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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. It's gone above dang.... it's now that damn snow.... and when it freezes into damn ice (I wanted to call it something that starts with an F.... but figured th' PG13 monitor would go into shock....) Finished waRshin' dishes... (got drafted again...) walking home, and slipped an' spilled my rum...... I think damn is very conservative fer some of th' words I was usin'.......
  2. Nah... I was typin' 'bout th' pen/brush/pencil tool in Photoshop....
  3. Dang... I'm makin' mine so they look like trading cards..... you know... back when ye werea kid, and fer 5 cents you got five cards anna stick of gum.... dang... datin' meself......
  4. and takea NOTE....
  5. An' thar be no tyme ter LOSE....
  6. Ya know... things like just never LAST.......
  7. That just reminded me.... I have a pair of goggles with a facemask (for Paintball) that I painted sharks teeth on.... add a sorta dust filter, and they might work as extra goggles for at Burning Man.... Now I have to remember to pick them up next time I go to storage....
  8. Yeah... that's basically the idea... I figure they would work just as well as bandannas but be much more dashing...... Not sure if I'll paint (stencil) or have something embroidered on them or not yet.....
  9. Wow... that was .... FAST....
  10. TOSS.....
  11. An who get LOST th' MOST ?.......
  12. I was looking at Captain Synn’s “Over th’ Top Hollywood Pyrate Garb” (inna good way… Not getting into a discussion on Hollywood vs. Authentics…) posted in You in yar garb., Who ya wanna see. https://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=5138&st=1640 Dang…. Look at alla the details and cool fun stuff…… With my 1720 Pyrate garb, I can’t add a buncha skulls and stuff….But with my Airship Pyrate I can….So now I gotta dig out alla the skulls and trinkets that people keep giving me… Oh Boy….. “Over th’ Top Hollywood Airship Pyrate Garb”
  13. PORT..... as in the wine.... an' not where ships dock......
  14. Hummmm..... maybe th' snow ain't so bad after all..... My boss's (Carol's) daughter and kids came up from Santa Cruz ter play in the snow.... Welll this morning, she (Carol) didn't feel like picking me up for work..... so I get the day off...... Not sure if it's the snow, or the champagne... but th' day off is still th' day off.... Unfortunately, it's snowing again.....
  15. TART.....
  16. oops posted in the wrong thread...... sorry.
  17. Awh... I'm not going ter worry .... 'less I see 'im eyein' me tankard an' clutchin' a buncha stealwool, some sandpaper anna wire brush.... That be about th' only way ter get alla th' crud outta th' tankard..... I don't think even Stynky would drink outta it wit alla that crud in it.....
  18. Hey... I can counterfeit some in Photoshop.....
  19. Those came out great.... It would be a pain to get them as layers in Photoshop, but if you had the top layer as the inked lines, and then "washed out" (adjusted the transparency of) the colors a little more, they would almost look like hand tinted prints..... Hummm..... <new Layer>... then trace the black lines with the pen tool .... <new layer> and color fill..... then <filter> and water color..... Then adjust the transparency on the colored layers..... over the original.... then flatten everything.....
  20. I got the Patrick Hand card photoshoped and ready to print..... I'm going to print them on card stock, and then using fusible pellon (it's kinda a sheet of glue that is ironed on and used for glue fabric together) I figure it will give the cards almost the heft of a baseball trading card..... I don't think the ink from the printer will be "moist" enough to use gold embossing powder on them... so I might have to use imitation gold leaf for the Candi Kane Limited edition Collectors Cards.... I think I'll make 20 of them, 10 for this exchange, and ten for the future, and then delete the file.... Maybe even hand number them, and then shuffle 'em up then seal 'em in something, so they are really limited.....
  21. An' now Presenting.... Me Tankard.... Crud an' all It's an all pewter tankard that I got at the Salvation Army for $1.00 about 4 years ago.... I French Hitched the handle, and it has seen a LOT of proper Pyratical use..... Once upon a time, it didn't have all those dents in it... I'm not sure wot th' crud inside it is.... It might have been from Bloody Mary's a few years ago.... But I figure Rum or wotever I'm drinkin' outta it will kill any of the nasty bugs wot try ter live in it.... Kinda funny how no one tries ter steal my tankard...... And Look.... it still has some Key West stuck to it around th' bottom edge......
  22. BRAT.....
  23. BRIM.....
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