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Everything posted by Bunnycutlass

  1. It be a bit muddy me Matey! Dunnah worry, I will jest take it int' the showers wit me and wash it right up fer ye!
  2. Aye, be a laugh a minute, I be! Matt's coat be nice, he may naught be gettin it back! I DO LOVE PYRACY! Ahoy, showers ahead sir!
  4. :Swifty gives Bunny back her britches but the thought of puttin on muddy bloomies doesn't sit well wit her: Swifty would ye be so kind t' get me a cloth t' wrap around meself till we gets t' the water. There be no way I be puttin these back on! Wouldst ye please help me get cover'd? :Swifty gets out o' the mud, covered from head to toe, walking carefully as to naught slip while trying to find Bunny some sort of covering. Grabs Matt's dried and clean coat: He won't mind, will he? :Bunny puts on the coat out of the mudd and she appears naked with two mud covered legs stickin out the bottom.: "I thought pigs were supposed t' be mud fiends, nay Bunnies!"
  5. Gunner, don't ye dare! Ye wait till I has some sort of decency! I was actually thinkin of us washin up together....yer clothes will hav'ta wait! What say ye?
  6. Swifty me pet, how about ye gives em t' me and we continue this here match int' the WASH room? Care t' wash the mudd off me? !
  7. :bunny swims down a wee bit more and out from under Swifty's palm. She swims round t' the backside o' Swifty and comes up behind him. She wraps her mud cover'd arms around Swifty and hugs him down back int' the mudd. They wrestle fer a bit in the mud and Swifty comes up with Bunny's britches!" Bunny stands but only t' the waist, while Swifty swings the muddy panties atop his finger.: Ummm, Swifty me pet... may I has those back please?
  8. William, does the Kate have dancin?
  9. Oh so ye wish'd t' wrestl... tis fyne wit me! :Bunny, pushes Swifty back first int' the mud... CLOTHES AND ALL! There is a large "SPLATT" noise from him hitting the mud. Swifty sinks slowly int' the mud and doesn't come up: Ye and Matt should learn to nay stand so close to the edge o' the poole o' mudd! :a few moments pass and Swifty is still under the mud: Swifty? Swifty? Lad, this isn't funny.... :Bunny climbs onto the ledge and gets into the mud in what she be wearin. All of a sudden her leg gets yank'd and under she goes. Swifty pops up from the mudd: GOTCHA! :Bunny stands cover'd from head to toe in mud, she slides the watery mess off her face and chest: Now, that was jest mean me pet!
  10. Do ye mind ye two!!!! I be standin here in me scivies and yer interuptin adult time fer me and Swifty....Don't make me... DRAW HIS SWORD! :Swifty has his arms around poor Bunny standin there waitin for both Red and Matt to leave. Gets a grin on his face as leave...finally: Swifty....Now where were we? Tis a good thing I nay be shy, aye?!?!
  11. Aye, but I have nay contact'd Scarlet fer the lot o' them either! Think I should? LOL, I wouldst be the one who wouldst hav' t' post em. I dunna believe the lass knows how! Me thinks, I may have t' tell her me secrets!
  12. I wasn't referrin to her wrestlin, I was referrin to ye interferein and then I would hav' t' ask her t' hold onto our bedroom adventure a wee bit longer. Since ye are nay interferein' so far... I won't have t' resort t' nay underhand'd deeds! Now, as fer me lad Swifty... Ifin I do come into ye arms, what are ye going t' do t' me? :Bunny starts removin her dress as she walks towards Swifty....She unlaces the bodice slow to reveil a black corset barely coverin her. Her skirt falls to the ground and she has on a black ruffle'd panty and her black thigh-high boots.: All right Swifty.... Is it the mudd o' are we going t' kiss and make up?
  13. Over yander! Now ifin' ye don't mind, I don't need a tag team Dunk the Bunny party! And ye better behave or be callin Scarlet fer a favor!
  14. Matt move ye self out o' the Mudd and make some room fer Swifty cause he be comin in real soon like! Darn and I jest get done wrestlin ye and already I has another taker! Swifty, ye better take off anything ye don't want ruin'd cause ifin I go, ye are comin in wit me!
  15. Please sit, M'lady Snow! Join Rummy n I fer some sugary goodness! :Bunny pulls out a chair and calls William over with a hand gesture: Will, the most handsome owner in these parts, will you get M'lady Snow whatever she wishes and put it on me tab. Rummy as well! Eat up me lasses, the dancin' was good last night and the purse be full!
  16. :Bunny pinches Rummys arsss: and now ye be too! :Bunny almost falls out of her chair laughing: I do make meself laugh!
  17. Oh Will, ye out did yerself! Nay need fer syrup...I will enjoy them jest as they are. Gram'ercy! Don't be supposin ye have a wee bit o' juice... ye know, incase I be happenin t' be comin' down with Scurvy or somethin'? ORANGE? PLEASE!
  18. :Bunny walks int' the Kate, grabs a seat facing a nice view out a port: Good Morrow Will... Don't be supposin' ye have Pancakes with bluberries somewhere has ye? I am really in the mood fer something sweet and juicy.
  19. I jest says good luck t' ye!
  20. well, ifin I answer'd that, I would have post'd it already. I don't have them! They be lock'd away tightly in Scarlet's telly! So, ye will have to do some Scarlet suckin to be gettin that tasty pic! We removed clothins fer that little tidy bit! Scarlet was warm on me chest!
  21. I am sittin on me phone, with 6 IMs on yahoo, a cat on me lap and pyracy on.
  22. She pounced me good too! I be right proud to include her in the Bunny pouncin! I so want'd to pick her up and fireman carry her int' the bedroom.... OH WAIT! I DID! teehee...but those are a completely different set of photos! NOW, COME HERE MATTY FER YER DUNKIN! :SPOOOSH!:
  23. Incomin' couch room! Scarlet ye wirey lass... Ye can climb the Bunny anytime.... Next time we will try it with mudd!
  24. Never have, Never will... Advil drug of choice! Mmmm, brown Bunny pellets!
  25. :Bunny after getting dressed sneaks back into the Kate and into the back part of the kitchen: Mr. P.E.W.???? Do be a dear and fix me somethin' t'eat! I can not go out int' the dinnin' area, please see what ye can do! I be starvin' and the smell o' the food is killin me!
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