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Everything posted by Bilgemunky

  1. Actually, if we're to identify Gypsy, I think we need clues. I dont' what to have to walk up to everone in sight asking, "are you gypsy rose? Are you gypsy rose? are you? are you?..." Nope, that just won't do.
  2. For Immediate Release Plumage&Plunder has moved to Thursdays! Now you can listen online to get your weekly fix of pirate rock, pirate pop, pirate alternative, and yes, even the occasional pirate sea shantey every Thursday from 3-6 p.m. PST, 5-8 p.m. Central. Plumage&Plunder is a weekly pirate-themed radio program featured on YarRadio (the official radio station of Pirates of the Burning Sea.) Frequently played bands include Pirate Jenny, Sunken Chest, Bounding Main, The Ben Gunn Society, The Toucan Pirates, and many, many more. Also frequented are pirate songs by such distinctly non-pirate bands as Sting, Adam and the Ants, and even The Beastie Boys. Listeners can tune in using Windows Media Player, I Tunes, or Winamp (http://www.yarradio.com/listen.html). During the show (again, Thursdays, 3-6 p.m. PST) they can also chat with Bilgemunky, the show's host, through IRC (http://www.yarradio.com/chat.html.) At other times, visitors can tune in to listen to any one of YarRadios many other fine programs. For questions about Plumage&Plunder, contact Bilgemunky at capt@bilgemunky.com More information can be found out www.YarRadio.com and www.Bilgemunky.com Playlists and program news can be found at www.myspace.com/bilgemunky
  3. Dangit - I'd set this thread to track, but something must have glitched out. Now I find out all sorts of chatting has been going on and I've been missing it! arrr.... The costume contest will have categories, by age if nothing else. But more importantly the Buccaneer's Bash will have a costume contest of its own, and that's a 21+ event. Judges will be local "somebodies" - chief of police and such. I'm *hoping* for a secret celebrity judge, but I don't know if that's going to happen. Yar.
  4. I figured you'd have some wisdom to share about this pic, Bess - one way or the other :angry: Thanks for setting us straight!
  5. Don't know for certain this is from Pirates of the Caribbean 3, but it sure looks that way! http://www.canmag.com/news/4/3/3883
  6. I want to apologize for not keeping everyone more up-to-date on this event. It's hard to believe, but I'm actually over-stretched on pirate projects these days, what between the Festival, the radio program, and several other incidentals. Oh yeah, and then there's the website... Anyways, I would first like to clarify that I am not in charge of the Port Pirate Festival (I've occasionally been contacted by folks who believed this to be the case.) I'm merely one several folks serving on the planning committee. I *am*, however, in charge of the opening night's buccaneer's bash. You can find details at: http://www.portpiratefestival.com/pdf/buc_bash.pdf The Bash, like much of this festival, is more about pirate-themed fun than actual pirate history, so reenactors be warned We're doing our best to insert as much pirate flair as possible, without scaring off the tourists - these people are our bread&butter, and just maybe we can whet their appetites for more! For details on the festival as a whole, check out the official website at: http://www.portpiratefestival.com/ Hope to see some of you there! Yarrr!!!
  7. I've been anxiously awaiting Pirates of the Burning Sea for years, and a recent computer upgrade should ensure I meet the specs (no small task with this one )
  8. Hmm... I'm not enough of a techy to know what to tell you. Maybe try the lower bandwidtch option?
  9. Just a reminder - I'll be on the air again tomorrow. Same time, same channel (see the first post of this thread for more info!) :)
  10. Now Bess, teasing us like that is just plain EVIL!
  11. I just found a site listing the new items coming out for the Pirates of the Caribbean gift shop ... Check it out here. Lot's of neat stuff. And if anyone's going to be in that neighborhood, I would love to snag a set of those playing cards! PM me and we'll work out the details!
  12. Thanks much! Tune in again next week - there's lots more in store
  13. It sounds like you're describing No Quarter Given.
  14. Requests can be made during the show via the IRC chatroom (details also at YarRadio.com.) In time we should be getting yarradio email addresses set up, and maybe other instant message systems. Course, you all know how to contact me anyways Bear in mind that my inventory isn't infinite - I can only play songs I've legally purchased. But I'll always do what I can to entertain requests!
  15. Thanks for the kind words, all. That may be the first time in a dog's age that I've been called a "rascal" :)
  16. I spoke with the editor of Pirates Magazine a couple of weeks ago, and things were still very much moving forward. I believe the premier issue is due out this summer.
  17. Starved for pirate music? Then log on to YarRadio on Sunday mornings 9-noon pacific, 11-2 central, to hear yours truly spinning pirate tunes on the virtual air! YarRadio is the official radio station for the upcoming Pirates of the Burning Sea. Much of the station format revolves around modern and alternative rock, but my own show will be all about the pirate. I will mainly stick to the non-traditional sort of music - Pirate Jenny, Ben Gunn Society, Sforzando, Toucan Pirates, etc, although I'm certain a traditional shanty or two will find its way to me now and then. I'm really excited about this opportunity. Wish me luck and be sure to tune in! Yarrr!!!
  18. Well, if you want to do something piratey, I recommend lunch or dinner at Barnacle Buds! If you go, be sure and tell them "Bilgemunky sent you!" - they'll probably do that old joke where they pretend they don't remember me. It's a thing we have :)
  19. Yarrr!!! I'm getting a personal tour of the Dreadnought this Friday, and have been given permision to bring my camera and post the pix online! Anything I should make an extra effort to shoot?
  20. As promised: League of Pirates: From the world of Dread Pirate - Front Porch Classics' highly successful and award wining Coffee Table Game - comes League of Pirates, a fast paced game of cut throat action. In this game players compete to place the best pirates onto their respective ships. Players can "recruit", "press gang" or even "raid" for the pirates they need. Game comes with over 40 unique and beautifully illustrated pirate coins suitable for collecting. A two player game for ages eight and up. Estimated retail price is $20.00 to $25.00. Discovery Edition Dread Pirate: Buccaneer's Revenge In this rousing game of cut throat action we've taken the best elements of the highly successful Dread Pirate game and thrown in some new twists. Each player now partakes in specific missions which help them collect booty and navigate the treacherous seas. Action cards introduce a whole new series of pirate engagements and adventure. For 2 to 4 players. Estimated retail price is $20.00 to $25.00. You can view larger images by clicking the thumbnails at Bilgemunky.com.
  21. I was particularly amused that they did a little homework and based some elements of the story on real-world pirate stuff (rather than pulling it out of thin air as in the pirate "charmed" ep.) Blackbeard's money pit was clearly inspired by Oak Island. The primary funder of the excavation was a pirate-obsessed billionaire with his own reality TV show - Pat Croce reference? And let's not forget to mention that when a couple of fella's were drinking beers near the site, that was Flogging Molly on their boombox - a band who's clearly drawn pirate inspiration of their own. Did I miss any?
  22. Thanks for clarifying, Rumba!
  23. I don't mean to be inflamatory, and I certainly don't care to take sides in a debate where I know virtually nothing of the principal combatants. BUT... Unless I'm misinterpretig Booty's profile, then forum Admins anonymously posing as one-post wonders in the middle of a pissing contest seems a poor way to handle things.
  24. Well, I think I'm going to ride this one out for now - they have my check already, although I'm not certain whether it's been deposited yet. I don't know much about the creators of this magazine, nor their current or former associates. I don't see a reason to bail my subscription at the first sign of trouble. And if it all turns out for carp, I just won't renew. Besides, even if the worst should occur, watching an occasional shipwreck can be entertaining Black Fox, I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store as well - best of luck, and keep us posted!
  25. I've not yet seen their work upclose, but Pyrate Leatherworx makes some rough&tumble looking leather hats, with prices starting at $90.
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