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Everything posted by Bunnycutlass

  1. :Bunny turns the other direction when Dorian enters the room: Hmmmm, it jest got cold in here...Rummy thinkin I will be headin t' me room! Ne'er mind on the swim Will and I have lost me appetite! :glares at Dorian and wrapp'd in a towel heads t' her room:
  2. Will, ye have two lasses ready fer a swim! Last call fer a dip in the water and some BBQ!
  3. Nay, ye be filled with Sugar and spice and e'erything nice! I think I be knowin', I lick'd ye!
  4. Aye, Sweet on the outside n' hallow on the in! Wanna byte?
  5. LOL, I CAN POST IT! Ifin ye wants t' see, ye has t' lemme DUNK YA! I will load them in and post'em...give me a moment!
  6. Sounds wonderous to this tired Bunny! Ifin ye are cookin, I be eatin! The swimmin, I can handles!
  7. Hmm, thinkin o' holdnin the snip? How bad do ye play?
  8. I be wanting a blue Pirate coat, rather tight in certain spots, very much like the blue coat on the first couple o' posts! I may be out in yer neck o' the woods in Aug. Ifin I can wait that long without stealin one!
  9. At least ye didn't say Rabbit! Don't e'en offer it Mr. William sir! Wonderous well, Lamb it is! Jest Lamb? Nothing else?
  10. :Bunny pulls up a seat, wide-eye'd and waiting: Well, ifin ye are going to ruin me appetite, should I eat something first?
  12. " Oh, help.... Matt is so strong.... and I can not beat him.....Oh whoa is me!" Don't drown me too badly Matt, me Lad!
  13. I can'st fight faire... he is stronger then I be! Sorry Matt, did I hurt ye wit that last one? :Matt fireman picks up Bunny over his shoulder, she just sort of sits there while he struts his stuff for Scarlet, Bunny whispers: Ye done showin off?
  14. Well, I be lykin' yer right and yer left hands, so give it yer best! (( oh, tee hee, I be fergettin yer a Quatermaster of the outside world)) Either way, ye won't hear me arguin' being held down by anyman! Ifin I loose or win, I STILL WIN! ::Bunny circles Matt after tossin him into the mud in a body slam...:: Ye look a bit tired there laddy, ye need yer nap? oh yeah it is on!
  15. Why, cause ye can't play a number at the harpsichord?
  16. Hmm tis a good point! :so I reach into the mud and grab Matt under a leg, lift him partially out o' the mudd like I am going to body slam him: Did I happen t' mention, I was a strong lass too? :Matt is sort of out o' the Mudd in me arms: BODY SLAM! YEAH BABY!
  17. Ha. I AM NOT! Ye can keep tryin to though ifin it keeps yer hands busy! And, I am on yer back, Hairy has his face in me chest! RIGHT HAIRY, Hairy is mumbling yes! :eh, eh, eh: Must get ye dunk'd! Ye are strong!
  18. So true Merry! I have a short joke... here it is.... "There is notihng wrong with sex on TV...........as long as you don't fall off!"
  19. "YER COMIN BACK IN WIT ME!" :Bunny holds onto Matt wit all her might as they tumble back into the mud: "DARN IT MATT, HAIRY IS GONE NOW!" :she tries her patent sweepin of the leg motion: Stupid Mud is so slippery... :She grabs his now wet again coat and jumps on him to push him down with all her weight: WHY WON'T YOU EAT MUDD!
  20. Well, ifin ye wouldn't push sweet littl' o' Bunnies int' the mud, things like that wouldn't happen! So there!
  21. Problems with what parts? :Bunny makes kissy-face: Anything I can make all better? or do I need to get Scarlet?
  22. Well, your backside is smiling at me... I can't believe you didn't feel that! Hi nice t' meet ye, o' ye say yer name is HAIRY!
  23. Whaaaate'er! I Kick'd e'er arss from her t' the pub! tee hee, the smiley I put into yer backside has hard'nd.... tee hee now ye can come and go wit a smile! tee hee hee.
  24. How was work today dear? Tee hee Care fer another Dunk int' the mudd? I beat yer arss the last tyme!
  25. :bunny sadden' by her loss, shuts the door and finally takes that long await'd bath.... alone.: "in the end... I still got what I originally came int' here for!"
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