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Everything posted by Bunnycutlass

  1. I will nominate ye ifin ye tells me how! What are girlfriends fer! Can we only nominate one? I be sure Rummy wouldst like to enter too!
  2. BUT O' COURSE YE CAN! :Bunny moves a giant Royal Blue Satin Pillow between Her and Siren: Gingerbread pancake?
  3. How cute be yer pic! I shall inquire ab't the dates....won't be postin much this week....Closing the books on me ship this week! A pyrate's gotta count her diblooooones!
  4. hmmm, I will have to look it up but I know it isn't until late in the year! Good toss! I love blueberries!
  5. I hopefully be headin that way fer yer two day, walk across the world big one in the fall! I will have t' see tho...there be a lot on me plate fer this year! :Tosses a blueberry into Siren's mouth: Would be nice t' come out fer a visit tho....We will have t' get ye a carravan o' men t' carry ye 'round faire!
  6. LUCKY! Myne isn't until next weekend! HAVE YE A GRAND TYME!
  7. Mr. Lasseter... I HAVE NO WORDS!
  8. :Bunny grabs a pancake and flops back down into a silken pillow: A GERL COULD GET USED TO THIS!
  9. Dorian when ye are done fondellin' the melons, are we allow'd t' eat some o' it?
  10. Oh, now don't ye have talent'd hands! Hmmmm, very nice work Mr. Lasseter! I see ye are good wit yer melons!
  11. Beggin yer pardon.... I thought ye liked it with a little bite t' it!
  12. Nay ye be needin Grapefruit! Tis more bout the right size fer yer hunger!
  13. You are all too kind, but alas me thinks I will be the only one handlin me chest cold!
  14. Siren I has t' go fer a bit. I will try t' come back this e'enin' but can't make any promises... I be on watch this e'enin! I had fun, thank ye lass fer lettin me in the slumber party! :Bunny hugs Siren and collects her clothes: Anon and gives Christine a hug and thank her as well!
  15. Oh, now yer talkin... :Bunny clinks her symbols together: I do so love to belly dance! It is so beautiful and makes you feel so sexy!
  16. Where do we get it from if there be no men allow'd? Christine do you know how to play a drum? I did wanna dance... maybe! Look, I can roll too! Isn't that fun!
  17. Oh... Siren's is better... I'm changin! Bunny comes out in a purple silky PJ set with torn sleeves and pants but tied at the ankle and wrist. She has two symbols on each hand. What do you think? We need some harem music!
  18. :Bunny puts two sticks up an old pair of her bloomers and plants them into the ground: Does this count as a tent?
  19. Gramercy Lady Snow... aye, tis hard t' get a cold out o' me chest! NAY A WORD YE PYRATES!
  20. Ye can always order here... Will will make ye jest about anythin! William meet Sam Flint..... Don't suppose ye has a cup o' some peppermint tea on hand would ye... I still be a bit und'r the weather, the boat e'en! Thanks luv!
  21. Find the tavern... got it! I am sure the pyrates will come up and introduce themselves! Sorta hard to miss me! 6ft tall and yeah... you can't miss me!
  22. I think that is what I will do as well. Sounds like a great weekend o' pyracy! I can't wait. I wonder if poor little o' me will be able t' find me way around all by me lonesome! hmmm, a 6ft scantilty clad pyrate wench walkin round.... YE THINK I WILL FIT IN?
  23. I am still laughin at that lunch and dinner comment! Now put them in a bed o' lettuce and ye has a honeymoon!
  24. Oh Oh, me too! :Swifty gets the deck hose and like in slow motion...Merry and Bunny shower the mudd off their bodies.....Bunny's hair gets all wet and as she shakes her curls coming down framing her face.... Merry's clothes cling to her body showing every beautiful curve she has...Swifty holds the hose up high as showers of shimmering water falls upon the two girls. Matt and Biker stand in awww as the two girls have the mudd run down and two beauties stand before them: Ah, I feel so much better! Aye, Merry?
  25. Diego, may only be able to make it on Sat for Palm Springs. I won't have too much time off from my night job if I wish to go to any other faires. I have to limit my Sunday choices. So, can I work a Saturday for you if you need me too? Don't know about reading to the children... YE MAY HAS A LOT MORE DAD'S SITTIN IN MY GROUP THEN KIDS! Maybe I can do M&G instead!
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