I like it ! Over all, very appealing.
As to a critique, if that is what you are interested in let me first say that I usually do free verse and my poetry skills, although excellent at times are a bit rusty. In addition, I have only a few college literature classes under my belt. So take this as you will.
Very good descriptives of the days work. The wait, marked by the bells seems long only if you do the math. That isn't a problem since you do mention the preparations and I don't know that you were trying to emphasize the interminable waits on board between events at sea, just an observation. It is easy enough for the uneducated pirate to visualize and comprehend yet interesting in its detail. When reading it the last two verses tried to fall into a rhyme. I had to recite it aloud to keep from falling into an awkward rhyme pattern that really isn't there.
Just some humble observations.