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Everything posted by Bilgemunky

  1. Heck, I might have use for two of them right now - let us know when you go live with the idea!
  2. Being as this is Smilingotter's fourth post, some might worry this could be spam. I found this same thing yesterday - if you're not already familiar with the "Movie in 30 Seconds Reenacted by Bunnies", you should be!
  3. It does seem feasible - I think the highly marketable, pendant-friendly gizmo has worked well for them with the first two movies (the aztec coin in 1, davy jones' key in 2 [to say nothing of the tia dalma necklace])
  4. Do we have any reason to believe that these items come into play in the movie, and weren't just slapped onto the website to help add a hunt&gather aspect to the flash game?
  5. I recommend checking out Pirates Ahoy - it's an online community that specializes in pirate computer games of all varieties. Between their news section and forums, you'll likely find information on every pirate computer game out there - new or old, browser-based or otherwise.
  6. Hah! I heard that same music at the petstore. When I inquired about it, I vaguely recall they were able to get me a little more info than you got, but upon looking it up, I found nothing. And now, I couldn't for the life of me tell you what that info was. There is plenty of background music out there - Toucan Pirates and other instrumental sea tunes. But as for standalone ambient background noise, not sure mate. If I find anything, I'll let you know. You be sure and do the same!
  7. Red, that's the second such offer I've had this morning
  8. I'm afraid I'm not much of a shutterbug - I have a few good shots of me posing with the Pirate Guys, and with some of the PotC cast. I had the distinct honor, in fact, of escorting Lauren Maher (aka Scarlett in PotC) on the half-hour walk back to the hotel after the Masquerade Ball. It's quite the thing to drunkenly swagger - arms over each other's shoulders for support - with the lady that smacked around Jack Sparrow Not many pix, but I *DO* have many recorded interview that will be broadcast on Bilgemunky Radio. Most of the folks I mentioned earlier in this thread, in fact, were kind enough to have a sit down chat, as did several others. Details will of course be forthcoming.
  9. For me, PyrateCon was absolutely awsome! Got to finally meet face-to-face so many of the folks I've come to know online - Jamaica Rose, The Pirate Guys, Jeff MacKay, Quicksilver, Scarlett Harlot, Black Fox, Phleabag and Stagedive of the Jolly Garogers, Tiger Lee... the list really goes on and on. I also got to meet several listeners of my radio show, which was a fun new experience for me. The event itself was fantastic, but certainly has room for improvement. The presentation room, for example, was way too small, and a bit too close to some of the poor vendors, forcing these vendors to speak in hushed tones during the talks. There were other issues, some minor and others not as minor, but through it all this remained an incredible experience. They did a stellar job, and I can't wait to go again next year.
  10. No Pearl - cuz then Scabbs' later post wouldn't make any sense, nor would my subsequent post whining about it. See, this is what happens when you don't do good BB Code right from square one. Problems mount on problems until it's all a mess beyond all control. Oh, the humanity!!! I really need to find something more worthwhile to stress over, don't I?
  11. Hot dog I'd kill for that sword! Meaning, if anyone here wins it, please forward me your address, tell me where you'll be storing it, and provide a list of your primary vulnerabilities (fear of sunlight, allergies to pollen or stabbings, etc.)
  12. Scabbs mate, now ya gone and fixed yer own code, so when folks see my post apparently repeating your post, they'll assume that *I've* been the one drinkin'. Which I have, but that's beside the point.
  13. Little rough with the BB Code? Don't worry mate, I gots yer back! New Seabeaver Cartoon Tired of pillaging for work? In need of a quick dabloon? The Pirate Employment Association is here to help! Click here for more details! Or visit us at www.seabeaver.net
  14. The full trailer pretty solidly promises some stunning visuals, but this clip just doesn't inspire me with confidence in the actual dialogue. I'm sorry, but it strikes me as rather dippy.
  15. It's a Goldfinger. I found it the plant store buried in the corner, and they told me it had been a sapling for years. Once I got it home, it took off Unfortunately, since then it's had a more exciting life that I would have liked. Once while gone on vacation, a squirrel snuck into my office and tried to climb it, breaking several branches. Then this past summer, our new kitten started using it as a litterbox - this had a profound effect, as the leaves began to discolor dramatically. Per a local plant nursery's advice, I flushed out the soil several times and let it drain. This seemed to do the trick, as the leaves perked up rather splendidly. To deter future cat problems, I eventually worked out a soil topcoat of lavarock and upturned seashells, which the cat didn't care to walk on. Unfortunately, I think this also prevented any real evaporation, as the soil secretly remained incredibly damp. The leaves have started to die, those that remain are slumping again, and the bottom of the stalk is discolored, splitting, and has a white powdery residue. Some current pix: A large shot. You can tell it's not too happy these days. The sticks in the soil are my latest (hopefully low impact) cat deterrant. Some close-ups of the stalk: Good image of the white residue, although the flash makes it look 10x worse than it is. You can also see that the stalk is beginning to contract in the blackened area. It's hard to see, but this shows how it is splitting vertically towards the base. Green healthy looking stalk can be seen inside, but the outer layer is getting black and crunchy. It's proved a healthy, hearty tree, but I worry that it may be on the downslope. Any advice is appreciated. Great idea about the local botanical gardens too. I'll give them a shout tomorrow.
  16. Mary, As I'm not too plant savvy, could you explain what whacking my banana tree to a stub will do for it? I sincerely believe you speak from experience, but would like a little more info before I take such a seemingly drastic step. It's clearly having health issues, what with the splitting stem, and some sort of white residue - is this a bad time to whack it, being as it's not in it's peak? Or is this the best time? Banana Tree info has proven dreadfully sparse around here, so any tips or advice are always appreciated. -Bilge
  17. I never grew a banana tree from a seed, but I do have one that I grew for pretty much a sapling. I got it a couple Februaries ago and it took off surprisingly well once I repotted it. That summer it grew tremendously, and then went pretty dormant (but stable) for the winter. I live in Wisconsin, so I tried putting a plant light on it to help it tough out the winter, but this didn't seem to make much difference. This past summer it livened up again, although not as much as the previous year. It's been a rough winter, though, as our new kitty decided the tree's soil would make a nice litter box. I did my best to reverse the damage (cat urine isn't very friendly to plants), but it looks like I was too late, as the stem (trunk, I guess) has begun to blacken and split. Not a good sign
  18. Alex, It really depends on what you're looking for. If you want a historically-accurate, or even quasi accurate coat, then Captain Jim is right - no amount of work will help with that coat you got. BUT... You didn't specify your needs and intentions, which can make a difference. If you're looking for a costume suitable for pirate-themed parties and such - the sort of events frequently attended by folks wearing stuff from Oriental Trading or a skull&crossbone T-shirts, then there might be hope for that coat yet. There's lots you could to to better "piratify" it, and make for a fun costume piece that blows the other guests out of the water.
  19. If we accept the premise that the ice caps are melting, then of course it will lead to more piracy. And I have definitive proof: watch Waterworld. If Costner portrayeth it, then so it must be!
  20. I only just ordered my own copy, so can't put the potential wisdom therein to use in this discussion, but The Pirate Primer just came out. 480 pages, all dedicated to pirate-ese. From the Amazon description: The Pirate Primer is the first and only comprehensive guide to the world of pirate language. A complete course in pirate vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and syntax. This is the authoritative work on the subject, containing every distinctive term, phrase, usage, and speech structure uttered by or attributed to pirates in film, television, literature, and historical accounts over the last three centuries. Every entry in the Primer is accompanied by an illustrative historical example of pirate speech, allowing you to see the contents of the Primer deployed in context by actual pirates. Discover over 100 pages of pirate threats, curses, insults and epithets; 31 types of pirate drink; 60 different pirate terms for "woman"; 67 kinds of pirate torture; 44 definitions of "Arrgh"; and more. The Pirate Primer is perfect for pirate enthusiasts, fans of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, people interested in pop culture, language aficionados, history buffs, and anyone who fancies themselves a modern-day corsair.
  21. Mission, Points 1-3, absolutely true on all accounts. Point 4, maybe we all just differ on our definitions. Spam, to me, is viagra or hair-loss remedies. It's sent out on a mass, untargeted basis in the hopes that one in a million suckers will bite. This post was a pirate-themed item posted to a forum of pirate fans. Seems to me that they had good reason to assume we might be interested in what they had to offer. Personally I don't have a problem with people and businesses posting just once to announce something that is genuinely of pirate interest, so long as they do it in an upfront, polite manner. Not everyone frequents forums, pirate or otherwise, and I don't see prior posting as a requisite to sharing what they have to offer. Others clearly feel differently.
  22. Holy cricket, you folks are brutal. I viewed the video - it's a link to YouTube (a site linked many, many times at the Pub before.) The video contains music and pirate images. It's not spam. Is it so out of line for someone work on a pirate project, and then assume folks at a pirate forum might be interested?
  23. I think the creators of this film have already talked to several distributors, large and small, and have decided going it alone is their best (if not easiest) option. It's mentioned briefly in the FAQ. But you can always contact them if you like.
  24. Pirates of the Great Salt Lake is having some trouble getting distribution, and they need our help if we want them to come to a "theater near you." As such, they're asking all pirates to become producers (starting as low as $5.) All producers will get mentioned in onscreen credits, as well as get some nifty swag. Check it out at www.freethepirates.com! If they succeed in their goal, this will also result in a new world record for most producers ever tied to a single film Yarrr! -Bilgemunky
  25. Pyrate Leather, it was great meeting you guys in St. Louis last summer - can't wait to meet up again in New Orleans. I'll be wandering the event, snagging interviews with some of the VIPs and attendees for eventual airplay on Bilgemunky Radio - so start thinking of something clever to say
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