are unaware of their dissatisfaction with how things are being run!

    Is that vague enough?

  6. This is for Fionn. The linen will do. As you said even after waxing the snot out of it it is still tough to use. On the up side my linen dorset butons won't look new for long. lol Maybe I will wait until my hands are nice and dirty before sew them on. lol

  7. To whom can do something about it ...

    Patrick can't find the pub. He let us know on "Ye Olde Tavern"

    Patrick Hand,Jul 14 2009, 05:17 AM

    If anyone else can get into the Pub......

    HEY... I keep getting a 400 error.... .

    Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

    Size of a request header field exceeds server limit

    No one else seams to be having this problem..... but I can't get into the Pub..... I re-started my computer, I hard typed the address in... but I keep getting the same message..... 400... WAGH......

    I just tired Googleing the Pub... try to get in that way.... still getting the 400 error message.........

    So I ain't dead or nothin... I just can't get inter th' Pub.......

    We miss him ...can you get him back?

  8. No we can not.

    Take it from someone who once suffered dehydration at the hands of Captain Morgan. Some years ago I had to have 3 liters of saline dripped into me, I threw up nothing but stomach acid and shivered under a blanket while the tempeatures hovered around 90F. DRINK FLUIDS ALL DAY LONG!

  9. Nay Callenish, I limited myself to 6 events this year. Too much that I am attending to at home. Aaaah, the bathroom remodel. Besides, I don't need to hook up with a man to get ME to events but ANYONE in the area with a pickup & a trailer would be an assett to transporting "The Sealkies Hide" once I start having tables made ...now, if said person coukld build those tables & benches even better. lol

    BTW that was a rethorical question.

  10. Too funny! I have been saying for some time now that I would like to find someone special. I had a few unusual requirements. He should own a SUV & trailer and like playing with canons and such ...LOL So, should I register? :D

  11. I actually don't like the phrase and I cringe a little every time someone uses it. The crew was formed, not by cast-offs of other crews, but in mutual accord to create a long term presence at the Fort Taylor Pirate Fest. That phrase has a 'dregs' sound to it that isn't fair to those individuals that proudly joined together under our standard. While it is true that we accept new recruits that come from other crews or no crews at all, this acceptance is period. Sailors signed aboard for work where and when they could get it, no matter their past service or previous allegiances.

    We are the crew of the Brig Sloop Mercury. Step up and sign aboard.

    My apologies William. I saw no negative connotation to the phrase. I think of a pick-up team as a group of people with similar goals wanting to participate together rather than just watching it all go by. Like someone who likes to play "streetball". I have never been much for sports and guess I didn't know the meaning of the phrase. Again, my apologies to any I have offended.
  12. As a former member of the Mercury crew I have a few wordes that I have heard William use that sums the crew up well. "Pyrate pick-up crew".

    When did I say that?
    I thought it was you ...perhaps I recalled incorrectly, someone at some time in the Ward Room said it. I apologize for putting words into your mouth ...especially when they were already in someone elses! ewwwwww lol
  13. The book states the by the late 1680s, both England and Holland were doing a great deal of domestic manufacturing and with the high tariffs walls protected their producers from French competition. Also, there were sumptuary laws against the use of cotton during this time.
    let me start with I'm going to get the linen. Let me add that the laws are guidlines with which a business woman is to run her establishment. That having been said I feel that I should point out the fact that "The Sealkies Hide" Deals with any who have the coin to spend. She is not beyond dealing with those in the black market.
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