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Everything posted by Bunnycutlass

  2. Could ye toss a tissue box at me as well?
  3. Ahoy Will, Good Morrow t' ye and the lovely salad I be wishin t' order up! Whatcha got fer me this fyne day?
  5. Nay, I be a pyrate wench! I WANT IT ALL OR NUTHIN!
  6. Me thinks we would all like a tall drynk o Irishmen! Can me picks the brand? I wouldst take one o' each t' sample!
  8. Now ye be talkin! Nice coconut top ye be wearin! Love the add'd touch!
  9. Ye know...tis quite amuzin' t' jest watch ye lads! That drynk looks good, but alas, nay in the mood fer eggs this morrow.... Any other choices? Somthin' with a bit more substance!
  10. Well False Ransom, ye and yer husband will have a grand tyme believe me! So much has changed! It won't be so o'er whelmin... Ifin ye see a pyrate, ye walk up t' the pyrate, ye says... AHOY, I BE FALSE RANSOM.... IFIN'S THEY LOOK AT YE FUNNY...THEY NAY BE PART O' THE PUB. IFIN THEY HUG YE AND SAYZ I BE BUNNY CUTLASS, RUMMY, DIEGO, DORIAN, WILLIAM, PEW...ETC.....YE HUGS EM BACK! TIS SIMPLE REALLY! TELLS YE WHAT....I BE THE LEAST HARDEST, BESIDES ME SISTERS RUMMY, DEVLY'N AND SCARLET, T' FIND....YE JEST LOOKS FER ME AND I WILL GIVES YE A TOUR! Here be yer first hug! > : D <
  11. So.... no apron is it? BLAST'D!
  12. Dorian ye are a busy little waiter this morrow! Can I gets ye in jest an apron to stand on the menu? Beggin yer pardon, it is the Irish car bomb talkin!
  13. I have a timeshare I was going to use..They normally require an address to book the closest one. Depends if I am traveling alone though. May want a hotel if that is the case. Will have t' ask me girls if they want to go with me! Scarlet, Dev and Rummy are usually easy sells on anything Pyrate!
  14. Does anyone have the PIP coordinates? Address that is? Ifin I wishes to go, I will need t' book me timeshare so I can take the week off. Is it jest the weekends or the entire week? That may make a difference as well. I wouldst love to go! I do so enjoy FL and live for vacations!
  15. **SNIFF, SNIFF** Umm, didst I e'er mention I hates Beans! :Bunny lookin rather green and terribly unsteady rushes out of the room and into hers, shutin the door fast!:
  16. Nay, I was jestin! I wouldst ne'er do that t' another family member! I don't have a naughtie story o' faire! Someone died on me first night t' have an after-party. I was trash'd on Cindo de Drynko! Did get me ars up on the stage for CSG night on accident! Other then that, faire shut down and now there are no more after parties. Sadly, no stories or naughtiness!
  17. Rummy guessin we shouldn't e'en mention "Flashin" t' the poor lads from Escon, huh?
  18. :Bunny puts her hands steadfast onto the table to hold her steady: Don't suppose ye wants t' eat at THIS here table? Oh, me achin hed! Jamezin? Ye sed that stuff be? Ne'er agin!
  19. :Bunny takes the shot from PEW: Food....food I think is a good idea...me thinks...yes... food is grand! :Ciaran, continues to spin the poor Bunny about the floor. PEW and Dorian chuckle in amuzement as Ciaran continues to dance joyfully, spinning her to and fro:
  20. :Ciaran Dips Bunny: "Yer welcome" Oh Ciaran, less dippin! Ye know... Beers don't normally affect me... Pew, what did ye say was dropp'd int' it?
  21. Diego, ifin worse comes to worse, I can sell them fer you when I gets up there! Tis me Natal Day that weekend and they be twistin me arm t' go! So, we will jest sell them and bring ye the money home. I can sell ore t' a smyth! Nay a problem ifin it comes t' that! I promises to get yer money return'd to ye!
  22. It truly be a faire ye won't ferget! Fer two years now, there be more memories than a lass can name! Ye get Rummy, Me, Scarlet, Devly'n, Diego and many, many others! Do ye best t' please try to make it! Would be nice t' really give ye all Bunny Hugs and Kisses in person! Diego, ye know I will be there wit me set o' girls! Frisky, Lory and Becky most likely. Oh so many women and nay enough tyme!
  23. Ifin ye promises nay t' spin me round t' much, aye! :Bunny puts down the ICB and Ciaran offers his hand: IT IS WARM IN HERE!
  24. :Bunny starts her second Irish Car Bomb due to the toast: Tis warm in here!
  25. JEST A BIT! Only had a sip off 'nothers Guin once cause I wonder'd what it tasted like! I should have warn'd ye, I am not normally a drynker of beers! Are ye suppos'd t' slam them down so fast as ye do?
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