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Silkie McDonough

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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Ahhhh, I nil can bring m'self t'harm a man thet I'm not planin on runnin tru wit m'cutlass. She tosses the flogger back to Siren Surry lass thets yer work. Silkie walks to the ice bucket and picks up an ice cube Ice, I ken work wit. She runs the cold over his lips followed by a soft hot kiss. As the kiss subsides she puts the ice behind his left ear, runs it slooooowly along his jaw line to his Adams apple being sure that the heat of his body is increased by the touch of the ice ...and the mischief in her eyes locked on his. She trails it done his chest to his abdomen, slooooowly waiting for the cube to melt as she goes. Over his stomach to ...this waist line. Then lets it fall where it may inside his already wet breeches.
  2. Life often seems less grim in the new light of tomorrow.
  3. Dia duit! Welcone t'ya lass! Aye, Siren s'right bout dees charming rogues, ya needs t'b keepin an eye on dem or one'l be steel yer heart b'fore ya ken steel his purse! I be anchored in Jersey (as d'locals call it) but I'm closer t'Phladelphia den you! N'Sam/ (AKA mcipoletti) now he'sa bit closer t'ya. N we have a few or'da Deleware, up n'down it. M'sure you'll be sailin wit someone here bouts by d'end o d'summr. Glad d'have ya here in d'pub! Holds up her tankard A bit o'rum ifin ya please Ray!
  4. Hey, I'm from the home of the living dead and George Romero college, Pittsburgh. I have no problem with zombies, many of my good friends have been zombies. :)
  5. Constance, guess that makes you part of the royal family!
  6. Captain told me to watch you.
  7. I like it ! Over all, very appealing. As to a critique, if that is what you are interested in let me first say that I usually do free verse and my poetry skills, although excellent at times are a bit rusty. In addition, I have only a few college literature classes under my belt. So take this as you will. Very good descriptives of the days work. The wait, marked by the bells seems long only if you do the math. That isn't a problem since you do mention the preparations and I don't know that you were trying to emphasize the interminable waits on board between events at sea, just an observation. It is easy enough for the uneducated pirate to visualize and comprehend yet interesting in its detail. When reading it the last two verses tried to fall into a rhyme. I had to recite it aloud to keep from falling into an awkward rhyme pattern that really isn't there. Just some humble observations.
  8. Freddy freaked me out. First one that I saw was part 3, Dream Warriors. I don' know why, perhaps because it crept into my dreams? I couldn't go to the basement at night without first sending the dog down. It took me months to calm down! Haven't been to a horror flick in a long while. I think it's time for a good scare.
  9. I know that there is at least one guy out 'there' who gives digeridoo, goes by Digeri Drew. Don't know if he travels aall arount the country, I met him at a folk music festival.
  10. Did you remember that or did you google it?
  11. I think it would work better flipped around Edward "Slinger" Tarpaulin
  12. I always liked johnny quest also. Sigmund and the Sea Monsters. http://www.70slivekidvid.com/satsm.htm I forgot Johnny Whittiker was in that. Can anyone else recal a japanese one something like "Aqua Boy". I recall a kid in a wet suite who would pop a stick of gum in his mouth and could breath under water.
  13. too soon old, too late smart... ...but boy did we have a grand time getting here!
  14. "Kimba" the white lion. And now that you say it Bo, I think they were both done by the Croft brothers. In addition, I just read that the character of Witchiepoo from Puffinstuff and Wennie the Genie from Lidsville were played by the same woman ...hence the confusion in my once young mind.
  15. I love to cook but I live alone and never feel like cooking for myself. I've tried cooking and freezing the left overs for another meal, unfortunately, it just doesn't taste as good on the defrost. It is edible but I've come to the conclusion that much of the enjoyment of a meal is in the preparation. So I end up eating Lean Cuisine. I know what I can and need to do, I just wanted to whine ...I'm done ...sorry ...thanks.
  16. Lidsville. That is where the dragon H.R.Puffinstuff lived, and Jimmy, played by Jack Wild (recently deceased), the talking flute, Witcheypoo, and Charles Nelson Reily as ...? What was his characters name? It is amazing what I can remember from when i was a kid but I can't remember that I have a load of wet laundry in the washer until go down to put in another! Go figure.
  17. Given name resulted in Queen Nuttykins So, as queen of this group of squirrelly crew I command you to continue to bend the rules! Pryate name: Twitchy Wagglebottom I suppose that could fit Silkie ...I suppose.
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