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Everything posted by Bilgemunky

  1. Believe it or not, there's actually a pretty decent nautical pub in Milwaukee, although it's (fittingly) hard to find by land (they have their own dock - getting there by boat is much more straightforward. Well, kinda.) Barnacle Buds I've only been there once, and am itching to go again to see if it's as cool as I remember. From what I recall, it very much has that feeling of being an old shack, with shelves overflowing with old junk (some nautical, but some farm equipment.)
  2. It goes without saying - I don't get out enough So in that case, I really need to attend more pirate festivals. I'd like to make at least one in 2006 (not counting Port Pirates, which is essentially in my backyard.) Given no limitations, I'd likely choose to make it Pirates in Paradise, but that may or may not be feasible. Sooo.... all you Pirate Fest veterans, please share. If you could only attend ONE festival next year, which ones would be at the top of your list, and why? Which festivals provide the most bang for the buck, as it were?
  3. Methinks you missed an "s" in your url. Might this be yer shop? Pirates Cave
  4. I just picked up this series for about $3 at Walgreens, although I found the episodes to be somewhat... disturbing.
  5. I've always found Dresslikeapirate.com to be very communicative. However, in the interest of full disclosure I should point out that I've never dealt with them as a customer - they've sent me review items, and they've donated merchandise for the Flying Dutchman award. You can read my reviews of their products here. In both cases (puffy shirt and hip tie) the quality was very good. Neither was made from period materials, and both were "nicer" pirate clothes (might not hold up long when trudging through the swamps) - but very sturdy and well made for what they were. Although I've not yet had need to buy from them, I wouldn't hesitate to do so if the urge struck :)
  6. I've, off and on, considered the Sea Service pistol from Miliatary Heritage - anyone feel like sharing details on the quality of this gun for actual use? Craftsmanship, safety, etc?
  7. Bilgemunky


    We don't have Stator Bros around here, but I've found the same things at Walgreens :) Captain Kidd was very, very good. Still haven't made it all the way through the Long John Silver episondes- I find them pretty painful. The acting and the writing are rather second-rate, and the first episode has one of the most painful flirt scenes I've ever experienced. Still, worth checking out for the price.
  8. I don't know about "After the Ride", but you can see more of Pyrate Style at pyratestyle.com. Just be prepared to blanch at the prices
  9. I don't think anyone's caught this one yet - if so, I apologize. Was browsing my local Disney store the other day when I spotted this: It's a nearly 9 inch tall, highly stylized Captain Hook action figure. I mean, look at that cutlass! LOOK AT THAT HAT!!! They retail for $10, but were on sale for $5! I somehow figured the rest of you might be interested
  10. Sadly, they were very touristy bars, and the information I gleaned is likely now irrelevant. For example - the blonde in the corner might look old enough, but she's really only 16. The redhead English gal is older, and seems to really like magic tricks - but that's her mother sitting next to her, so tread carefully. But it's been quite a few years - this information is likely out of date
  11. I spent some time in Malta, but I did it like a TRUE pirate and never left the bars. Actually that wouldn't have been my first choice, but it's all my shipmates cared to do, and it fell to me to keep them out of trouble. Maybe one day I can go back and absorb some proper culture
  12. That's a fantastic find, Pearl! And I'm thrilled to see it'll be playing in Chicago - when I saw the word "Broadway" I'd assumed NYC. Chicago is a bit easier :)
  13. Blackbeard's Reserve is a fairly harsh drink. I had one bottle I loved, and another that was like licking the inside of a charred oak barrel (this I did NOT love.) Neither, however, was a gentle sort. If Dogfish Head is your favorite rum then I wouldn't fork out the cash for Blackbeard's - I doubt you'll like it. But if you're curious, buy a bottle of Gosling's Black Seal first, and try gulping that. It's a far cry from Blackbeard's, but it can still be brutal if you're unaccustomed to the "harsher" rums. If you find you like Gosling's, then you might enjoy Blackbeard's. My understanding is that Pyrat Pistol is discontinued - wish I'd known a little earlier, as I never did get to try the stuff. XO is still readily available, and would probably be more to the liking of anyone who enjoys sweeter rums, such as Dogfish and Capt. Morgan's Private Stock. Bilgemunky Rum Reviews And hey, while we're on the subject, wish me luck - I'm off to RumFest next week!!!
  14. Dude! I mean.... dude! Drop dead gorgeous. Really.
  15. I've always envisioned a combination of the two as the perfect home defense. Imagine being a burglar sneaking into my home. You approach the mantle to steal my Blackbeard's Skull Chalice when suddenly you hear "Flight of the Valkyries" booming throughout the mansion. You turn to see what's going on when you're barn-stormed by three parrot-riding monkeys! Tolkein's Nazgul have nothing on the terror you would feel upon facing these multi-colored, poo-flinging aviators
  16. Perhaps I'm a bit biased, but on the subject of "best looking pirate," I'd like to submit that *I* am. For your enjoyment... And lest we forget me with some of my lovely lady-friends...
  17. Getting back to the original question, I believe I've read in several places that the Quartermaster was also elected. This would particularly make sense, since it was his job to liason between the crew and the captain, settle disputes, divy the booty, etc. It would certainly serve well to fill this position with someone the majority of the crew trusts. No, I don't have any original documents to back this claim - just remember picking it up along the way
  18. I've been tracking the development of this game for well over a year now, and am muchly looking forward to it. I believe they've started Beta Testing, although they won't let me in until they've worked all the bugs out (guess they don't want me to review it before they've cleaned it up - don't know what they're thinking ) I'm excited for the day when we can all work out our differences by challenging each other to meet on the high seas and then smashing each other to splintery pieces with cannonballs. Yarrr!!!
  19. Thanks for the effort. I'll figure this one out eventually
  20. I'm trying to find the title of a book that I started reading in highschool, but never finished. It was about space pirates, but I can't for the life of me remember the author, title, or anything else useful in finding it. All I can say is the following - I bought it off the shelf around 1990. It was a paperback and I believe the cover featured two spaceships, one of which flew a Jolly Roger. The opening chapter of the book featured a torture scene in which the victim offered to share whatever knowledge they had, to which the torturer replied that he already knew what he wanted to know, and that any torture would take place solely for his own pleasure. I believe the chapter ended with him telling his assistant to "start with the eyes." (funny the things we remember, eh?) The only other little tidbit I can recall is a conversation, I think in the second chapter, in which a gentleman discusses his famous ancestor, dubbed [somebody] the "un-uncled", due to his refusing to give in to aggression (hence refusing to yell "uncle"). And that's all I have. Does this remotely ring any bells???
  21. Definitely. I could have done without Martin Short's Ben Gunn character, and that poofy thing that replaced Captain Flint (the parrot, not the pirate). But Long John, I thought, was first rate - as was the rest of the movie.
  22. I would echo Gentleman of Fortune's Triplette recommendation. Their stuff is well made and reasonably priced, but as a bonus they have a number of items that have a proper feel to them - you can order a basic foil with a leather wrapped hardwood grip, for example. Many foils these days are rubber wrapped, or even worse they have those new ergonomic handles - can't feel piratey wielding one of those monstrocities! Also check out Triplette's Theatrical Equipment section - they carry some gorgeous stuff!
  23. Yup, we got gyped out of our trip along the panhandle last year for exactly this reason. And there this very weekend we were going to try again, this time starting in the panhandle and toodling down along the gulf coast to the keys. Grumble. Last year we ended up veering west to hit New Orleans and then Galveston instead to get our beach fix. Looks like we might need to do that again. Here's to last minute changes in plans
  24. I'm about to take the family for our annual road-trip. This time the bulk of the trip will be the Gulf Coast of Florida, with Key West as our final destination. To keep costs down we generally pitch a tent at whatever national parks, camp grounds, or KOAs we can find, but online research is indicating that even this option can get pricey in the Key West vicinity (~$75/night for four people.) Any of you Key West gurus know any local secrets you can share? If that's what I've got to pay, then so be it, but if there's anything less pricey I'd love to hear about it! (looking MUCH forward to visiting the new Pirate Soul museum!!!)
  25. Seadogs2/PotC is a sad thing. As best I can figure, Akella, the maker, was busy creating a true heir to Seadogs. But then Disney, looking to make a PotC game without going through the hassle of actually MAKING one, buys their way into Seadogs2 through the game's publisher, BethSoft. So now Akella is ordered to abandon many of the plans they had for Seadogs2 and instead has to slap together a few token appearances of the Black Pearl. The result is a game that, while better than Seadogs1 in several respects, is also terribly incomplete. If you're a Seadogs fan, you'll be left wanting. And if you bought the game because of the PotC aspect, you're completely S.O.L. Sounds like Disney is finally making some real PotC games, and Akella is putting the final touches on Age of Pirates, free form Disney or BethSoft, which should hopefully result in the true heir to Seadogs. Chances are PotC/Seadogs2 will be remembered as nothing more than a speedbump in the history of pirate games. Just my two bits.
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