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Silkie McDonough

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Posts posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Thanks Cap, I needed to post that some place but never got around to it. I never left the place last year and I want to play this year.

    Remember that ALL are welcome to populate The Hide at ANY given time. I hope that there is some lively discussion of "current" events, play some games, gamble and argue. The only restriction is that you can not drink alcohol while the event is open to the public.

    Last year a generous friend provided nuts, cheese, dried fruit etc. I do not want to put that on anyone and I can not take that on myself. Any and all foods would be welcome for all. Below are some suggestions.

    • Breads
    • Muffins
    • Dried Fruit
    • Hard boiled eggs
    • Cheese(s)
    • Nuts
    • Fruits
    • Drink mix

    If you have any other suggestions please make them. Since these are to be used for snacking during the day please be sure that once out of the packaging they look HA (Historically Accurate)

    If you will be bringing anything please let us know what it may be so that we don't have 40 loaves of banana bread. ;)

    I will have trays & bowls for serving so you don't have to worry about that.

    If anyone could bring pictures or bottles that would be great.

    Silas and Family will not be there this year :P That alone is enough to make me frown. To make it worse they will not be providing the wagon or making the run for refreshment. If anyone can provide a wagon that would be great. I would also ask that everyone take a turn and refill at least one water jug while at the fort that weekend. Everyone can drink I request that everyone help with the work.

    Thanks All

  2. Might the lack of documented cases of women on ships, other than as cooks, etc, be for the fact that they dressed, worked and acted like men in order to not be detected? Much as female soldiers of the period, who were not discovered until they either got pregnant, or were wounded and a doctor discovered their true gender. Read and Bonny are mainly famous because they got caught. I suspect there were probably more women serving on ships that were never detected, but I doubt there were very many. The life was a hard one for men, and it would be doubly so for women, and I imagine trying to hide the fact that you were female would be even harder on a ship, where you had zero privacy, than it would be on land.

    I would think it would be imposable for a woman on a ship. Once a woman hits puberty there is no hiding the fact. How would one explain her period?
  3. Murin grabbed the line, the length dropping at her feet as she hulled the grappling hook to the rail. Once the hook was in her hand she brought the entire length of rope into a neat gasket coil. As she finished Isaac Lazenby, who had been collecting the hooks and rope for storage, stepped up to take the coil. Lifting an eyebrow he looked at the coil then walked away. Murin stepped back into line with the others passing odds and ends.

  4. Following orders silently, as she had become accustom to since her release from the cable tier, Miss McDonough took hold of the smallish cask as it was passed to her. Surprised by its weight she nearly let it fall. Regaining balance she quickly hefted what she now knew was a cask of nails to Moses MacTigue then turned for the next, prepared this time for the load she deftly passed it from one sailor to the next.

  5. Goode Quartermaster, I do hope yo can find a better argument for the "dark side" than hardtack. If not, alas I fear that we are doomed to attract only those who prefer to suffer.

    Hmmmmm ...perhaps I was too hasty in my reply. :D


    Research artificially aging clothing/Faric. I recall something about using salt water in the sun.

  6. I have not sailed much but I have sailed on a tall ship and in high winds, starboard tack, sails full and a port heel that was fantastic for such a large ship. I have also sailed in calm waters with the engin running. If there is any wind I suggest not wearing that prize hat. Makes working difficult anyway. Put the hat on when you are out of the wind.

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