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Silkie McDonough

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Posts posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Can't wait to see it, I know Tracy is excited too ...and you ...Mercury crew ...be respectful of the ladies work when flying that thing, never abuse it and NEVER let the enemy capture it!

    Sorry Sterling, I don't play favorites. :lol:

  2. I have a wooden sign. It has a picture of food & drink on it because the illiterate need a picture to know that we serve food. Maybe I don't need the seal hide, I am just thinking about it, looking for options.

  3. The actual signs were wooden and I do have a wooden sign.

    I don't have time to do this now but I will share the links of my research. It isn't a necessity but I just thought it would add interest to the "story" of the hide.

  4. I forgot to mentioned that I also don't own a coffee pot or a fire grate or a tripod so no coffee there and no one is planning breakfast. However with all the oatmeal that Michael brought last year he may have some left. All that is needed is ...well everything else.

  5. I have been researching tavern signs. Often the signs did not have writing but pictures and symbols. The tavern called "The Cross Keys" would have a sign of two keys crossed. "The Kings Head" would have a painting of the kings head on the sign. Well, I am gong about this backwards ...I gave the place a name before researching. I like the name it is now known. With that said I now need something like this drying seal hide, not a harp seal but a seal from the seas north of Scotland, the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) and the common, or harbour, seal (Phoca vitulina). Now we all know I wouldn't want to kill a seal just for a sign. That is where all your creative minds come in. Any and all suggestions are welcome.



  6. First, I want to thank RedJessi for starting this thread. I have been very remiss in the role I have carved for myself this year.

    I encourage everyone who wishes to PLEASE use the Hide and the fire at your leisure and/or as needed.

    I also should let you know that I do not own any cooking equipment and I don't have cooks this year either. I gathered a few last year but it was a lot of work and I can't commit to it this year. If someone has equipment that they wish to share with others and leave at the Hide I will make a place for them and have those on watch keep an eye on it as well.

    As to fires the fire pit will be there but with wood being scarce this year I can't promise to keep the fire burning all the time so you will have to bring your own charcoal (not briquettes if cooking while the general public is in the park) or wood.

    Anyone who wishes can relax at the Hide at any time. Anyone wishing to "work" at the Hide during the days is always welcome, you just have to ask me if assistance is needed before I will boss you around. LOL In all honesty I may not be around much in during daylight hours so if someone wants to act as a hostess while the "proprietress" is away please do! B)

    Any and all food donations will be shared. Nuts, dried fruits, fresh fruit, breads, cheeses etc would be greatly appreciated by all.

    Any one with more questions ...just ask

    Thanks all!

  7. I would very much like to have some munchies at the Hide during the day, cheese, nuts, dried & fresh fruit etc. ANY and ALL donations of food and money would be used to feed wayward and hungry volunteer folk (meaning those of us who are staying at the fort and a those known to us in kit).

    Cross, it wasn't PC but only you could get away with saying it so ...I am glad you did, we are amongst friends here, it made me giggle coming from you.

  8. "4- Fires and Braziers- There are only going to be 5 total fires allowed. This is the same number it has always been. We may have as many braziers as we want, and can use the ones that are in the encampment as well. We are trying to set the encampment up so that access to a fire will be easy. The fires are: 1-Fort, 2-Mercury/Hide, 3-BIB, 4-Archangel, 5-Buccaneer Camp/Hurricane's Crewe. We put the buccaneer camp and Hurricanes fires together, so that the Boucan Demo can have a front row placement, and so that there was a spread out of the fire placements. These are set up as "common fires" and anyone may use them for cooking, or bring a brazier for their own individual use."

    Additionally IMHO these may not be because the crews post here but because these crews are known to the fort/planning personnel.

  9. Brennan, tis a good Irish name. I am nary a pirate or pirate hunter. I am but a humble proprietress of "The Sealkies Hide" that serves the likes of those here. You, good lad, are welcome there any time.

    Now, as one who owns a place were people gather I am relied upon to give people news of the world. I would be greatly obliged if you could tell me tales of the lass that goes by the name of Black Syren. Who would know her better than her cabin boy and nephew? (Creativity in narration and embellishment of the truth is encouraged!)

  10. Most of us go to these things to see people and get drunk, theres bound to be some overlap. Not that I dink and shoot, I can barely find my car keys in the morning as it is.

    Most of "us"? Who exactly are you referring to? Most of the re-enactor's that I have associated with are there for the enjoyment of it. To spend time with those of like & not so like minds. The work on the kit, character, garb etc. is it's own reward but it is also a pleasure to share that work and knowledge. The drinking & drunkenness is an aside that some do not choose to participate in at all.

    That having been said. I propose that if you observe someone drinking & participating in battle you are socially obliged to report it. Simply informing an individual working crowd control would be sufficiant. That person will know who to report the impaired individual to and we would avoid a potentially deadly situation.

  11. Say it ain't so! Jamie m'lad! Las year I was witout m'lad Rusty! Now yer nil gonna bae der?! Leavin mae wit only Padrig ? Sad am I dis day!

    Sigh, It just won't be the same without you.

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