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Everything posted by Bunnycutlass

  1. I will be there and ye can all come up t' me and wish me a happy Natal Day in person! HUZZAH ME!
  2. Entainer/vendor... I rabble rouse at the Ren Faire and Sell Pyrate stuff at the others.
  3. I was introduced into a great game when I was in CO, but alas I don't know ifin me Captn would wish others t' know about it. I have to say though, I think it would be a great tradtion at any faire. I will ask her if she minds if I share the game before I posts it.
  4. I have always loved the Renaissance time frame. I have been going to Ren faires since I was little and just this year I was recruited to help sell Pyrate wears at one of the faires. I changed my costume up a bit and really admired some of the elaborate costumes for pyrates. I noticed more and more that I liked the look more then the Ren wench. I am still about half and half. I work two months straight as a wench and for the rest of the year I trade off when I can! Kind of hard to be a naughty pyrate wench in front of the kids at faire. Funny, but I guess I am naught all pyrrrrratey!
  5. If that be a Tuesday I will be with the loves of my life anyway... my friends and family. Now we are talkin a good tyme t' be had!
  6. Ah.. So sorry Ciaran....:Bunny hugs Ciaran nicely: Don't worry it will be nothin...we are hoping!
  7. YOU ARE THE BEST PEW! I love blueberries! OH AND I CAN TASTE THEM NOW! A kiss on the cheek t' ye fer all your hard work! Let me know when ye wishes t' collect!
  8. Nay goode Jon, gets ye some rest! Asukaru...thank ye kindly! I actually be feelin better this morrow. I have been strugglin wit this nasty virus fer o'er a week now! I does naught wish it on anyone! So today, I feel wit me hands and they feel fyne! See, the bad humor be startin again, I am feelin better!
  9. My apologies Rummy... I will nay say another bad thing about yer day of Romance....I loves ye and does naught mean to offend. I would be jest as passionate ifin we were talkin about Al' Hallows Eve. So, ifin ye likes the romance, ye are entitl'd t' it!
  10. With Merry's slick outfit Matt can't get a good grab....He keeps trying to put a hug hold around Merry but being as small as she is, keep wigglin her way out. Bunny rises from the mudd and while he is trying to keep his hug hold on Merry, Bunny takes both his feet out from under him. Matt, Merry and Bunny all loose balance and tumble into the mudd. Merry and Bunny come up first.... Well that didn't work out the way I planned.... Where be Matt? DRAT, I HATE IT WHEN HE DOES THAT!
  11. Huzzah to Jon Hawks! Now that be the true way to a lasses heart! I got marry'd and it was the death o' me love... Sorry Merrydeath! I agrees wit Jon though, should be a year round, spur o' the moment, hop o'er a fence, pick a flower, stop by fer lunch, picnic basket, walk on the beach, doing the laundry, watching a football game, kiss on the cheek... whene'er ye wants to day! Nay a forced marketing scemed day! And Bunny steps off her soapbox! Blech t' forced love!
  12. Lady Snow...think yer tea mayhap work'd I feel better and ears are a bit more perky this morrow! WILL I GOTS ME APPETITE BACK TOO!!! GOTS PANCAKES?
  13. I am pretty sure both Merry and I can handle you even when you are fiesty! :Merry grabs a handful of Matt's buttocks... as Matt turns to grab Merry, Bunny comes from the other direction and pushes everyone into the mudd pool:
  14. :Bunny and Merry come out in matching outfits.. Very sleek and not easy to hold onto... They look at each other and snicker!: Bunny and Merry inch closer to the mud pool and circle in oppsite directions around Matt Ye ready Merry?
  15. Ok, what are the ground rules then? We need to put on our matching outfits!
  16. Well, I don't know... ye thinks ye can handle both Merry and I without back-up? Brave soul!
  17. Will...ye has anythin fer a cold? Chicken soup wit rice in it? Crackers and tea?
  19. well we will see what that weekend holds for me... may just be me ifin me lass gets some work. Hard to say this early on. I may come out fer the entire week, dependin!
  20. Actually I am quite enjoyin it! This lass put up wit a lot before me freedom and dammit, I am gunna enjoy my tyme t' kiss and hug as much as I can! This gerl is going to have a wee bit o' fun! I do register brides and grooms fer their lassoonin around marriage and I can tell ya, some o' them shouldn't be marrin! Jest wishin t' tell the other half t' RUN!
  21. Nay Diego... I do that in part job numero dose! DON'T DO IT! BRIDES ARE EVIL! I tell ye....tis much more fun t' be single!
  22. Biddin on nay, TRIP T' FLORIDA... AYE! Ifin ye wishes t' go... sounds a barrel o' fun t' me! Would jest be fer a weekend me thinks!
  23. 12:30 and I am still up sick. I am going to get some milk and cookies (even though I can't taste them, it is the thought that counts) Still no one to snuggle with. Sadly no one brave enough to come near me with my cold. Alas, I sleep alone and cold. Sniff, sniff...aaaaachew! Excuse me!
  24. Now yer talkin!!!
  25. Huzzah! NOW, YE HAS ME ATTENTION! Ummm, could ye put more lettuce on it though, fer me... please....PLEASE!
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