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Everything posted by Bilgemunky

  1. Give it time :) An' if any of ya need a crew, seek out the Crazed Mob (type "/who Jinia" and you can contact the captain, who's also the governor of Wrasse Island.) Just tell them Bilgemunky sent ya!
  2. And which private stock would that be, mate?
  3. I been eyeballin' the Black Strap in the store - just never got around to trying the stuff yet. I'll make sure I do so soon!
  4. I'm currently sampling a new rum, and I just had to share... It's from the Plantation Rum series. I've previously tried thier Trinidad rum, and it did little for me. But now I'm trying their barbardos rum and it's like... like... well, it's like getting kicked in the teeth by a sulty Spanish tavern wench wearing nothing but a solid gold boot. Danm, this is fine rum@@@. er, !!!
  5. That entire site is absolutely wild! Best thing I've seen since I discovered Real Ultimate Power - and this is cooler, cuz Ninjas bite!
  6. I went through that same search a while back - wanted to replace the chrome buckle that came with my baldric with something a little more "rough'n'ready" looking. I think it was Jas Tounsend that had a wrought iron circle, that was close to what I wanted. Since then, I've also found a slightly better selection at Crazy Crow. They offer brass and wrought iron in circles and squares. Some even have patterns on the face. Hope this helps!
  7. Here he be, fer all to enjoy! Now let's see some more!
  8. Historical accuracy is all well and good, but I prefer historical feasibility. Did pirates wear this coat or that boot? Who can say for certain? Might they have? Well, if it's period, and something a pirate might have had the opportunity to swipe off the back of a victim, then I say go with it. Wool frock - good. Rayon and sequin dayglow green frock - bad. It's just like walking the plank - many say pirates never did it. But we know well enough that many pirates loved to make sport of executing their victims, so why wouldn't they have come up with something as simple as plank walking? Sounds feasible to me. So long as we're all more or less believable, and don't all look like jack-sparrow-clones (leave the eye-liner at home, lads!), then I'm happy
  9. I confess, I have one of them uglee mugs starin down at me from atop me bookshelf. Twas a gift from me wife (girlfriend, actually, at that time.) Do we need to post pictures of these prides and joys?
  10. I remember the version with Charleton Heston in 1990, with Oliver Reed as Billy Bones. If that's the one your thinking of, I adore it. I think it's the best interpretation of the book I've seen to date. I especially liked their version of Jim Hawkins, who actually seemed mature enough to outwit pirates (unlike some versions where he's a chubby cheeked 10 year old who should be incapable of outwitting a herring.) Hard to find for sale on VHS, and I don't think it's even available at all on DVD. It's a shame.
  11. That would be the Holland, Michigan
  12. This is just too good: Pirates illegally join Kinderparade in Holland It seems a bunch of teenagers, members of the "American Pirate Association", dressed up as pirates and crashed a parade earlier this month. I did some digging for other stories on this, and it gets even better. It seems they were pulled from the parade by the police and fined $100 apiece for entering the parade without a permit. To pay it off they held a carwash, making enough to pay their fines with cash to spare. So they used the excess to buy a brick for the new, underconstruction police precinct - which will be etched with their name, "The American Pirate Association" for all time! Now THAT is priceless!
  13. What? You think I'm joking? I haven't yet decided if I'll send a link to US Subs, informing them of the new competition.
  14. I decided it was time to take matters into me own hands - if you can't join'em, beat em Bilgemunky Discount Submarines are now available for sale!
  15. Just stumbled across this yesterday - Pirate Wars 2. I'm just starting to try it out, so can't say much. What I do know is you build a crew with skills such as parrot-handling, and you can improve your ship's speed by adding frilly-sails or a monkey row crew. Sounds fun AND historically accurate! Check it out
  16. A while back I got it into my head to send this email to US Subs: --------------------- Dear sirs/madams - I'm the proprieter of Bilgemunky.com, an online resource for modern-day pirates. I'm not referring to the scary, uzi-toting pirates that plague asian waters - we're traditionalists. Jolly rogers and cutlasses and such (and maybe a flintlock pistol, if our wives let us.) One of the most important features at Bilgemunky.com is the pirate merchandise reviews, which is why I'm contacting you. It occurred to me that a luxury submarine would be the ideal home for a modern day pirate - always on the move and out of sight, able to sneak up on tourist boats and then surface to wave swords at them from a safe distance, that sort of stuff. I would love to review one of your subs for this purpose, but since I'm not yet wealthy enough to afford one on my own perhaps you might like to send me one for free? I know that sounds like a lot to ask, but there are many multi-billionaires that frequent Bilgemunky.com (well, it's possible,) and I'm sure the only reason they've not yet purchased one of your fine luxury submarines is because they're waiting to read a really good, pirate-based review of them. I think it would be best to send me a Nomad or higher - anything smaller wouldn't allow enough room for my crew of scalliwags. Or if you'd prefer to send me a Seattle or Pheonix, that would certainly be acceptable. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon! Yarrr! --------------------- It's been a few weeks now, and my submarine still hasn't been delivered. And here I was planning on inviting you all to join me on the maiden voyage. Hmph.
  17. Dancing monkeys? Really, you shouldn't tempt me.
  18. Bein' in Milwaukee, I sometimes find my way to Chicago. But alas, this weekend won't work. Any of you Chicago Pirates planning to go to the Bristol Renaissance Faire this summer? P'haps we could meet up!
  19. I'd recommend some Toucan Pirates, Pirate Jenny, and the Tropico 2: Pirates Cove soundtrack. Beyond that, why not hire some drunk and put a sqeezebox in his hands? Can't get more authentic than that
  20. I've dealt with them, and I can say two things - they are atrocious at answering emails in a timely manner, and 2 - they've always come through in the end. Keep emailing - be persistent. But try not to worry - I'm sure you'll get your shirt eventually. Last I heard from them they were doing tremendous business - I think perhaps more than they were staffed for. That might be the reason for their lack of email responses. That doesn't make it OK, but it's something to keep in mind.
  21. If this has been posted before then I apologise, but I just had to share this: Jack Sparrow Plush Doll
  22. Hey, thanks a ton for the mp3s! I like the first two in particular - Water Witch is very fun & catchy, and I love the energy of Terror of the Sea. Thanks again
  23. And now it's gone again! Hah, I feel like I caught ya with your drawers down - saw somethin' I shoudn't've.
  24. I'm not sure I should say anything yet - you're clearly still tuning, tweaking, and the rest it. Still... I like much!!! Very much
  25. Thank you much :) I suppose I should have put a link (not that they aren't everywhere already ) www.bilgemunky.com
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