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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. The pain in her side easing, her breathing still labored, waving the red coat in her right hand above her head Murin looked up at the ship. She saw no sign that they had seen her. She couldn't even see people on the ship. She must appear as a speck in the sand! Her shoulder cramped, she could no longer wave the waist coat now heavy from the rain. As her heart sank she dropped to her knees, cradling the protesting limb. If only they had dry wood and could light a fire, but wood was scarce, she had no flint to take to steel. Besides the rain would quickly extinguish anything they might ignite today! Hope washed away with the tears and rain running down her cheeks. Instinctively she wiped her eyes with her damp sleeve. Crying would not help. She needed to be level headed. She forced herself to calm her breathing. Again she looked toward the ship, trying to think clearly. Something on the water, between the sand where she knelt and the ship, caught her eye. Her focus quickly shifted, searching the water. Not the waves or the familiar debris but the oars of a long boat rowing towards her! She had been seen! Despair lifted from her giving way to an overwhelming feeling of relief. She wanted to shout out though lungs and lips refused to obey. Her body trembled as she sobbed through her laughter. She lifted her face to the unheeding rain, thanking God for sending these new strangers to this tiny white island. Special thanks to LongTom for his creative input!
  2. Sometimes. I have never purchased it, never rolled a joint, never lit a joint, don't own a bowl, would never carry the stuff or have it in my home. I don't object to those who use it. I have no "need" to have it. My only disagreement with what has been said here is... I know for a fact that one can get a contact high. I was working as a volunteer for security at an outdoor folk concert. Our crew was keeping the fire lanes open. For over an hour we walked the same path around a portion of the crowd. We could smell the stuff ...we weren't paid cops and we couldn't find the culprit in the dark even if we tried, or wanted to. We just did our job keeping the fire lanes clear, dancing and laughing as we went along and had a great time doing it. The shift ended and we disbursed to our varying places in the audience. About 20 min later I was HUNGRY. I went to the security volunteer area, they always have snacks for us, and EVERYONE from my crew wash up there with the munches!
  3. I have discovered that I like to write and I am fairly good at it!
  4. There was a little girl Who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead; And when she was good She was very, very good, But when she was bad she was better. Mae West
  5. I have met Hugh, the Callenish Gunner. Only I met him before the pub ever opened so does he count? The list of want to meet" is far too long to list at this time!
  6. Once the cleaned keg had been set out to catch fresh water the days rain allowed Murin (MEER-een) the luxury of relaxing. The small cave that they had discovered a few days after washing ashore kept them out of the elements. The afternoon sun had not been kind to the two ladies from so far north; both were still red and hurting in addition to peeling like the numerous lizards of the hot white island. The rain was slowing. Murin lay there on the palm fronds that they had gathered for bedding making a mental list of what would need to be done today. Gather some fresh cactus, something she had come to despise. Her hands were already scratched and red from the needles that protected the succulence insides the plant. A particularly bad prick on her left hand where she had fallen onto one of the cacti was hot, red and swollen. She feared that she may have to lance it but the blade they had was no good for the job. Perhaps they could do some fishing today. She was tiring of the limited fare but it was what was keeping them alive and well. Birds and lizards would be hard to find in the rain but it should clear soon enough …a clap of thunder brought her back from her mental listing. “Tot i’twas lettin up.” she mused aloud. An answering blast to the thunder caught her attention. A lighter sound …more of powder than of nature. She sat up listening intently. A shot from a lighter gun …was that a shot? “Ana, did you hear that?” She did not wait for a response; she knew the sound of gun and powder well enough. She jumped to her feet grabbed the bright red waist coat; they had removed it, along with boots, breeches, sword belt and sword, from the gentleman who had helped them reach the shore after he died. She ran out into the rain. “Ana, wake!” Squinting she could see little through the rain …using her hand to shield her eyes she scanned the water. A ship! “Ana! Ana! Tis a vessel here! We’re rescued! Ana!” She ran toward the shore where they woke in the sands seemingly an eternity ago. The ship lay in that direction! Her strides were awkward in the large boots of the dead man. Her swollen left hand held his breeches up as she ran. The choice of drowning from the weight of the fabric of her skirt or loosing it was an easy one …and the kind gentleman’s demise, though a pity, was her good fortune. “Ana!” She continued to call her new, and unlikely, friend. Not even sure that she could hear her now. She waved the coat wildly as she ran toward the ship hoping that someone on board would see a flash of the red fabric! “AHOY! AHOY THERE!” Her shouts swallowed by the rain and the sea. She continued to run until she reached the spot where any wreckage usually washed onto the land. Breathing heavily, still waving the coat she stopped, bent over holding the hitch in her side.
  7. 10 days from England down and back again! Can't remember the name ...it was in October, about 16 years ago. Gawd, has it been that long!
  8. Dates hu ...don't like them. Figs in Portugal watching the fishing boats come in! Mmmmmm!
  9. Will the figs and pears are a nice touch! I have the soup and side to!
  10. Now that my hands are healing I'll be trying them on instruments once the strength returns but doubt I'll be doing much but drumming by PiP. My main instrument is my voice. Portable, easy to tune (just a swig o'rum), and playing it comes naturally!
  11. Fine photos of a fine looking man in what looks to my untrained eye, fine garb! May I suggest that you pull out the manuel on your cam? You should be able to turn off the date stamp.
  12. I am also very talented with my hands ...if someone would have and inexpensive and quick project for me I'd be happy to put it together.
  13. IC. I get enough of them without going to chat rooms. I have never had them ask quite so abruptly though ...one or two perhaps. YIM and ...something about my photo ...but it is entertaining so for now ...I will leave it as is!
  14. I'd be happy to help entertain. I sing. I need to expand my repertoire and have far too many songs to choose from ...any suggestions or requests PM me please! I'd be happy to teach others!
  15. Knowing what you are giving up and coping with it are two different things! I moved from my home city to a city 6 hours away and it was very difficult. I had the US mail, computers and telephones to stay in touch but not having a support system around is difficult and you don't always get along with your coworkers. Some pirates may have found themselves in situations that they did not choose and had not planned to be away so long. I think it would have been very tough. Additionally, as in so many things, every one handles things differently. Two men, same situation ...many possible reactions!
  16. Ice Box.
  17. Never in a million years would I thin I would be thanking Patrick for advice on improving my cleavage! ....Compliments or drooling perhaps but never advice! Thanks Patrick, I have been 'working' on the design of my bodice and was trying to figure out how to avoid ...slippage.
  18. Patrick, or anyone who has been chatting longer than I have been. What does "ASL" mean?
  19. Recovery of my right hand is progressing well. Got the stitches taken out on Friday. Surgeon had to dig out one of the sutures. I do mean "dig" swear it took him several minutes to get it out. I was thinking "there isn't anything there" when FINALLY! he pulled the dang thing out. have had to keep it wrapped and still am not permitted to get it wet but I'm that much closer to being able to use my hand as if there was never anything wrong!
  20. Break a tooth? ...Sprain a lip? Can't wait to'tune' you in!
  21. Fortunatly I don't have a yahoo 360 yet and when I finish it I will make it by invite only. Additionally I don't share my real neme with those who approach me on IM unless I have been chatting for a while or know them from elsewhere. Finally, I won't be on the computer nearly as much once I'm back to work in a few weeks ...no stalkers yet.
  22. Siren, health, positive energy, white light or prayre ...whatever you wish to call it, I join the others gathered here in sending you all that you will need to recover from this.
  23. If it had been running then he wouldn't have been upset and would not have said: "Piss on it!"
  24. It's been entertaining for me. I have not been working since 2/16. I live alone, been chatting with some very interesting people.
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