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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. When I first moved to the area in 99 I lived in Manayunk! If you do ever plan to stop by at the mermaid, or the home town, be sure to let us know.
  2. Im sure you will get it somewhere
  3. 13 minuets and counting, vcr's set
  4. this is a completely uneducated opinion and based on costumes not historically accurate garb. Once we rented a coat with a shoulder knot and baldric. There was a loop sewn to the baldric that looped over the knot, it could not bee seen unless closely inspected. Just a thought
  5. ^is married - not a mermaid, a Sealkie (Hence the name Silkie)
  6. Silkie sets down the bowl Scoops some creamy chocolate with her index finger. Glides over to the happy couple placing herself behind the chair, she leans in against Matt, presents the tasty mouthful between Merry and Matt. Puddin'?
  7. ^has a tatoo of a tall ship with a full moon behind it ...but where?
  8. RAIN... coming straight down in buckets! Oh well, without the bad we wouldn't appreciate the good. At least it isn't snow.
  9. Tis a requirement here!
  10. I'dunno about the campin and such but I m'travelin from Jersey also. Got any space for a lass an' one bag (size unknown)? I also suggest readin some o'the otter treds in this headin' some good information tar
  11. Curently 75, windy and partly cloudy ...cloudy? there are a few puffy white clouds up there.
  12. Another reason why, although I am going a bit stir crazy from being alone so much, I am glad to be convelessing at home. Went for a walk ...wish I could take the dog but until the hand is strong enough again ...sat on the porch listening to the stiff March wind sweep down the street! Sam I understand. It is a shame to waste such a day, tomorrow is suppose to be even better!
  13. Right now it is 64 and overcast. Tomorrow is suppose to be 64 and sunny. Snow in Arizona, sunny and mild in NJ, taint right. Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly happy with it. I just can't help but wonder if were going to get one of those mid March snow storms with three feet of snow out this way. It has been known to happen. I soooooo want it to be spring!
  14. Hey, I worked for IBM. Three whole months when they bought PwC Consulting. I was released because of duplication of functions. I was sick of corporate cookie cutter graphics anyway. Not exactly the place for an artist.
  15. sabre in hand, she charged at her foe
  16. Scarlet m' lady, we never did have an opportunity to talk wit all these fine people greetin' m'. Now det tings have calmed a bit round here, what might ye b'wantin to hear? NOW, Scarlet, what tale av'ya ta share wit us? Silkie drinks deeply from the tankare that Sam has handed her.
  17. In 2000 I won a two year lease on a Jaguar S-type. GAWD I miss that car!
  18. Watch your language! In 17 plus years of formal education I never took a foreign language ...boy do I regret that!
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