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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. On my way back from Jacksonville from Searle's Raid, I was reading Wired Magazine, and it had an article alla bout how Google does web searches fer information..... But does anyone else notice how often Google is one of the logged on members..... reading what we are posting.... Hey, cool... Pyracy Pub is kinda the source of pertinent information on historical Pyracy......Well at least Pyracy.....
  2. Ahw... man... cigarettes just went up to $6.37 a pack...... Guess it's time to switch totally over to smoking a pipe.... Anyone else having this problem?
  3. I just found Animal's thread : A Boucanier Barbecue and it kinda answered what I was looking for... but I'll post this anyway... The last batch of buccan/jerky I made was just dried meat, with no seasoning. I had cut the meat into thin strips, and placed them on the grill from my oven, and then put that over the heater...This works great in Winter... I have to heat the house anyway, so I can also dry out some jerky at the same time..... in three days it was all completely dried. (unfortunately, I kinda nibbled it all up, so I have to make some more...) I've read recipes for jerky using soy sauce, or honey or Tabasco, and obviously salt. But I was trying to figgure out what Buccaneers would have used to season the meat. In Animal's thread : A Boucanier Barbecue Lime juice, Salt and Crushed Allspice is used. I figgure those ingredients were available to Buccaneers... So that is what I will try for the next batch. But I know that a lot of other Pyrates have favorite recipes for Jerky. If the recipe is an attempt at "period" Buccan/jerky or a modern recipe that's just really good...then just "label" it as such. But either kind of recipe is welcome here... I've made jerky that was marinated overnight in beer, with soy sauce, hot sauce, and some salt that turned out pretty good. I made some that I used "Seasoning Salt", but that batch came out too salty (I ate it anyway...) So what's your buccan/jerky recipe ?
  4. Yeah...yeah... this should be down in pyrate pop..... Or should it? OK.. this novel discusses the ruthlessness of Pyrates, in a happily graphic way... <as in... Pyrates were not nice...> In Pirate PoP... we have Pyrates as fun people that would be happily interesting to invite to your next beach party..... Is that what Pyrates were really like? I think Benchley did a good job of describing them... (in a novel or what...) SO.... do we keep telling fun storys about Noble gentlemen... their land stolen from them and they had to resort to Pyracy to recover their rightful territory (and get the girl)..... or do we want to look at the truth? Pyrates were desperate men... hopeless... they could never go back home.... they gave that up.... gotta love rum.... because drinking yourself to death was better than what else would happen to you... A short colorfull quick life..... All they could ever expect... You went Pyrate... and then yer kinda stuck as a Pyrate.... until you got killed in battle... died drunk.. or got caught and hung...... I think Benchley told a good story about that, and he made it so happily icky... (but kinda true) that it deserves some discussion here...
  5. Ya know... thar I was at PiP... dressed in me workin' Buccaneer garb..... Blander than sh*t.... Hey... try to find any pictures of me... so I musta done something right....... Wot people really wore isn't that photographic.... Looks plainer than snot..... Cool... like I said/typed.... I mustta done something right.......
  6. OK... I have my tickets...(well they are those electronic no paper things...) I leave outta San Fransisco Tuesday night at 11:30 and arrive in Key West Wednesday at 10:26.... So far no problem... But I leave Key West Tuesday Dec. 8th. at 3:20.......... So I will need someplace to crash Monday night...... (I don't know what my finances will be, I don't think I will be able to afford a hotel in Key West for the night...) So does anyone in Key West or really close... have a couch, backyard, front porch... available Monday Night for a slightly stinky Buccaneer?
  7. OK... For the last twoish years I've been living in an unregistered RV..... No problem... I always thought it was an alternative lifestyle.... but according to the "County" (boo... hiss...) I have been living as a "squatter, and am homeless..... hey go figure .... I have a place to stay, and a door I can lock....I never thought of myself as homeless........ Anyway.... I now have an apartment... woh... within spittin range of the RV.... So now I have the apartment to fix up... and then I can start to work on the RV.... hey it's kinda difficult to renovate the bedroom (of the RV)... when you are sleeping in it..... It's a small apartment... maybe double the space of the RV (and that ain't saying much).... But it was so disshartining to find out that I was considered Homeless..... I never thought of myself that way......
  8. Yeah.... this should go into "what are you reading right now"... But I just started reading "Maya Cosmogenesuis 2012" So far, it's only talking about the sun rising from a really interesting place on December 21st 2012.... hopefully it will start to explain how the World ends with earthquakes and tidal waves and alla that interesting stuff kinda soon.... Anyway.... I'm thinking what a cool party it could be..... I have to read more of the book, to figure out where would be the best place to be (somewhere in Mexico, maybe) But heck... if the World doesn't end, and the calender just starts all over again...(remember the disappointment surrounding alla the hype about Y2K? )At least I was somewhere kinda fun.... If the World does end.... at least I will be at one heck of a party....... And other than REM's "It's the End of the WOrld as we know it" and Jimmy Buffet's "Party at the End of the World" Does anyone know any other fun songs about the end of the World?
  9. Wagh.... I have so much sewing I gotta do....... and so little time...... I think I can get it all done.... but the shipping crate for the dog lock..... aaaaaaargh.......
  10. A couple of years ago. I posted "how I made a pair of slops"... but not in TWILL....(kinda fun... some of the Southern California Pyrates showed me their slops made from my post.... dang cool....really really dang cool.....)But I'm not 100% sure they are period correct... just my best guess.... Well the reasoning is simple... Heck... I didn't have the proper "documentation".....(Kass an I still argue about weather the butt seam is curved or straight....) But I figured they were kinda dang near close.....No JoAnn's to go buy the pattern from......So how would a Sailor make a new pair of trousers/slops/breaches from.... heck not alla them knew how to sew... but it was a standard bit of useful information upon a sailing ship.....So Sailors were NOT Tailors... but they had to make-do.... anyway... TWILL is for the proper documentation.... heck that is what it is for..... Hey... do we have a single leg covering garment(slops, breaches, trousers...)worn by Sailors from the Golden Age of Pyracy.....that is documented? Or do we continue to make "educated" guesses.......... (I like TWILL... but there is so much we do not know.... )Some times I grow Tired of having to explain wot I am wearing.... when I can't.... just my best guess.....)
  11. OK... anyone from Searles Buccaneers - Post something... I'm thinking of consolidating alla the Buccaneers into one camp..... From what I can figgure ... the "Buccaneer Camp" will only have two (maybe three if Animal can make it).... so why not have one good camp instead splitting up.......... Hey...we are only off by one year.... so I think it's doable...........
  12. If no one else will.... I'll cat wrangle this round.... but it starts on Halloween..... All cards must be mailed on October 30th. (a Friday) or on Halloween Saturday October 31st....... Those wot fall behind get left behind........ Spooky Pyrate Cards this round...... so cool....have fun with it...... So who is playing?
  13. Last week I got a Honda Silverwing 500 ..... I only have a bill of sale, and no pink slip, so I have to visit the DMV and make sure everything is cool before I start working on it..... (crossing fingers and holding my breath.... I'm fairly sure everything will be OK.....) But I'm going to Steampunk the snot outta it....... Make a new gas tank, find a tractor seat for it... change the rear finder, chop quite a lot of it off, and make it into something really interesting (and street legal ) This is what it looks like right now......
  14. A good friend of mine (who is very active with VFW,VA and all of the local Veterans groups) asked me if I would help him this weekend..... OK... putting up flags on the graves of the fallen.... that is an honor.... but he also wants me to help with a kinda "demo".... I had to look-up the manual of Arms(It's been about 30 years since I did that.....I can remember almost alla it tho...(U.S.Army Infantry 1976 - 1980) , and I kinda-sorta have a WWII uniform (well other than the shirt (1)) But my question is.... I've kinda grown attached to my beard..... Now Ompah/Robert says that the old vets will be happy enough seeing someone making an attempt.... But if I'm going to do something, I kinda think I should do it right...... but I don't wanna shave off my beard...... So I'm kinda "torn".... "look at what they sacrificed..." so shaving to do it right shouldn't be that much of a problem......(even if the shirt is wrong?) But.... "hey... it's only for one afternoon......" SO I would like to hear/read other opinions...... (1) I have been collecting U.S.A WWII equipment and uniform parts for awhile.... other than the helmet suspension that is later period. and I don't have a shirt (reproduction or original), most of my stuff is 1944 or earlier.... Well and I'm not 100% positive about the ammo belt.....I think it might be from the Korean War....
  15. OK... I might be slightly confused about this, because I'm not sure if there isn't another Steampunk Frapper map..... anyway, this is one that I am on...... http://www.frappr.com/?a=constellation_map...id=137439971691 (look at where California gets bent.... up in the mountains.... Silas Morgan..... That's me..... )
  16. This is the place to post links to cool Steampunkish stuff..... Give a brief description of what the link is to,... But if you find something cool, and want to share it.....this is the place..... (I'll have to re-post some of the stuff from the Steampunk thread...) New stuff I found..... Issue 5 of the Steampunk (on-line) magazine was just released.... and you can download it and all of the past issues here... http://www.steampunkmagazine.com/ The Cylinder Preservation and Digitization Project at the University of Santa Barbra, has some really fun mp3's of old music cylinders that you can listen to, and download.... http://www.cylinders.library.ucsb.edu/index.php THE LOST WORLD OF MITCHELL & KENYON LIFE & TIMES This is a total WOW.... you have to load all of the episodes to see it all, but there are three different episodes of them.... this is a must see..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf_GwDhDqPo...feature=related
  17. TIED... Don't know why the last few, I've just scrambled the letters instead of changing one.... just the way its been working out I guess....
  18. Mine went out on Friday regular mail...... but yer within spittin' distance, (well if its a big lugie an' I gets th' trajectory right..... ) Hey... I can't help it..... It's kinda fun leavin' that sorta image stuck in Ransom's 'ead fer th' rest a' th' day........
  19. There are two ways that I can get the cloth cut in a straight line... For shirts and such.... I tear the fabric whenever possible.... that way I'm sure everything goes along with the grain of the fabric. Period shirts are just a buncha squares and rectangles anyway, so tearing the fabric works better than trying to cut it... OK... some fabric, just doesn't wanna tear right.... so I fold the fabric and cut along the fold....(one blade of the scissors on the inside and the other on the outside of the fold... Soap is your friend.... ('specially those little tiny bars ye gets in Motels) I don't use patterns, I draft from measurements and by eye.... so I use soap to mark where I'm going to cut....(sometimes the hardest part is remembering which line I was going to cut.... because I draw all over the fabric...) I can mark the shoulder and arms eye, them move the cloth and mark the rest.... then check everything to make sure I got it all right before I cut the fabric.... For light colored cloth, get one of those disappearing fabric pens.... (Pick one up next time yer gettin yer fabric...) Yer Dittybag is also yer Friend OK, it can be a box or something, but a place ter keep alla your sewing stuff in.... Even in tight quarters, it's amazing how easily alla the really small stuff disappears (an' when ye be wantin' ter use it the most...) "A place for everything, and everything in it's place"Ye may wanna slug that smug jerk who keeps sayin' that... but it really does make sewin' so much easier.... Oh yeah.... also put alla th' parts inna box or bag if ye have to stop working on a project (even just overnight).... So ye can find alla th' tiny pieces that otherwise grow legs and walk away.....
  20. Well... I was cutting out (well tearing, but I could trim them later...) the larger parts..... I was going to use them for a secret project.... but my roof leaks, they got wet, and had to go to the dump..... I figured it would be easier to say I threw them out than to explain that a cool project hadda get scraped....
  21. Dang.... I love Goggle.... http://www.last.fm/music/Steve+Jablonsky/S...inal+Soundtrack
  22. Yeah.... someone already thought so...... (it's being used by another Steampunk group......) I'm use to calling it the Flight of the Valkyries..... but ride was what was listed on you-tube.... so I went with that......
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