Patrick Hand
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Everything posted by Patrick Hand
I just discovered these rules... I found a pyrated PDF on-line, checked it out and promptly ordered a legitimate copy... The drawings and pictures of the minis are worth the price of the rule book. And the Rules look good. I haven't been doing any Pyrate stuff in forever, (I've been 3d sculpting minis for other RPG games, like Gamma World) So I'm going to sculpt some and 3D print and paint them for a Blood and Plunder game. I was also working on a Gamma World game on Foundry VTT, and now that I sorta know how to set it up, I've started to set-up a Blood and Plunder game that I can invite others to play a game on-line... More about that once I'm farther along....
Rats...I forgot that when I use-ta go to Pyrate events it was with either with Tails of the Seven Seas, or an event like Pip... You got on-site, set-up a cool camp, and after the tourist left there was the after hours pyrate stuff goin' on... (I guess I got spoilt') I gotta think about it, Long Beach is kinda a long way to drive just to walk around Pyrate like durin' th' day, an' then go back to a Hotel fer th' night.... Hey, mad Pete, let me know about possible camping options,(I can afford a Hotel fer th' night, but...Well ...) I'll think 'bout it sum more.
Well, my hair grew out sence that Wasteland Weekend photo, I gotta take another one to use in my posts....
Wow, keep me posted, That sounds like a good event to go to this Summer. It would give me enough time to help Martie with her garb, make a new tent, and get alla my Pyrate stuff back in order. And the location is perfect... Martie has always wanted to show me Manhattan Beach where she grew up. So on our way home, we could do that.
Thankx All......Ain't it strange how stuff worx ? A few weeks ago, I was thinkin' bout makin' some bias cut wool socks that would be better than the knit ones I have fer me Pyrate stuff, you know “Other things ter do somday... maybe”..... So I was kinda surprised when I found a message from Red Handed Jill telling me that the Pub was back. (Well I don't check alla my folders in Facebook that often) So wot 'hve I ben doin' since then ? Well if any of you remember Martie (tall pretty woman with Blond hair) from the last PiP, Well... we “Jumped over th' Broomstick”, and are now married..., But (ick) she makes me take showers more often than once a week, I don't hang out in bars anymore, but we Love each other. I got into Post Apocalyptic stuff, and I've been to Wasteland Weekend five times...Fun and Games out in the Mojave Desert... Dust storms, temperatures up to 116 in the shade, Loud High Octane fuel Guzzilin' Mad Maxis cars...Wot's not to like ? I got a 3D printer,I have two; an Ender 3 FDM, and a Mars resin printer. And have been sculpting miniatures in Blender. Anyone into 3D printing can see some of my sculpts on Thingiverse, just do a search for designerpatt. Now that th' Pub's back, I wanna make those socks, I've gotta help Martie make her alla her Pyrate garb, so we can do som' Pyratie stuff....and I have a great idea for “Pyrate Comix...Th' New Hope” (OK, I gotta work on the title a bit more...) But it's great to be back.
OK, I haven't posted much in awhile, but I'm going to start to teach Arron Jr. how to sew, and the first project will be a ditty-bag so he can keep his sewing stuff...well where he can find it. I will post progress pictures and drawings showing what we are doing as we go along, but be aware they won't be too often, Arron Jr. is only 7 years old (but he is a really smart 7 year old), and he will be working on the project when he is over here, which is about every other week. But for anyone that doesn't think they can learn how to sew, this should be an interesting series of post.... .
'Appy Birfday ter ye.... 'appy Birfday ter ye.... 'APPY BIRFDAY CAPTAIN JIM....... 'APPY BIRFDAY TER EUUUUUUU....... .
I found a copy at the Dollar Tree, so I couldn't pass it up... Silver Return to Treasure Island by Andrew Motion An Adventure of Jim Hawkin's son Jim, and Long John Sliver's daughter Natty who return to Treasure Island to search for the last of the loot.... Written in the style of Robert Louis Stevenson, it was a fun read, I just wish it had a better ending... Oh well it was only $1.
OK... I got to take inventory of the contents of my Ditty bag, but I was making a Pepsi can stove, and needed my awl... of course the awl is in the Ditty Bag, that's where I keep tools like that.... A Ditty Bag is where you keep small tools for sewing and rope work... (well and the awl that I needed for the Pepsi Can stove.) I'll take and post a picture of my Ditty bag in a day or so... (I think I've posted it before)... and more importantly what is in it.... And the contents DON'T have to be Period, just what you use and want to keep in your Ditty Bag. But post 'em if you got them....
Dang.... almost missed it. Hope ye had a great day......
hey... guess who's going to be a Ski-lift Operator? The Mascot Business gets really.....really slow in Winter, so I went out and got another job. It's kinda weird, I applied for a job a Jo Ann's, but I guess they only wanted little old ladies that can very slowly cut fabric...with 32 years of working with fabric making Mascots, and my art experience they weren't interested in what I could do to help their customers... As I was applying for a bunch of different jobs, I quickly realized just how important a job cover letter is... since 1976, I've only had three Jobs.... 4 years U.S. Army (Infantry) ...2 years at R. Cali Feed Store (working in the warehouse) and 32 years as a Costume Designer...So my resume only hints at all of the skills that I possess. When I applied for the Ski lift job, I was a little more creative with my cover letter, and it caught their attention. .
I know there are Pyrates in the Forum from Southern California, Well and some that may want to travel, but I just found this last week and figured I'd share it... Wasteland Weekend http://wastelandweekend.com/ It's kinda like a Pyrate Event, but Post Apocalyptic. If I can get the money for tickets, I want to go. I couldn't get tickets for Burning Man, and can't afford the air fare for Martie and I to fly to Key West for PiP (yeah I know... but the Fort Zachery Tailor Pyrate Invasion is too stinkin' long to type....) So for us, this is an affordable alternative.
Happy birthday to both of you.....
Happy End of the World Everyone...... it sure was nice knowing you.....
The Thunderbuss MK IV I started on another ray-gun, the “Thunderbuss MK IV.” I figured that people would be interested in seeing how I put it all together, so I will be taking pictures of the process step by step. I can only play with it occasionally, so it might be awhile between post. When I start a project like this, I really don't know how it's all going to fit together... I just kind of play with everything and see what fits together the best. I do want to rig it with lights that turn on when I hold the pistol grip (I'm thinking of making a switch that is an extension of the trigger guard). I also want a laser and a piezoelectric buzzer that will activate when the trigger is pulled. Somewhere around here, I have a short piece of El-wire, if I can find that a decide where I want it to light up, I might add that also. I bought a rifle stock a few weeks ago at a local flea market for $10.00. Originally I was thinking of making it into a largish pistol with a belt hook. But as I was playing with the peaces, I like how it's balanced better as a blunderbuss. Also shown in the picture are some candle sticks that will be turned This picture shows the barrels cut and soldered together. I found the base to another candlestick, so I used that and one of the candlesticks for the upper part of the barrel. The lower (main) barrel is three different candlesticks cut and soldered together. You can't see it in the picture, but I've sanded the inside of the lower barrel so I can fit a small laser pointer inside of it, that will turn on when I pull the trigger. I still have to make a bracket to hold the upper part of the barrel on. I started by cutting off the front part of the stock, I then used my bench grinder to roughly shape the front of the stock. Then using my Dremel, with a sanding drum, I've carefully inleted the lower barrel into the stock. I can't take off too much wood under the stock, there is a cut-out where the original rifles magazine was. I might make a “hatch” in the base of the stock, (where the magazine was) so I can hold a 9 volt battery to run all of the lights and buzzer later. With just the lower barrel in place, the center of balance is right at where the trigger will be. With the upper barrel assembly on and all of the tubing, it will move the center of balance forward, but I'm thinking of making a sort of “Patch box” for it full of interesting greebly bits, and a Kentucky style brass butt plate for it, so that should throw the center of balance back to about the pistol grip.... Unfortunately, the original inletting for the receiver is larger than the candlestick barrel, leaving some gaps. I might fill some of the gaps with epoxy putty but I'm pretty sure that I will be able to hide most of the gaps when I add all of the tubing and greebly bits later.
This is going to be a weird argument...it starts of as one of those “I'm trying to justify something”... [OFF TOPIC INTRODUCTION] Last year, I wasn't able to make it to PiP, but I'm planning on going again this year. Now I really like my Buccaneer stuff, but the problem is that taking my musket gets way too expensive... it cost $75 to ship it both ways.... “Yikes” $150 just to have a musket at Pip... and my Buccaneer stuff just isn't right without a musket.... So I'm going to go with my 1720's Pyrate stuff. I can take my blunderbuss and a pistol, and it only cost $25 for the extra luggage. As long as I'm taking my blunderbuss, I can also throw in my cutlass.... Problem is.....they (the police) don't want us walking around Key West with our cutlasses/swords.... So I'm wondering; why bother taking it..... (see... that's the justification part....) Now this is where the argument starts to get interesting.... (and back ON TOPIC) “Way back then” in the “Golden Age of Pyracy”......If I was in a “Boarding Action” I can see an advantage to having a cutlass; you know... for after I've fired both the blunderbuss and pistol....But would I really need that cutlass? I still have one-heck-of-a club, and could start swinging the blunderbuss.. so why bother with the cutlass? The fight should be over before that. Now being “Heavily Armed” is going to be more intimidating...(and being at the wrong end of a blunderbuss is Really Intimidating..) But how much weaponry would a Pyrate really have carried when boarding another ship? I know that this discussion is going to be mostly speculation; and not 100% TWILLish, but it should be interesting..... For my 1820's Pyrate stuff, I'm thinking of just taking the blunderbuss, one pistol and a belt knife. But there's this kinda “itch” in th' back of my head, wot says Pyrates just gotta have a cutlass........You know... they always do in alla th' movies..........
I looked through the topics,(I thought we already had one) looking for a place to post interesting Steamy stuff that we've found. You know, stuff that doesn’t need a whole new topic for it, but you want to post it somewhere.....So now we have one.... ***************************************************************************** Well Steampunk Magazine issue #8 is out, and there is an interesting article about Airship Pyrates in it... http://www.steampunkmagazine.com/ (There are a few minor errors in the article that we would have fun with in TWILL, but he does get a lot of it right, so all in all, it is a pretty good article.) Steampunk Magazine can be purchased as hard copy,(see their page) or you can download the issues for free from thier web page.
I know there are a few pyrates here wot like Halloween..... so I figured we need a place ter post pictures of the cool pumpkins we've carved.... . . This is the first tyme I've tried carving a 3D pumpkin.... but I think it came out really cool.....
I haven't posted much in the Pub lately (well I do check in almost daily, just to see what's going on......)... But that is because I've been getting ready to go to Burning Man again this year..... This will be my fourth burn. I've posted about going to Burning Man before in Airship Pyrates, but this year I won't be going Steampunk, so it dosen't fit there anymore. This year Martie (some of you may remember her at PiP last year) and I are making a Barbaric Splendor Camp.... (kind of a mix of Celtic, Sythain and Mongolain with a bit of Conanish stuff tossed in for color....total fantacy, but it looks cool...) 20 Days.....and I still have a buncha stuff to finish.... have to sew in the new tent floor, finish my trike....I'm waiting for a horse tail to attach to the top of the helmet I welded together (still have a lot to learn about welding tho.... ) and print a buncha little flags with the rubber stamp that I made.... Oh yeah, and take a lot of pictures showing wot I've/we've already made.....(hopefully I should be able to post some photos by this weekend) Then it's off to Black Rock City for a week of dust and fun (and even more pictures.... Martie likes taking Pictures, so there will be lots of them to post afterwards...)
OK... I'm getting ready for PiP... I just have a few things that I have to fix for my male Buccaneer stuff, but I also have to make and dress two women by then. The Time period that I will be working on is 1669, I know Port Royal would have pretty much any clothing that was available in England at the time. So far I have found a few pictures from before the time period, and after.... So I have a kinda-sorta idea... but more and better information would help. It would be helpful if someone that has already found a site could post it, so I can spend more time actually making the clothing than surfing the web looking for pictures and discriptions.....
I wanted to post some pictures of some stuff I've been workin' on, But I didn't want to start a whole new thread just to show a few pictures..... SO...this thread is where anyone can post an' show thier artwork... wot they've painted, drew (drawed) or wot not..... *********************************************************************************************** *********************************************************************************************** Lately, I've been playin' in Second Life waaaaaay to much..... and I've made a few different Tiny Pyrate Avitars (a tiny is an Avitar that is only about half a meter tall) Anyway..... here are some "snapshots" of the Pyrate Avitars that I've made in 3D for Second Life..... A tiny PyRat A tiny Buccaneer Bunnie tiny Capt. PU And a tiny Plunder Bunnie I might post a snapshot of my full sized Steampunk Airship Pyrate Avitar later....
I found this link on another forum, but figured that others may find it interesting.... OK... the links don't load quite right (when the first one is done, just wait and the next should load)..... but it is a TV series about people that like to dress up.... (hey... we do that as Pyrates...) and they handle the different groups without getting snarky about it.... cool http://current.com/shows/the-current-countdown/92367212_dressed-for-action-part-1.htm Chaps (guys that like to dress up "nicely"), Super Heroes, LARPers, Animie, and cross dressers (the High heal/Drag race is kinda funny...)
Dang... I shoulda posted this last month... so now it's next weekend.... But there is a rendezvouse up in Mountain Ranch (California) this next weekend...So Red Handed Jill(TH' West Coast one) an' Jack....an' maybe som others outta the S.F. Bay area will be thar...... Yeah... sure... what's a rendezvouse gots ter do wit Pyrates ye may ask.... welll.... how many of you gots a gun wot ye just fire blanks outta.... at a rendezvouse, ye gets ter fire real balls outta th' dang thing....(just as God intended...) Most rendezvouse are pre- 1840's....... Hey.... Most of us are 1720's (well or 1669)... so that's way before 1840... so that fits.....(an' they kinda like us...something bout us being so dang sexy or somthin') Or somethin' like that.....
Boy, are you all going to hate me for this.... With my new laptop, I can play Second Life (my desktop, doesn't have a very good video card, so I could do some stuff, but it froze on me alla the time) But now I can run around there.... the good news is it is free (unless you wanna buy land and stuff...) The part you will hate me for is how much time you can spend there.... http://secondlife.com/?v=1.1 Anyway, right now I'm Silas Southmoor in Calidonia (or something like that)(it's one of the Steampunk community's) ... looking very gentlemanly and dapper... (Hey, on a scouting mission, I couldn't run around looking like an Airship Pyrate and raising suspiscions...) In the next few nights, I want to make Airship Pyrate clothing for my avatar, then weapons....(you can also give-away stuff that you've made...) I might have to actual register at a higher level (I'm using it free right now) but by registering, I can buy some property and build someplace for alla us Airship Pyrates to hang out at... I'll have to learn scripting, so I can see if I can make the Columbia's Revenge (and have it fly and carry people...(that's going to be the tricky part...)) But it might be a fun place for a buncha Airship Pyrates.... I'll post more later.... I'm suppose to be working right now