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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. Well..... Is that any way for the Bombardier to act in a public forum...... Hummm.... the crew reviews are coming up shortly, and that may not look so good on your referrals...... (see... that's why I'm just Crew... I can pick me nose, and no one evev cares.......(it's just who I flick th' boogers at that gets me into trouble....))
  2. Yeah... God awful ugly.... but that was the "height' of Fashion..... I'm "playing " with the idea of making something like that... just to totally destroy it .... just to show what someone with more money/loot than fashion sense would do..... As in a Buccaneer that wanted to show off his wealth... and then went back to working...... But we are diverging.... what would the common Buccaneer have worn.... I might get away with making and wearing a totally "distressed " version of that sorta thing... and Animal might be able to carry off the look also.... But... I think we are back to the long un-tucked shirts, over breaches (if they didn't wear breaches, I just think there would have been more comments on that..) What is Do-able for someone that wants to do a Buccaneer impression (without going for some of the funnier stuff)...
  3. Nah... nah... nah... the bottles a' mead.... the three wot Stynky stole, an' I kinka carried back ter the Ordinary, (just so Stynky wouldn't stumble, fall and break 'em...) Thats wot we drank fer the rest of th' night..... alla that mead.... (If I said ... remember that mead... no one wot was there...would....) I stoll them from Stynky.... and then gave it all away..... (well drank me fill, and then gave Stynky the little wot was left in th' bottles after we passed 'em around....) And I still have me hat.....
  4. You can't go independent.... We pressed you into service..... Now be nice to us, and we might tell the Friggin Royal Navy that if we ever get caught....... Course.... we can sell you.... it's not that you have any choice in the matter........
  5. No he wouldn't.... Stynky would do better than that.... He'd sell the chain fer $20.00 and steal yer hat, then get someone to buy him a bottle O' mead......
  6. Patience is a virtue.... And I'm tired of waiting.... so much fer virtue.... So where are the pictures of "Saucy" Mary, after she got her hair(s) cut off...... They didn't cut just one hair... but alla her long red hair..... Awh heck... mad Dog'e and I... guys can have shorter hair.... But Mary's was so nice.... look at alla the pictures from the photo shoot showing it.... But I remember her (or someone else) saying it was "Saucy".... waving her (now short hair).... and looking so dang good doing so...... SO I wanna see a photo ......
  7. An tu-tu tango's ...
  8. I like reading Parnell and Niven, but I just couldn't get into that one..... maybe I should give it another try......
  9. I couldn't see that... yer lower lip was in the way....
  10. I should have just posted a drawing showing how I sew them.... would have made much more sense.... A seam rubber would be something nice fer me to make.... right now, I just crease the seams with my thumb...... But I'm also approaching hand-sewing more along the line of working with canvas/sails and not exactly garment sewing.....
  11. See... as clear as mud.... I pin one end of my seam to my trouser leg, kinda like an impromptu "Sail Hook" so I can pull the seam tight has I'm sewing it.....
  12. I fold the seam one more time (as I'm whip stitching it) and pin it to my trouser leg.... I find that it makes the whip stitching easier to do.... but you have to be sure that your don't bunch-up the seam...(fold it and crease the seam, before you sew it...) Dang... that typed out as clear as mud didn't it?.......
  13. Yeah, but that might be kinda the fun of wearing it..... Well not what it looked like when it was nice and new, but what it would look like after a Buccaneer had been wearing it "adventuring" and it just didn't hold up too well..... OH Boy... fun, fun, fun... trashed Foppery..... If anyone could pull of the look.... I think it might be me....
  14. Look at the muzzle flash... Remember how much fun you were havin' NOW show that picture to your loving Wife, tell her how much joy it was to fire.... She will understand...... <Remember, there is a reason why I'm still single.......>
  15. GIRL.... Hey, only changed one letter, and slightly re-arranged the letters.... But it does fit so nicely on that Triple Word square.... I think I'm winning this game.....
  16. John Steinbeck's Travels with Charley... I think it's the only Steinbeck that I haven't read yet.... and LXG (league of Extraordinary Gentlemen).... hideously terrible... i should just chuck it out.... but it is "just barely" well enough written that as long as it doesn't get any worse, I might finish it..... Hey, they were out of any Terry Prachet at the used book store..... Well and... Buccaneers Of America but it doesn't count, because I'm taking notes as I read it......
  17. Yeah... right now, most of the snow is cleared up, but the black ice is still there...... It does keep you on yer toes....... until you fall on your........
  18. Hey... now all you gotta add ter yer weaponry is..... An Authentic Stainless Steal Pyrate Ninja Katana..... then you could really kick a$$... there was a thread someplace in the Pub, from when I was looking fer one....
  19. Callinish's went out today....
  20. If you poke out yer lower lip anymore, th' crows will perch on it....... Besides... it be unbecoming fer th' Bombardier ter be poutin'.....
  21. I forgot about the forum changing.... Now I'll have to go through all of the post and edit them when I have some free time.....
  22. Hey.. I'm hopelessly single.... so yer on yer own fer that one......
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