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Everything posted by Bunnycutlass

  1. I does have t' argue wit ye on this one! I can't but I can turn me tongue up-side-down, twist it int' a tube and there be anoth'r skill that be way more important then stem tyin'...................... SUKSHUN!!!!!
  3. Silkie, how ye be at dancin? Wanna Table hop a jig o' two wit me? Kick up a skirt or two? :)
  4. Well that didn't work out the way I plann'd it! Wench, quit yer hidin and gets out from behind the prize! Ye hasn't claim'd it yet!
  5. Captn Stiff.....(GULP).....ler...... YE SAYS! OH MY! Tee hee! A Blushin Bunny Cutlass at yer service Captn!!!! I rosey rasp....berry cyder t' be matchin me complection! Yes, very pleas'd indeed!
  6. I did hear me name mention'd along with bar dancin! Ahoy Ms P! I be Bunny Cutlass and please'd t' be makin yer 'ellos! I be takin a raspberry cyder ifin ye don't mind and welcome t' the grand'st pub round!
  7. Stumpets? Ye lost me Dorian!
  8. Gram'rcy! Jest exactly what I needed!
  9. Oh, all right then! :bunny puts down the whipp'd cream: William tea and crumpets this morrow ifin ye please... I suppos'd t' drynk plenty and eat somethin'. So, that will do on me poor tatt'rd throat.
  10. I am still sick. Been sick for a month and a half now. Went to Urgent care last night and apparently I have a chest infection. No pneumonia, No Flu, No Bronchitis..CHEST INFECTION! So, I was given antibotics, a decongestant and supposed to feel better in about three days! WHERE WAS THIS STUFF A MONTH AGO! Sigh, please let me feel better by tomorrow... I can't take this for too much longer!
  11. Silkie, don't be so nice t' our captives, MORE WILL COME IFIN YE DOES..... ON SECOND THOUGHT! BE NICE, BE NICE!
  12. BRAZON LAD! May ye hav good luck wit that conquest! I suggests ye buys us drynks then takes advantage o' us! hmmmm, that jest doesn't sound right! Either way....Raspberry cyder fer me this morrow! welcome t' the pub!
  13. Jack, ye wanna play, WE JEST FREED UP THE MAST!
  14. Ye just pulls it out o' the juice and ye sticks it back in...makes it all shiny and glisenniny! That be how!
  15. Dagger, what Dagger? I see no dagger! O' mayhap you said Bag her? Ye wishes me t' puts a bag o'er Scarlet's hed? Still don't think it will help!
  16. Tis all right luv, plenty or replenish'd cherries in this pub t' go round!
  17. Bunny dips a finger in and holds it in front of Matt waiting for him to take it. He engulfs her finger and sucks it clean: Lasses ye has got to try this!!!!
  18. :Bunny picks up a freshly made bowl of Whipped cream and turns to glance back at William: DO I NOW???? What praytell could that include?
  19. All say Merry once we know, we just bytes and nibbles a little then throws them back! Blondiewench, we be a good lot and ye will have him back with minimal claw marks, we promises!
  20. ALL PYRATES SHOULD KNOW O' THE CAPTAIN'S DAUGHTER! Matt, ye poor lad... YE LOVES THIS! Ye likes grapes? Maybe the bed nay naught be such a bad idea! We could strap him to the posts!
  21. Does we have t' do anything t' get the beads???? JEST ASKIN?
  22. Lass I am liking ye already! Nay t' shy t' visit other threads and soft as a PJammie! Welcome t' the pub and join in anytyme ye feels a twitch! Can't wait t' pub dance wit ye.... Welcome again, Lass!
  23. I hear's cherries be a grand cure fer the coffer! Tee hee! Or is that the brandy that accompany the cherries?
  24. AH! Ye lass are gunna loose that Fiver! :Bunny slides her small dagger under Scarlet's shoulder strap and cuts it: Ye really should think about gettin a better tailor! 10 on the 6ft Bunny!
  25. Black Jack has return'd jest in tyme to be tyed to our other mast! Eh lasses? What does ye say?
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