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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. angels and airwaves
  2. live in fear. die a whimp! me
  3. kent the gelatinous cephalopod! "wanna thumb wrestle?"
  4. Hey Lady B! Long time.... For humors sake though It is my (very) firm belief that you were dreaming about me again! Arghhhhhh! Missin you! What do you think about this? father of our country.... father. Leader of the known world, president...... boss. Heart attack, stroke.......loss of connection to life. Sweet full lipped kiss on the cheek...... me again. I have no clue! Sorry just wanted to say hey!
  5. Well then Robt, Culli, Culliford welcomes to this here fine establishment I see ye liken to the red head ladies huh? It's going to cost you a Guinness fer the ways I knows that! Welcomes to the pub!
  6. Profile empty, head empty, pockets empty. So fun guy what do you have going for you?
  7. Aye matey Ed Miller then ye be? Make me tankard happy won't you? Guinness if ye please! Welcome to the pub mate. Hollywood pyrate from Oklahoma huh? Now how does that work?
  8. Arghhh! Matey these dragoon shifters be yankin yer rope seein yer salt and all but me I be right up front ye best make mine a Guinness and welcome to ye then!
  9. I'll have a Guinness mate and welcomes aboard
  10. I am not fond of pier rats meself!
  11. damn, only 46% strange, mostly normal (i immediately thought of princess bride and mostly dead) damn, mostly normal isn't too exciting now is it?
  12. Great faire this fall faire be one more weekend and then poof! seasons over! Damn I hate winter!
  13. Aye then! I too wilst make the trip once agin! Love yer faire their I does!
  14. Sorry bout this but I had to put on the soundtrack from POTC
  15. What Rumba said! Friday night the sky wend electric lighening bolts shot down across up over around and then the rain came..... the area took in an inch and through the night some up to 60 mile an hour winds tore up some of the weakly planned pop-ups but I didn't hear of any exodus in masse, there was lots to be thankful for... that 2 inches didn't come down would be primary but the rain didn't hurt too much it was late and there was only an hour of faire left Friday night. It certainly did clean everything and keep the sand dust way the hell down. Saw frinds from all over the U S. What makes this event so huge is the County owns it and they put out the red carpet. T V ads for a month going in. Coverage by stations out and about on walkabout in the shire during the faire as well. Interviews and even warnings to remind the mondanes that what happens at faire stays at faire! Certainly hope to see you all there next year. Here is their website. http://www.lvrenfair.com/
  16. Am I going? Yes it's a faire...... I do faires. And all of you pokes who should have saved money all year just so you could put a great time together in the fun zone of the planet with everyone here at Pyracy.como at one of the greatest little faires in the world. We will be thinking about you... NOT! Did anyone mention the fact that Friday night and Saturday night they stay open till 10:00 P M and since the City of Las Vegas owns the event they spare nothing on bringing in the great bands and groups! Huzzah! I leave tonight!
  17. Aye so you found the pub did ye? A hearty welcomes be with you then.
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