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Everything posted by Bilgemunky

  1. I'm no expert on the subject, but I did finally take "the plunge" last month, and made an effort to age some of my pirate garb. Here's what I did: I waited for a rainy day, then went into a section of my back yard that is mainly dirt and gravel. I put the shirt, slops, and westkit on the ground, and stomped on them. A lot. I ground my heels in. Then I picked up the westkit and smashed it between two rocks (the rocks were a bit jagged, and the holes they made might have been a bit overkill. Fortunately I didn't do it too many times.) As for the hat, I flung it against a wet brick wall several times, and let it land in the mud. It's a well made felt hat, and its light weight made it difficult to do much simply by throwing it, so I lightly "whipped" it against the wall too. I didn't have the heart to truly lay into it, though, so it still looks a little too new. After all this I hung it all up and hosed the mud away (much still remained, but it appeared more worn in after the hosing.) I then let it all air dry. Later I attacked much of the clothing with a seamripper, and then fine-grit sandpaper to "wear" the edges. It was difficult to jump into beating up my glorious clothes, but I of course knew that new pirate clothes just don't look right. They now look worlds more authentic. I imagine dozens of folks here can offer plenty of other recommendations.
  2. I think this topic needs to be kicked to the forefront <kick!> I know Bounding Main will only be there for the second weekend of the event. The same falls for me as the first weekend clashes with my Talk Like a Pirate Day party. Anyone else planning on attending on the 23-24th?
  3. I'll be there for much of Saturday, and had planned to do so in full garb
  4. Went this Sunday, and had a splendid time! Will likely be going again on the 5th :) I was planning to dress like a pirate again, but after Pete's experience, I think it might be fun to put on fairy wings and a wizard hat, and then prance around the fair belittling people for being "inauthentic". I'll be hitting Green Bay on Saturday - see some of you there!
  5. A golden hangman's noose at Disney Shopping
  6. <edit> Sorry mate - was linking another source of a Black Spot shirt, as I didn't realize you were showing off your OWN wares, as opposed to something you'd found online. I didn't mean to use your thread to promote potential competition! Yarrr!!!
  7. Indeed, I gave them an overall good review. But I also spent some effort explaining my own issues on getting my original order altered, as the boots that first arrived did not suit my expectation. In the end they did a very good job for me, but I wouldn't swear by them. And mailorder custom boots can be tricky business anyways... Personally, I love the boots I ended up with, but it took some effort and extra back-and-forth shipping. But I'm also increasingly appreciating my Flying Canoe shoes - much cooler in the summer, and stripey socks are SO much fun (and if stripey socks aren't historical, I don't want to hear it )
  8. Personally, I think it would get rather annoying to read all these speculations, and NOT be able to chime in. Suppose someone stumbled across the surprise ending in their musings - I'd be going nuts if I were in Bess' position, unable to shout "that's it!" Doesn't it nag at you Bess? I mean, doesn't it just eat at your soul and make you squirm in your chair? Doesn't it?
  9. So it's occured to me - in the first movie we saw very little of Jack playing the role of "captain." In this one, we got to see his leadership style in action: - leads crew through mortal peril in order to save his own skin - hides and runs when said trouble approaches, leaving his crew to fight his battles for him (and die in his place) - talks in giberish when confronted with genuine crew concerns - drinks all the rum - meditates while crewman does the manual labor (Norington digging up the chest) - gets most of crew eaten by cannibals and krakens Hmmm... I still admit he's fun pirate to watch on the screen. But I also find myself increasingly sympathetic to his original mutinous crew. Besides, anyone willing to participate in "soul harvesting" is someone I think best to mistrust.
  10. This documentary was far from perfect - Blackbeard's appearance was the biggest eyesore from my perspective. But all told, I think most viewers were exposed to some good information, and were hopefully entertained enough to actually retain some of it. It's important to remeber the audience. Granted, The History Channel could have spent ten times the money and ensured all the pirates had historically correct footware, but 99.9% of the viewers wouldn't notice one way or the other. And the money & effort needed to ensure all ships were fully historically accurate? Forget it. My sympathies to any director that decides to make a pirate documentary that makes everyone happy - the average viewer, the expert, AND the accountants
  11. Surely you know *I* don't make mistakes. Naturally I was refering to Canon the camera company, as opposed to artillery. :angry: No matter how many typos I catch before posting, there's always one or two more. I'll get it fixed.
  12. I don't know if they contacted Ken Kinkor or Barry Clifford, but they definitely didn't use them. Aside from those previously mentioned (Jamaica Rose, Robert Ossian, Benerson Little, Richard Zacks) they also interviewed a few other authors, an Annapolis professor, a historical Blackbeard Reenactor, and a tour captain out of Ocracoke. Not to besmirch Clifford or Kinkor, but I don't see how anyone is the "definitive" expert enough that we should hold any project NOT involving them as suspect. I posted a full review of True Caribbean Pirates last night. You can read it at: True Caribbean Pirates
  13. If you're looking to score just the one, your best best would be to hit a toursity shop on the coast, if possible. I see these things by the dozen during my travels each summer. But they do seem surprisingly scarce online at the moment.
  14. http://www.shellfactory.com/shopping/html/p20671.htm - This set seems to contain the exact one in your picture.
  15. I don't know that I echo Red's claim taht the TNT Treasure Island is the best pirate movie ever, but I'm definitely on board that it's the best version of Treasure Island. Tough thing though, is that it's not really available for sale to my knowledge
  16. The sheer imagery conjured by that phrase is the stuff that nightmares are made from. Splendid, frightening, groovy nightmares.
  17. Thanks kindly Hrothgar! I just spent my evening watching Pirates of Treasure Island, which is by Asylum Studios - same as Jolly Roger. If Jolly Roger needed booze to be good, this one needs lots of booze. But where some bad movies are just bad, this one will make you squirt rum out of your nose. Ever wondered what Treasure Island would be like, but with more cleavage (as much as PG-13 allows), bad seamanship (check out that rigging, and since when did loading a cannon simply mean dropping a cannonball in the cannon? Ever heard of powder??), and - most importantly - ever wondered what Treasure Island would be like with giant maneating bugs? Who hasn't? Sheesh. It's weird. It's bad. It's a good excuse for rum, and LOTS of it. Yar.
  18. Last week, representatives from the History Channel contacted me and kindly offered to send me a prerelease copy of True Caribbean Pirates. It arrived on my doorstep two days ago, and I've managed to watch most of it (it's been a busy week.) My full review will be posted next week at Bilgemunky.com, but I can say right now that it's a terrific special! The costumes seem a little too clean (especially Blackbeard), and some of the battle animations are less than seamless, but it's all wonderfully interesting and informative. The map views look like something right out of Sid Meiers', and - my favorite - they've "animated" a number of old paintings you'll recognize. It's a beautiful effect, and great fun to watch. Definitely one to set your Tivo for! edit: how did I forget to mention? Watch for commentary from not only James Nelson, but also Robert Ossian (webmaster of thepirateking.com), Richard Zacks (autor of Captain Kidd and The Pirate Coast), Benerson Little (author of Sea Rover's Practice), AND.... Christine Lampe!
  19. Well, it is the Hallmark Channel, afterall. I'm just glad they didn't try to make Blackbeard a misunderstood romantic, or show that he was actually plundering booty in order to fund an orphanage. Of course, we haven't actually seen it yet, so prolly shouldn't rule anything out
  20. Nice! I placed a bid, but was immediately outbid. That's ebay for you! I might bid again, we'll see. Whatever happens, it's a very fun, very fine piece of work! Congrats!
  21. No need to stress, LadyBarbossa - both activities are within easy walking distance of each other. There's nothing that says you can't do both! I'd tried to get the Captain to attend the Bash, but I must say the Captain Morgan corporation gave me what equated to a cold shoulder. So much for polite phonecalls and emails. If a few of my brethren choose to encourage his participation through a more "forceful" approach, I won't stand in the way
  22. Aye, it seems the local bar Foxy's will be having Captain Morgan as a special guest friday evening. But don't let that disuade you all from stopping by the buccaneer bash! Foxy's has the Morganettes, but we'll have music from Pirate Jenny, Bounding Main, the Jolly Garogers, etc etc!
  23. Yeah, bring plenty of $$$ - I'm hosting a booth in which I'll be selling Bilgemunky Label merchandise (standard T-shirt design in regular and girl cuts, as well as introducing the new RUM LINE! Also offering stickers.) And as a bonus, I'm carrying a range of pirate jewelry from Center Stage Costumes! I've been promised a rum-raisin icecream cone if I sell out my entire inventory, so help a pirate out! Looking forward to seeing everyone there!!! Yarrr!
  24. Now Pete, all I'm saying is, 4 flair is the minimum. So yes, it's enough - IF you're someone who's satisfied with the minimum. We just want you to express yourself </office space>
  25. Thanks for listening! Yeah, I liked the Sunday show too - the regulars in the IRC were particularly fun, and I was sorry to ditch them. But the Thursday timeslot should work out better in the longrun. Time will tell!
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