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Everything posted by Bunnycutlass

  1. I did mean Dorian's older Avatar pic that he had fer a while! De one o' him with his facial hair and it be sorta similar t' that picture! I hadn't seen him post so I nay naught know ifin he still has it. I still think it resembles his old avatar....me think! I may be the rhum talkin!
  2. The guy on the Rootbeer looks a bit like Dorian... Is that my imagination?
  3. I do miss ye so! Can't go without seein a cherry and thinkin about ye! How be the leg and the homestead? Did see ye cutlass'n the bunny in the Easter Photos....They were nice pictures of ye from what I saw!
  4. OH! I would have some o' each ifin ye are makin' all that goodness!
  5. Huzzah, Wenches t' keep the Bunny from grabbin every lad she sees! I am glad I will have company in my endeavors! Who shall we start with first, I mean WHAT, WHAT SHALL WE START WITH FIRST? **She says with a gleam in her eye** Jest be sure t' introduce yerself. Most o' ye don't have pictures posted but I will remember the name! I will do me best t' include my ears in me packin so you all will recognize me! I don't think the men will be havin problems recognizing my ummmm....face? Seems Gunner has graciously allotted me the other half o' his tent. So now my place t' stay be set, I just has t' work on my play list for the weekend. This is really quite exciting and we aren't even t' Dec yet!
  6. fellas I appreciate the encouragement to camp but how will I find the fort that you speak of? Heck, I am going to have to find the PIP festival first, I nay naught e'en know where it be! This is going to be adventure doing this alone for at least the first day. After I get there and I find you boys it should be a little more easy sailin I would assume. You fellas better find me if I am wandering around like a lost Bunny.....please! If Gunner promises t' make room for the 6ft lass coming from SoCal.... I WILL CAMP! I can't believe I am going to do this! And as for gaurd'n me body.... I may need it, my pyrate wears on my profile are much more revealing then they appear!
  7. I only speak the truth that if anyone would like t' show me around I would not object to a tour or ideas on what to do. I would hate t' miss anything, doing it my first time! I don't know about camping tho, where would I stay, how would I get my camping stuff from CA to FL? Ye sure it wouldn't be easier to get a hotel? Jest askin! I do have t' admit I have ne'er travel'd so far from home alone. Me thinks I mayhav t' get my sister Scarlet t' invest in a ticket....THEN YE LADS WOULD HAVE TWO SINGLE LASSES T' TAKE IN TOW! (well, she sorta isn't single at the moment....I be the only broken one!)
  8. Oh this should be a grande tyme! I hope thar be stuff fer us Single Lasses t' enjoy... I will be alone in my endeavors!
  9. All this talk o' fruit makes me want a CARROTT! And I means a CARROTT! <ooo<<<
  10. Who ses I was going t' wear me bikini int' the sea? It be purple leopard print wit ties. Bunnies and Kitties nay like the water!
  11. Da Bunny runs from the pub in terror o' gettin her tail lobbed off!
  12. YE LADS DON'T WISH T' SEE ME IN A BIKINI, BELIEVE ME! I be a natural Red-head with the milky white skin t' boot! But I does appreciate the compliment! Ye really knows how t' make a pyrate lass blush! ::Blows Kiss:: Hmmm, I mayhap bring it jest in case I begins t' get a wee bit hawt and wants t' remove clothin' on the off chance it be as hawt as ye say! Although me coat already be mighty ventilated wit no shirt and all them slits in the leather! :)
  13. Those are fyne dates in deed and I most likely will be roughin it in a hotel! As Much as I would like to camp it will be too hard for me to do at that time of year. BUT FEEL FREE TO HIDE ME IN A TENT FOR AN AFTER PARTY! Can't wait to meet you all in November I am really looking forward to it!
  14. Bunny just shakes her head at all the Chocolate Rabid Pyrates... Ye be missin yer mouths! Me thinks I will just stick with some peppermint tea!
  15. Ah poor tit-mouse! I will take two nuts and a tit-mouse as well! tee hee... MISS IT HERE! Good day t' ye Will... how be ye?
  16. I thank ye too! :Kisses Pew atop the head as Silkie steps aside fer a second: Ahoy, lads and lasses.....Got any specials this day fer an ear to ear grinnin Bunny? I only be visitin so, nay get yer hops up fer a long stay!
  17. This past weekend it was Cherry bombs (cherries soaked in Everclear) and a Watermelon bomb (a watermelon shot up with Everclear) I used an entire bottle of Everclear on both and there wasn't much left! The Bunny was Bombed! :)
  18. I would like to make the December 2nd weekend of this. I was wondering if someone would type me off line with the address and any other pertinent link information you think I should know about. I can't wait to go and meet some of you East enders! If you don't forget about me till then! I miss you all and hope I will get to Bunny hug everyone I come across in FL. So, help me get there please! I was going to come in on Thursday, November 30th and go home Sunday or Monday depending on whichever is better. So, since I have never been help a femella pyrate lass out who can't really log into this site which she misses greatly and type me off-line! MUAH!
  19. I can't make it till the fall season of Escon, sorry working Southern faire this year and I am rather obligated since I can only go on Saturdays since I work Sunday. Wish I could be there! I know, I am full of disappointments!
  20. You need to bite more often!
  21. Twas nice chattin wit ye Captn' Bo. I may take ye up on that Steel Stallion ride ifin our paths cross. I must be away now Lad. Gram'mercy fer the thought of the tingle betwix't me thighs! Anon! (until we meet again) :Bunny takes leave of the room with a final sigh:
  22. Yer too sweet and way t' givin o' yer rides! Mayhap ifin ye are at an event, ye will at least let me take a picture upon it! That would be one fer the album! I make a darn decent Biker wench.... oh better nay say that t' loud o' Biker will o'er hear!
  23. I needs t' go Lass....Twas fun, but me ship be last callin'! Ye and Sam have yerselves a grand tyme! Anon!
  24. Going to go slip into something less air condition'd.... Goin' t' me cabin t' freshin up! Night all!
  25. Aye Sam, comes sits betwix'd us both! Ye could...ummm cool us down!
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