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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. A "Grumpy Pirate" fits a Pirate Theme better than a "Drunken Sailor" ? And Little Black Sambo was about an Indian boy, not an Afro/American.... but the PC police got rid of that...... Hey... lets Rainbow wash everything......
  2. Ever wonder why they don't show Popeye cartoons anymore? something about him smoking a pipe....
  3. This was in the What does you Avatar mean thread in Beyond Pyracy I figure it fits better here....... Red-Handed Jill Ransom, Aaah... I can see it now.... Red-Handed Jill, Ransom, and Rogue Mermaid at a Pyrate Barbie Doll Convention planning how to rescue Candie (or what was left of her after the Cannibals cut out her heart....) Too bad this isn't a Steampunk comix, then they could get Candi a mechanical heart..... Oh well................
  4. PEEL or KELP
  5. "Repair and Maintenance" can be a result of disciplinary action... going into the envelope to fix battle damaged struts and framework... That's when some of the crew has seen the Patch Monkeys... Patch Monkeys are like powder monkeys or Cabin Boys (only wilder)... They are young (8 to maybe 12 year old) boys who live up in the envelope and fix any gas bags that are damaged during battle.... Cannibal Chrispy's ... Is an excellent example of an ex-Patch Monkey......
  6. I'm going to have to type the whole thing out.... but basically, there was a Confederate Artillery Captain who had been working on an accurate range finder... right before the artillery bombardment preparatory to Pickets charge, he noticed that the ranges they had been given were too high... He reports this to (I think it was Alexander... who was in charge of the Confederate Artillery that day) and convinces him that the Range Finder does work.... SO the Confederate Artillery blows a hold through the Union lines, and Pickets Charge was a success... The Confederacy wins Gettysburg, and continues moving on Washington, so the Union agrees to an Armistice and lets the Confederacy secede... The Union of the United States and the Confederacy of the United States are no longer at War, but both Countrys are separated by treanchworks and fences, One can travel between them, but it is very similar to the Berlin Wall.
  7. When I make cartridges, I use a wooden former with the tip "cupped"... but once I've rolled the cartridge, Using my thumb, I roll and fold the end closed, and then push it into the cupped end (it looks kinda like a crimped end of a shotgun shell).. If you roll it tight enough, they don't break open....
  8. When I bought my Doglock musket from Loyalist Arms, they sent the stock and barrel in one shipment and the lock in another.....
  9. KEEP that KELP......
  10. a REAL SEAL.......
  11. Bo.... yer startin' ter worry us......... I finally got some batterys for my camera, so I should take some pictures kinda soon..... I still have to fix the legs on the jophers I made outta light blue denim, they are a mix of a pattern from The Bluebook of Men's Tailoring and the pockets from a pattern book on the Union Army uniform. ... And add eppiletts to the black leather combat vest (but it has a lot of pockets...) ... and finish the leather flight helmet.... I will be using the orangeish brown shirt that I use to wear for Civil War reenacting (14th TENN. Vol. Inf.) with arm garters.... I also want to make a holsterish belt and either make/modify ob buy a pair of gauntleted gloves. ... Eventually, I will have to buy a pair of Goth high boots and add a buncha straps and buckles....
  12. "And you try and tell the young people of today that, and they won't believe you...."
  13. Hey Bo... here 'ave a swig O' Rum.... (that's the official welcome ain't it?) Well the South Won the Civil War (just meant that they got to secede...) So uniform parts could still be worn.... One of the fun parts about Steampunk, is that it never really did happen, so you can mix and match to come up with a sorta Victorian flavor.... Hey... look at the movie "The Wild Wild West".... yeah... that sorta thing...... And because it never really happened, it's a fun "break" from having to worry/work on authenticity.... If someone tells you that "The Victorians did this...." all you have to tell them is "Not on our Airship they didn't...."
  14. MY BRAIN HURTS.......
  15. I'm waiting for the next post about how Michael got over the ice berm when he got home....... Yeah.... snowplow guys are all a buncha sadist.... I think they really enjoy pushing a huge mound of snow and ice across someones driveway just as they got it cleared..... (or wait until you're out, so they can mess everything up when you get home.....)
  16. Awh... where's the fun in that.... we'll jest get stuck in the bear...beer loop again..... Changing one letter and SCRAMBLING the letters makes it more versatile.... BOAR HOAR ROAR SOAR.... Well now what?
  17. Dang... that could be it's own thread.... I couldn't get Carol (my Boss, she went the year before last to PiP) to wear stays, the closet I could get her to wear were jumps.... but give you three guesses who made them..... I'm the one wot sews, and she is the one that sells the stuff (well animal mascots...)
  18. I agree... I don't think she (Dottie) has to be a member of the crew though... She has her Stateroom (with all of the fiddly Victorian gawdyness) But the shier isolation must be driving her crazy, which is why she keeps trying to stick her nose into everything the crew is doing..... She (Dottie) must live for meals, when she gets to talk to the Officers in the mess.....awh... the obligations of Rank.... I also like the idea that the Captain will never acknowledge her as his wife or by name, but only refers to her as "That Woman" (such as... Mr. Smith, will you escort "that Woman" off of the bridge.)... but he wont let us toss her overboard either......So we really don't know what her position/relationship is.... We are still in the developmental stage, but I like how everything is starting to "come together/work out"........
  19. Hey, those goggles came out nicely.... now that I have batterys for my camera, I have to post pictures of mine....and my almost complete combat vest....because the pockets are so handy, I've been wearing it all of the time... I still have a little more work to do on it tho.....)
  20. Aaah, we have just the thing for that.... Trixie Baltimore and her all girl majorette drill team will be preforming shortly....
  21. Yeah... kinda a shame, she was fun to draw..... oh well.....
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