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Everything posted by Bunnycutlass

  1. Merry and Bunny stand on the deck drippin Mudd... Matt emerges from the Mudd wonderin where the chemise soak'd Merry had run off to? Swifty stands there from his hat to his cutlass cover'd in mudd! THAT WAS FUN, DO IT AGAIN!
  2. Wait I has the solution! bunny pulls her chemise out from being tucked to untucked and a big glob of mudd splats onto the floor! Ahhhhh!
  3. Bunny, tries to pick up Swifty's pants again but he starts lookin his balance and tumbles back.. Swifty where you going? Look out fer the..... MUDD!
  4. Swifty puts Bunny down, but as she tries to help Swifty with his pants Merry throws a second mud-clop and hit Bunny atop the head. As she stands she has a bee-hive o' mud atop her head! MERRY, COME ON! WHO YE TRYIN T' HIT ANYWAY?
  5. Don't I look good in it! YE GOING TO PUT ME DOWN? Ye can hav's yer hat back!
  6. Umm, Merry tis a bit see-through! LOOK OUT! MATT JUST JUMPED IN LIKE A SHARK! GUESSIN I SHOULDNA SAID THAT ALOUD! Ye needed t' know! Swifty, ye jest going to stand there holdin me wit yer pants down? Ifin ye puts me down.... I will help ye wit yer pants!
  7. Now Swifty, ye knows I can't let ye dunk my partner and get a way wit it! Bunny comes at Swifty with intent to grab a hold of him but he ducks and she goes up onto his shoulder.... Now Swifty me lad ye knows I was jest kiddin, right?
  8. Nice one Merry! Whoo hoo, now e'eryone is muddy! 'ello Swify, nice fer ye t' join us!
  9. Now Matt, don't be a sore loser... Ye has a nice booty!
  10. OMG, I fell out of my chair laughing when I read that last post! I think I hurt something laughin so hard!
  11. I alas am still sick... Why don't Bunnies get better? WHY? WHY I ASK? Sigh.... still sick....I just cough'd up a Bunny lung!
  12. I don't know Merry, I think he would have fought ye pantless... yeck I think he would have ask'd Biker t' leave so he could fight us both pantless! Either way, mud ridden Matt Matt legs aren't as sexy as I had imagined! Say that 5 times fast! Mud ridden Mad Matt legs! Mud ridden Mad Matt legs! Mud ridden Mad Matt legs! Mud ridden Mad Matt legs! Mud ridden Mad Matt legs!
  13. I love t' EAT cookies.. Mmmm, no bake and almond! Needs lettuce!
  14. Ifin worse comes t' worse, jest stand on his pants, he should be nay able t' move! Do your worst, I mean best t' him! Now Biker....How's about a dunk ladd.... Bunny tips over holding Biker with her.....SPLOOSH!
  15. He has weigh'd anchor, may naught be able too! Matt has his pants down I will come t' yer rescue. :Bunny wades t' Biker and holds him while Merry covers: Merry if ye want to go beat on Matt now, he is a bit defenseless!
  16. GREAT!!!! :Bunny still tries t' dunk Matt in the mud, she seems to hold him and he has a pretty good grip on her: Pretty much a tie....Is it naught! :Bunny slips out with her slick costume and goes under the mud, pulls Matt's legs using the slipper floor o' the mudd room and Matt goes under. Bunny attempts t' get's pants off while under the mud. She gets his belt and a few of the buttons undone. Matt realizes Bunny is getting his pants off for sport and not foreplay and resists, but it is too late! They are down and now too full of mud to pull back up!:
  17. Ahhhh, me thinks I will be partaken in the tea as well.... good choice!
  18. I be squeeling cuz ye trick'd me, nay cuz I be ticklish! Either way, I am gettin out o' this... Merrrrrrrrriiiiieeee! Merry death lungs onto Biker's back and starts pushing mud down his face... Good job Merry blind him! Bunny struggles in Matt's clutches but manages to turn around and face him while his arms still have her's behind her back. Now this is an interesting perdic'mint I have gotten meself into! She kisses him, muddy face and all..ALL MADE UP NOW?
  19. Clean is a dirty word here in the mud room, tee hee Oh, now it is Two against Two is it? Merry, you take Biker he is smaller and I get Matt! Bunny, finger gestures Matt to come hither.... "COME HERE IFIN YE DARES!" She looks at him rather seductively though, he isn't sure whether to pounce or kiss....
  20. After both girls recover their tumble, they turn around and both jump Matt. Bunny trying at the base to tip him, Merry at the top putting mud in his ear! Bunny finally gets Matt's footing loose tumbling everyone into the mud. Bunny grabs Matt's hands a pulls them behind his back and holds him: What should we do with him Captn' Merry? ... He has committed signs of MUTINY!
  21. Bonnie I added ye to my page... ye can't get to mine unless ye knows the secret passwords! So, ifin ye wants... I added ye!
  22. Well they haven't set the dates yet which could be bad if we get hotels for the wrong weekend. So, as soon as they post the dates, we will post the link, like you already did. I sent them an e-mail asking them to update the link for us planners! Thank you Patrick for your assitance! You look great in an evening gown I might add! Does Pat Bunny Rabbit still get to kiss all the contestants?
  23. Happy VD to you! Happy VD to you! Happy VD to youuuuuu! Happy VD To YOU! AND MANY MORE!
  24. WELL MR CUTLASS, YE MAY BE GETTIN A PIN FROM ME IN PERSON THEN! I may be showing up to that faire! At least trying to plan on it.
  25. A lot can happen in 8 months, don't be sweatin' till ye has t'! Jest take it month t' month and we will go from there. Besides, don't make me have'ta come get ye! GRRRR! :)
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