Patrick Hand
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That sounds like somethin' from Stardust..... Jus' so's ye knows ... I ain't no woopsie....... (an' if Jill posts that picture.... well .....Hey... it wer fer a good cause......) Well I ain't no Captain nether...... But I'll show ye me sexy scars any tyme......
You say that as if it's a bad thing........... Hugh.... no wonder they call it Pyrates in Paradise.... We gots th' rum... the HOT babes.... the fantastic ocean front view.... an' the sexists Pyrates gathered anywhere in the would.... Without getting too religious.... ain't that Paradise...... YEAH
But I do have th' loaded blunderbuss an' the two pistole... an' the sharp (sexy) cutlass...th' boardin' axe, an the assorted knives...... an' while yer were lookin' at alla that weponery........ I stole # 2's ticket........ Dang... I be sooo dang sneeky........Kinda wot makes me so sexy.... (an' covers fer losin' half O' me teeth.....) But chicks dig scars..... so I gots that covered......
.... and Waz that talkin' durty?....... Now yer goinna tell me that yer arra guy....... But why woulda guy call themselves alabaster cheeks....? OH the dirti images zippi' through me dirti brain....... OK.... maybe not the best way for me to introduce myself..... anyway... all joking aside.... HI.....
Hey... I don't havva silver tongue..... brass maybe... It be from bein' born from good 'onnist stock it be..... just a good 'onist sailor I be..... none a' that lootin' an pillagin' an' Pyracy an' such.... not fer me.... Now missy.. ye gots ter keep yer squinties peeled fer some a' th' likes 'round here.... ('specialy that Sterlin' fellow.... if ye cathces me drift...) an' bein' gus' the gentleman I be... why I ken 'elp ye..... Wood I lye ter ye?..........
CAPE ..... Keep the dang snow offa ye.... an' yer so fashionable when wearin' one......
I found this web page yesterday... well late last night.... http://www.lifestudent.com/hub/category/burning-man/ OK... lots of Burning Man stuff..... And I can't find the part I wanted to type about... (it's on one of his pages... just ignore alla the pink hair...) I was about how relationships form on the internet.... not stupid huggies or some hippy kinda thing.... But I got thinking.... real relationship do happen on the internet.... I've meet Ranson (and a lot of other Pyrates) .... but I know she (they) is a/are cool person/people because I've typed to her/them..... <OK convoluted.... but ye get me point...> I don't wanna sound weird... but there are a lot of people that I've typed to that I like.... and when you meet them... they are just as cool...... It's funny, I have a persona in the pub, and it is sorta like me.... (not better or worse than I really am).....just a different way of expressing who I am....... WOW.... there is something really interesting about that.... now just wish I got sex more often...... but that messed up wot you thought about me as you were reading this.....
COTE.... In TWILL they would know wot I was typin'
OK...OK...I HIT THE WRONG BUTTON.....so sue me..... I though I was in another thread... and the first thing I read is... Eeergh... when I read it thinking I was in (that) other thread.......Dang... .He's a lot more desperate than I am.......
Most of the DO's and DO NOTS are for safety (and survival) and to prevent MOOP (Mater Out Of Place... garbage.....) NO LIVE PLANTS.... well they just die in the desert environment, then blow away (more MOOP)..... the same with dogs... ( I did see a few, but you have to wonder about how much their owners really did love them.... IT'S HOT out there and dogs don't do well in that much heat....so it is for the dogs own good) The problem with RVs and Vans... is that the dust gets everywhere... ... nothing you can do about it.... But Stormfeather had two RVs with her camp... so maybe they do work...... But the Dust still gets everywhere..... you learn to deal with it... and then in a kinda weird way.... enjoy it (later...part a' th' memorys....... (yeah... I survived doing that....)) Yeah... $250- $280, is kinda steep.... But it is worth just paying it... (you can look on their website and see what they do with a lot of that money...) People ask me... "you paid $280 just to camp out in the desert......" well.. yeah... but it was worth every cent.... I can go on and on about it.... but WHY?... grumble about it... peeve and moan... but it still is worth the $280....... It would be a major pain in the...... lots of things to work out... BUT an Airship Pyrate Camp is doable.... I think it takes 13 people to form a "Theme Camp", About 5 people from last year should be going again.... and I can start a thread in Brass Goggles to find more.... (Halcyon (she set-up our camp last year) says she will help us with everything....) The Bomb Bay Tea Co. served tea to all of the savages last year... and that worked really great..... I don't wanna take over the BBTC.... but add to it....The guys that do the Neverwashaul.... liked what we did last year, and we may be collecting into a village..... (that's just a larger encampment) but right now I don't know what is happening.... I quess I'm use to Pyrates.... dang.... look at the PiP thread.... we all just got home, and were already planning for what we were going to do next year..... Hey... it lets us know wot to keep our eyes looking for.... (for example....if we wanted to make a jungle... look at all of the fake plants sold at yard sales..... cool $2.00.... buy it now and we can have a cool camp... that sorta thing.......) <RANT MODE ON> I'm going kinda crazy..... I keep posting in the BBTC thread.... wot are we doing next year?...... and drat.... nothing.... I like planning.... it doesn't mean that I spend alla my time only thinking about it, but I can keep my eyes peeled for something that will work......(hey... between Airship Pyrates... Pyrate Reenacting and re-doing alla my Buccaneer stuff for PiP next year... I gots plenty of stuff to keep me busy...) So.... If I can find .... lets just say 6 Airship Pyrates that can go to Burning Man next year..... and 2 local couples (I may or may not be able to talk into going) that wanna go... but we might have to dress them..... But we are getting close.... THEN... I can type in the BBTC thread.... "HEY GET OFFA YER ASSES..... OR WE ARE GOINNA TAKE OVER......." Airship Pyrates.... I really want it to work... I'm not trying to take over the BBTC.... I just want some feed back.... kinda .....NOW..... <RANT MOD OFF> Burning Man is the possibility of a fantacy that can come true... something so weird that ... woah is it only in my mind... or can I see it for reals.... that kinda describes Burning Man.... PiP is fun... well more than fun... PiP is THE PYRATE EVENT......But Burning Man is so dang mind twistingly weird in sooo many different ways..... (hey... th' Creame De Banna is starting to catch up with me brain...) But it is something that is fun..... Halcyon said it best.... "Why would you wanna take acid here...it's a waste of acid....this is better...." (Disclaimer... not that any of us have ever done such a thing... no not never ever..... and We never inhaled....) truthies.... drugs have never been a part of my lifestyle.... rum and beer be legal.,.. so that's wot I partake in...and that's wot I play with....(and pleadin' th' 5th on the rest...) Drug usage does happen at Burning Man... but just the same as wherever you live...... (and the Law is there to enforce it ... if you get outta hand)
Ya know... that would be really cool, and it would give him something to really look forward to.... Our attitudes, wishes and dreams have a great effect upon our health.... Think about it.... if he was going to go to PiP next year..... (OK that part will take some work)... and he's getting the swag, garb and stuff he needs to do so.... Think of the positive effect it would have on him..... Don't wanna sound morbid.... but even if it didn't work..... at least he had one heck of a good time.....
Hey... it don't matter when ye join th' parade... it just kinda happens.... I was out doin' somethin' (it probably had somethin' ter do wit drinkin').... but why walk alla that way to war th' parade starts when I can just sit on the side O' th' street and wait till the Pyrates comes ter me.... NOTE: clappin' and yellin' gets lotsa candy thrown yer way (or at you).... <the little girl, her brother an Mom got their bags fulla candy swag.... I waz jus' doin' me civic dooty....> Just glue yer hat ter yer head first........ I wanna type.... "get lucky..." but that would be tacky... (it would put on quite a show fer Capt. Jim and most of camp tho......) There is just so dang much going on, that if you miss one thing, it's because ye were doin' something else wot was just as interestin'..... I missed the Pyrate Olympics.... I wanted to see that, but Then I woulda missed wot I was doing.... (can't remember wot I was doin".... see I had a good time...) DANG... PIP needs to be a month long......
If Stynky's future enterprises have anything to do with hats.... I'm gluing mine ter me head..... The mead bit warn't no problem.... notice how I was intrusted ter get the two (kinda) lost bottles a mead back to Silkies....... Hey Stynky got some.... after we passed it around a bit first...... right about now, I'm spose ter say/type "Pyrate"... but nah... that would be in poor taste......
That's really good... I've never had the chance to mess with a digital tablet... I still do everything in pen and ink, then scan it... then paint and fix it in Photoshop.... Hey... encourage him to keep at it....
OK... First off, the environment at Burning Man is HARSH.... 110 in the shade during the day, and cold at night. Windstorms with gust of up to 70 mph... Humidity at about 0 and the powder fine brown dust that get everywhere... So why would anyone want to camp in a place like that? Well because we can... But for an Airship Pyrate Camp, it's not just being able to camp, it how to do it with a bunch of awesome and style... The Bomb Bay Tea Co's motto is "Victory through Opulence" Fortunately, Steampunk/Airship Pyrates are a fantacy about a time that never really existed, so authenticity is replaced with Aesthetics.. How to look good and stay (reasonably) (well semi) comfortable... Last year I made a tent for Burning Man.. It worked, but it didn't keep the dust out (that's impossible anyway) and it was to hot to take a nap in during the day... So... I'm going to make some modifications for this year... I'm going to add some vents to the tent for better air flow... (I can't keep the dust out anyway...) And I'm going to make a shade structure, to block some of the sunlight from hitting the tent, without blocking the air flow...
Sorry, I was going to continue this post last night, but I got drawing more pages for the Pyrate Comix.... Hopefully, I'll type more tonight,. Basically, Burning Man is a really inhospitable environment, so just to camp there requires very different gear than what you could take to most Pyrate events....
I modified page 24... it now reads.... "So We made a candybar" INTRODUCING... I didn't think it was very clear what Cannibal Chrispy the Chocolaty Crunchy Caribbean Treat was.... Now it should read better....
Welll I can't post the obvious.... PG13 monitor won't let me..... OK.... Then...... SNOT
Yay.... three more pages......