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Silkie McDonough

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Posts posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Sorry Greg. I now the meals at the Hide were convenient for many but they were difficult to organize. I will consider it again for next year. Let me see how things go this year. I also have to be careful not to step on the toes of the paying vendors. There was murmurings that some were not pleased that I was serving food, however they may not have realized that there was no profit and it was after hours. I will discuss things with the BIB's and see what might work. I may have to learn how to cook for a crowd ...yea ...that will happen. :rolleyes:

  2. I have been using black powder at events for about 4 years now, I started at PiP with Patrick watching over me (thank you Patrick). I have had many experienced tutors and I am still learning because I only use the stuff at events. The one thing I am sure about is that black powder needs some SERIOUS respect and should not be used in the home.

  3. I figured that since GentlemenScotty offered flapjacks for the crew breakfast one day I would match his offer with some bacon. Problem is I don't know how much to bring? I figured it will be cheaper here at 2 for 1 (assuming the special is still on) and NOT in Key West where everything is expensive.

    Could everyone from the crew give a shout on what breakfasts you will be eating with the crew?

  4. Welcome Nathanial!

    I just took a look at your profile. I have friends outside of Minneapolis/Saint Paul Area ...doubt you would know them because:

    A: It is a big state & country. :D

    B: I also noticed your birth date and although yours is one day before mine, mine is a few years (clears throat) before yours. ;)

    Anyway, you have come to the right place to find information and activities on pyrate reenacting. I have been involved in the past time for only a few years and it is here that I have found most of my pyrating associates.

    Again, Welcome.

  5. ...I will be probably camping down wind of everyone... so ye wont get ter enjoy that authentic Pyratical/Buccaneerian aroma.... :P
    My sense of smell has been accosted by that aroma in the past!
  6. Then William, I suppose that I must be considered former crew member because I am now a crew member of the Archangle. The Mercury was the first crew to take me in and I remain loyal to the crew & its officers. ...just don't tell the pirate hunters. :P

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