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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Posts posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. The issue with Mark being so shy is the fact that that he is so darn good looking. To each his own. I would much rather have his company and no photos than not having his company. I dare say he would make a very attractive Fop also but again, Mark in street clothes is better than no Mark at all. The only thing better may be Mark in no clothes at all but I will leave that for Mary to keep to her self. B)

  2. Oh man ...I need to quit work and just attend events. Someone needs to just pay us all to be pirates EVERY weekend all across the nation. Can we get them to do a reality show? I think we could even drum up enough drama if it is needed! "Real Re-enactors: Pirates" hehe

  3. Seeing that the Hide was being used.

    Singing Hamish to sleep.

    HUGS! Lots of HUGS!

    Becoming a cannoneer! Love working with the cannon & crew!

    Working with the sword & combat (learning that I have to actually DO what Clint tells me to do!)

    Getting to know Israel Cross on the trip south. You are an rare find!

    Finding out that my new latchet shoes don't just look comfortable.

    Having William Red Wake join us! Always a pleasure!

  4. So many people to thank for the great festival.

    Fayma & Lilly A. So much organization and communication and fires and all the other stuff that I was not privy to ...You two ROCK!

    The Bone Inland Buccaneers for hosting and for transporting my battery back and forth from the camp to the fort and back.

    The Fort Taylor park staff for all of their assistance and patients.

    Thanks for such a great battle on Sunday. I have never been in such a well thought out battle (mind you I have very limited experience). Rat's & Sterling, great scenario and planning! Thanks also to the captains and leaders on the field. Thanks to M.A.de'Dogge for the great choreography on the hand to hand combat, it was a pleasure dying for the first time under your command!

    Thanks to Anne for keeping an eye on the Hide since I was so far from it.

    Thanks to the Crewe of the Archangel as always it is a pleasure to be a member of such a great team. It was particularly nice to meet Rat's, Matty and Brian for the first time.

    Thanks to those who were pressed into service with the Crew of the Archangel, you are all such a delight to be with.

    Thanks to all of you in attendance, the breif time we spend together is always a pleasure.

    To those of you who were not in attendance you were missed. It was strange not having Captain Jim around this was the first time I have been at the fort without him. There are too many of you that did not attend to list again but know that you were missed.

  5. I got home today around 2PM or so. I am glad I was able to take my time traveling. Spent the night a Sterlings then headed home this morning. I should have one into work tonight but I decided that the extra day off would be a good idea. I will go in tomorrow then I am off on Friday again! lol

    My legs and feet are also swollen. Far too much sitting. And the bug bites are ITCHY!

    All in all a grand time with friends and family!

  6. Tis is completely unacceptable, no Jim, no Willie, no Animal, no William, no Syren, no Maeve, no Thatchers, no ...dang this list is too long already! ...I wish I played the lottery then when I won I could ship all the none attendees down for the weekend ...and their families ...maybe even their bosses. :unsure:

  7. Problems understanin us ...wot's the issue ...he don't tink we talks good? :unsure:

    So happy to hear your good news Broadside! We'll keep praying and you keep getting better! Every one on the crew has to do their part!

  8. ...And a snake is much diffrent than the scales of a mermaid...Mermaids are pretty and snakes are...creepy! Though Im sure Brennan may not agree with me lol

    Actually I imagine that mermaid scales are like fish scales ....slimy. Snake scales are smooth and soft.

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